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India finalizing US $ 10 billion mega stealth frigates’ project

Why do we have different reports mentioning different weights for Shivalik class? I remember before their launch everyone was saying it had an empty weight of 6200 tons, now many sources give it as 4900. But this report says it's 6100 tons.

6100 tons is their loaded weight

this means P 15 destroyer's weight of 6,800 tons is empty weight and loaded weight 8000 tons approximately

because difference of just 700 tons between their weight is unlikely
Now Considering the fact that While Indian Rupee fell from 46 to 56
While Pakistani Rupee has fallen from 65 to 95
So who needs to be really worried

the internet hindu's obsession to Pakistan is never ending
Plus Italian design,among other things such as imported steel etc :cheers:

All the while China is churning out Type 054As for less than 400 million dollars a piece and at the rate of 4 a year, which can easily be doubled should the need arise。

steel is not imported

shivalik was going to use steel from Russia but due to delay in delivery we developed AB grade steel indigenously
i really not feeling happy by this news ARE WE WASTING TOO MUCH MONEY?
No amount of money is too much money. As they say, 'defences are never complete'. If the country survives, you survive.

So there's no question of 'wasting' money where defence preparedness is concerned. Period!
I see Pakistanis using this IH term very often now . Especially whenever they don't have an answer to a rebuttal to their BS claims :lol:

Dude it is still better than the words that people have for online pakistanis and chinese

Like online Mullah and 50 cent Party
I agree but don't you think 10 billion is a huge amount for complete ToT and 4 ships.
As per current updated news it has come down to 9 billion dollars including spare,weaponry,infrastructure.:coffee: I got a news that Hyundai,US company have pulled their hands to build 1 ship among these 7 ships after they new that all 7 ships will be built in India only. :hitwall:Any news about their AEGIS Combat system. A/N SPY radar is really wonderful.:smitten: India should at-least try for it. What others have to say about this?:undecided:

Plz Don't reply to Troll .

On topic : Are they planning to use composite hull ?
Because it reduces ship's visibility on enemy radar + reduced wight means more weaponry just like LCA(When you compare it with Mig 29).

steel is not imported

shivalik was going to use steel from Russia but due to delay in delivery we developed AB grade steel indigenously
Just ask him to provide a official link which says Type054C is priced at less that 400 million dollars. Oh come on. China is not any GOD's country where they can reduce ship price at their wish. Question is "are shipyard recovering the money or loosing the money". In India We pay at market price to even government agencies. That is why there is price difference. But not that much what our Chinese & Pak friends say. :wave:
Yet, we neglect subs which are stealthier? I just wish we put more effort into our subs.

This is being done in parallel but, yes, it does seem Subs are playing second fiddle to surface ships for the next few years. By 2020 IN would have inducted ~15 Subs but in the same time the surface fleet would have been bolstered by in excess of 100 ships. Of course by 2020 India's annual defence budget should easily touch $100 BN/year so the likelihood for more subs beyond 2020 is very likely and then by then Indian shipyards will be considerably more developed and capable to produce their own equipment/license build in rapid time.
As per current updated news it has come down to 9 billion dollars including spare,weaponry,infrastructure.:coffee: I got a news that Hyundai,US company have pulled their hands to build 1 ship among these 7 ships after they new that all 7 ships will be built in India only. :hitwall:Any news about their AEGIS Combat system. A/N SPY radar is really wonderful.:smitten: India should at-least try for it. What others have to say about this?:undecided:

Because it reduces ship's visibility on enemy radar + reduced wight means more weaponry just like LCA(When you compare it with Mig 29).

Just ask him to provide a official link which says Type054C is priced at less that 400 million dollars. Oh come on. China is not any GOD's country where they can reduce ship price at their wish. Question is "are shipyard recovering the money or loosing the money". In India We pay at market price to even government agencies. That is why there is price difference. But not that much what our Chinese & Pak friends say. :wave:

Nobody uses Aegis on Frigates. Yeah I know some navies do but they don't have dedicated destroyers and instead use frigates for the role o destroyers. Not to mention that all of those frigates are actually destroyer sized and named as frigates due to some political reason IIRC. We have dedicated DDGs and any Aegis/Aegis type combat system would be used on them only.
As fas as radar is considered these babies would be lucky if they get the MF-STAR 2248, most probably they won't. By the way the MF-STAR and it's combat system are very much comparable to SPY 1 & Aegis, what it lacks is long ranged S to A missiles.
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