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India and the Jewish people

India a foreign name.
Hind is foreign.
Hindustan is foreign.

Your real name is Bharat Rajya.

Even your religions name is foreign.

Is there any native culture left in India?

Some Indians are denying Aryan invasion of India. Too bad they cannot change history no matter how much they can BS.
In India Hitler is synonym of strict person. So when I say "My dad is Hitler, he won't let me out" means My dad is very strict and he won't let me out for fun.
The Nationalist attribute if Hitler is praise in India, We Indian (Those who believe in our roots) hate bad qualities of a person, not person. When lord Rama killed Ravana, he asked his brother Lakshman to show some respect for Ravana.

The person who abdicated his roots and accepted some foreign religion/sect may not understand it. Even the person who don't know Indianism can not understand it.. Our philosophy is based on love and peace, from Rama to Budhha, from Budhha to Gandhi we all practised peace. Our religion don't teach us hatered so we Indians are peaceful in nature.

. And yes Jews and Persians are integaral part of India, they are not threat to India, India is like there home, they can come anytime. These two culture was never threat to Indianism. while other Invasive religions are not welcome, as they are threat to natural ecology...

wow i learn somethng new every day.
so what @Icewolf write is basically true???
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Guys one thing i did not get it, why only Muslims fought against British for not to be ruled on the other hand hindus supported British? :undecided: (no offense, i do not know this part)

Mate is this some kind of joke or what?

You need some history lessons.
Some Indians are denying Aryan invasion of India. Too bad they cannot change history no matter how much they can BS.

This is interesting. Who is in denial ? India is a country of ancient immigrants from all over the world and a collection of once fragmented kingdoms . The term "Indian" applies to anyone holding a valid Indian citizenship. Defining an "Indian" as something else is very misleading and inaccurate.
Brahui is a sub clan of Balochs and Balochs have nothing to do with Dravidians :)

I think you need to be more circumspect on this matter. There is almost no doubt whatsoever that Brahui is a Dravidian language, if you are so certain that the Brahui are simply a sub-clan of the Baluch, explain why they speak a Dravidian language
For thousand of years India meant the land between Himalayas and the three seas. Thousand of years back China meant the land east and South of Great wall built to keep away invaders, now China is threefold including colonized land of Tibetan and Uyghur people.

What about Brahuis.

If you meant Bharat, it means the land of Hindus. Its a civilization, not a nation. Bharati is a people and civilization, but not a country or nation. Rough equivalence of Bharatis today would be Turks, Arabs or Slavs. Turks, Arabs and Slavs are a related people, not a nation. And I'm being generous here as Aryans and Dravidians are different people. They are tie together by a religion. So in a sense, Indians today are even more diverse than Turks, Arabs and Slavs of today.
Brahui is a sub clan of Balochs and Balochs have nothing to do with Dravidians :)

Don't know about Baloch but your claims are fake about Brahuis. Even the founder of Mehrgarh were Dravidian people.
The fact is that Indians, Pakistan's and Bangladeshis are the same people no matter how hard the Bangladeshis and Pakistanis try and get away from that, genetics's and history will tell you that.

damn mr sherlock is that you??
ofcourse we are genetically indian(south asian) you idiot lol, no body is denying that.

This is Laughable, India is called Bharat, India, Hindustan. Lets call is Bharat what is the problem, we are the cultural and a religious super power then and also now , will continue to be the one in future.

well since you guys want to be a super power that bad i guess we'll let you be the "cultural and religious" super power lol
Bengal is know for literature and other cultural tradition, today will you find that in east bengal?

Majority of people also migrated from UP and Bihar what kind of culture they bring to East Bengal?

In present day all you see in BD is some wannabe Arabs doing destruction in the name of religion :laugh:

India do have its heroes unlike Pakistan who worships their killer and molesters.

Ever heard of Chandra Gupta Maurya and Ashoka who ruled India which also include todays Pakistan and Afghanistan for alomost 3 to 4 centuries?

:laugh: you also claimed the same killers as Indians claim Mughals were Indians .

too bad you were invaded and molested by your own people?

And as far as BD is concerned they do not want to identify themself with Hindu bengalis. thats where you Indians start hating them
India is a european word

i googled "Indian"- the result showed the real indians-


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