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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

It doesn't make it a Muslim state, does it?
So, what our Muslim states did to us our Muslims brothers more than striving to break a sectarian war in my country, what the Muslim states did to Palestine, what they did at least for unity at least again for unity commerce, we're divided and our divisions is the backbone for losing Andalusia before and Palestine today and only God knows what we about to loose tomorrow.
These are the words, the supremacist attitude, that will take Islam to its doom.
No, Islam will prevail, since Islam something and Muslim something else, what we need a real democracy regimes that control there countries and a real enforcement of the law without any consideration to some ones position or (favoritism) the one that has the upper hand in our society where every corrupted useless one get in position where his main job is to steal as much as he could or preventing the good one been in the wright place, just look to the Muslims countries if you see them behind corrupted, let it be known that the main reason is (favoritism) which is mean corruption.
thank you Joe and I do appreciate that. We must be vigilant against extreme forces in our countries. But I tell you what concerns me is that we in Pakistan do have an issue with a small minority and it is maybe 2 to 3% because that's all that religious parties have ever got in elections. But what concerns me about India is that BJP the opposition party has links and has significant support in India

Sinking support, please note, sinking support. The people of India are cannier than the ideologues think. The last remnants of the BJP and the Parivar will be found on the Internet; they are very strong there.
Depending on various surveys, 42 to 27% Pakistanis consider murderous terrorists Lashkar E Taiba heroes and a majority Pakistanis think Osama Bin Laden's death was a bad thing.

Do check out a good 80% want adulterers stoned and apostates killed.

And you are worried about BJP, whose Vajpayee went all the way to Lahore, to be thwarted by that 2 to 3%!!!

Really what world do you live in?
If that's real that's a disaster.
Hon Vinod 2070,

I agree that being a Pakistani, it is difficult for me to be truly objective when it comes to India. .
This thread is however not about India versus Pakistan but whether India is a friend or foe of the Muslims.

I was born before the partition and my elders had lived with Hindus and Sikh for generations. I don’t hate India; neither do I consider India ‘Arch Enemy’. India is just an adversary.

Most of the text books that I read in school in the early 50’s were written by the Hindus and the English. I found nothing objectionable in these. It is only after the bigot Zia that historical text books have been changed in Pakistan. BJP has tried to do the same thing in India. Your comments in post number 387 imply that previous history books were incorrect and attempt to change is called for.

In another words, to exploit sins of the grand fathers and punish the grandsons for the crimes they did not commit is justified. This way of thinking goes against my grain and I consider this a crime against humanity.

If you read my posts, you may have noticed that I am against parties that exploit religious, ethnic or sectarian prejudices. That is why I am against all religious parties and also the parties that support strong rightist views in Pakistan.

BJP started as Bharatia Jan Sang and Rashtariya Swayamsevek Sang; both strongly sectarian and anti-Muslim parties. LK Advani's Ram Rath Yatra of 1990 was strongly anti Muslim which raised the fundamental question about definaition of secularism and brought to surface anti Muslim feeling previously hidden in many Hindus. This is what turned BJP from having only 2 seats in the 1985 elections to the largest political party in India.

No matter how objective I try to be, it is difficult for anyone as familiar with the subcontinent history as I am, to accept that India under BJP is a friend of the Muslims.

However, I have met scores of Indians during my visits to India as well my neighbours and colleagues in the US, UK and the UAE who were without doubt good friends of the Muslims. That is why I stand by my opinion that India is simultaneously friend and foe of the Muslims.

To summed it up, on an individual basis some Indians are friends to Muslims but as a nation under the current regime it is a foe to Islam.
The least to say is it is a very ambiguous relationship.
No, Islam will prevail, since Islam something and Muslim something else, what we need a real democracy regimes that control there countries and a real enforcement of the law without any consideration to some ones position or (favoritism) the one that has the upper hand in our society where every corrupted useless one get in position where his main job is to steal as much as he could or preventing the good one been in the wright place, just look to the Muslims countries if you see them behind corrupted, let it be known that the main reason is (favoritism) which is mean corruption.

True and to the point.(these are the exact reasons for the Arab spring revolutions to counter these anti islamic and anti justice practices).
By the way India suffers from the same or worst calamities too.
If we as Muslims read the biography of our prophet Muhammad PBUH we would notice that he was never start war against any nation or making any approach to that, yes he was ready to send troops to defend the new Islamic state without waging war against no other nation except the Arab tribes since they were pagans and they refused the new religion and they were waging wars against him while he sent messages to the great powers calling them for Islam, we should learn that our mission as Muslims is to call people for Islam as Allah taught us to do by patience, peace feeling of responsibility of our religion image among the others, not by violence disrespect to others, sorry if I couldn't deliver my point because my English not that good.
If we as Muslims read the biography of our prophet Muhammad PBUH we would notice that he was never start war against any nation or making any approach to that, yes he was ready to send troops to defend the new Islamic state without waging war against no other nation except the Arab tribes since they were pagans and they refused the new religion and they were waging wars against him while he sent messages to the great powers calling them for Islam, we should learn that our mission as Muslims is to call people for Islam as Allah taught us to do by patience, peace feeling of responsibility of our religion image among the others, not by violence disrespect to others, sorry if I couldn't deliver my point because my English not that good.

Thank you, however you as a shia are not consider a muslim by the fanatical wahabis this is a cancer from it must be destroyed.
If we as Muslims read the biography of our prophet Muhammad PBUH we would notice that he was never start war against any nation or making any approach to that, yes he was ready to send troops to defend the new Islamic state without waging war against no other nation except the Arab tribes since they were pagans and they refused the new religion and they were waging wars against him while he sent messages to the great powers calling them for Islam, we should learn that our mission as Muslims is to call people for Islam as Allah taught us to do by patience, peace feeling of responsibility of our religion image among the others, not by violence disrespect to others, sorry if I couldn't deliver my point because my English not that good.

Mr Malik Alashter

You point is very solid and you English is not that bad.
The message in the Koran was to spread Islam as a state of mind of submission to the will of God alone and not to despots, Pharaohs, dictators or worst to statues. And to do it in peace and harmony with this will of God.
Unfortunately Islam encountered too much ignorance on its path and Muslims had to take up arms to defend themselves and the will of God by the will of God, so they never deviated from this natural principle that every creature abides by, hence Surat i'qra' and the Koran as a whole.
But you're Hindu population far exceeds the Muslim one. India cannot be called a Muslim state in any way or form.
Now I know your secular and all that, but it's like this: suppose if a global war against Muslims started, and every country had to join one side or the other, will India join the Muslims or Anti-Muslims. Give your answer, and it's simple as that really.

We will handle the call centers for war of both muslims and the non muslim countries.... Happy! How ridiculous can people get on the name of religion.
True and to the point.(these are the exact reasons for the Arab spring revolutions to counter these anti islamic and anti justice practices).
By the way India suffers from the same or worst calamities too.

really, arab spring countries can just dream of the political process of India. Actually barring a few, the entire Islamic world doesn't possess the political process of India, each and every one plagued with dictators, mullahs or kings
really, arab spring countries can just dream of the political process of India. Actually barring a few, the entire Islamic world doesn't possess the political process of India, each and every one plagued with dictators, mullahs or kings
It doesn't change the fact that India suffers the same and worst, only in the place of dictators you call yours by different "democratic" names.
It doesn't change the fact that India suffers the same and worst, on ly in the place of dictators you call yours b different "democratic" names.

Well I cant really solve your dementia, can I?
You must be asking yourself this question, since you want your reality to prevail and the factual reality to be ignored.

your factual reality is something that ur mind projects and telling yourself thats true, due to ur anti india bias

hence your "facts" are potty when it comes to india

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