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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

Read my post ... i said as compared to other other terrorists cells ....singling out events does not help in any way.. and try to understand what people are trying to say...your living in ignorance...

You are mixing out individual crimes v/s the organized mass murder which is committed by terrorists , both are bad but know the difference ....

Simply launching a military campaign wont help , if the people remain ignored and forgotten you will just end up with another movement ..i don't understand why you are not accepting that. The Fault is on our end as well.....

I never said that everything is hunky dory . I fully understand that the movement started due to the oppressing of people .

But now it has lost the ideology and is just another gang of criminals .

They are no more the liberators they are portrayed by some .

And I don't know what individual crimes you are talking about .

All these crimes committed by maoists are large in number from killing of innocents to oppressing their own cadres .

They are in now way some isolated incidents .

You mean Shivraj Chouhan? Prithvi Chavan has infact screwd up Maharashta and Bombay for the pathetic policies of their party.

OOps .. sorry .. I meant the MP CM .
I never said that everything is hunky dory . I fully understand that the movement started due to the oppressing of people .

But now it has lost the ideology and is just another gang of criminals .

They are no more the liberators they are portrayed by some .

And I don't know what individual crimes you are talking about .

All these crimes committed by maoists are large in number from killing of innocents to oppressing their own cadres .

They are in now way some isolated incidents .

OOps .. sorry .. I meant the MP CM .

Crimes are committed everywhere ...
As i said their ideology must end, i already told that ....but am against this "Kill them all" etc... etc....
idea which people have in mind , the fault is on our end , we are only dealing with one side of the problem while the mistakes of the govt. is not spoken about..
Crimes are committed everywhere ...
As i said their ideology must end, i already told that ....but am against this "Kill them all" etc... etc....
idea which people have in mind , the fault is on our end , we are only dealing with one side of the problem while the mistakes of the govt. is not spoken about..

There were mistakes in the past .

But now the naxals themselves do not allow these mistakes to be rectified as it will affect their recruitment .

I agree with you . kill them all is not going to help .

Rehabilitation of the foot cadres and extermination of the top leadership along with development onto the affected area is the only solution .
This is Indian's internal problem and leave it to that. I am assuming you have some kind of hatred against Muslims. Why are you bringing Islam into this. First of all do some research and you would know that the 72 virgins belongs to a weak hadith. Now grow up!

I belong to a muslim dominated area and have more muslim friends than hindu one so your notion is wrong.

Islam dont vindicate terror but still we do have terrorist which are feed propaganda like that and who believe they are doing some good to islam which they are actually not.

I was responding to a post which want me to show sympathies to such terrorist as well and I denies. Where did I went wrong? Dont read selective and think of me as some hater.

The ideology is long gone and dead, now it's about money making, extortion and brain washing village folks and tribal youth.

Every Ex naxal who surrenders comes out disillusioned, cheated and feeling used.

What's wrong in feeling concerned for those who couldn't come out and surrender just because they couldn't understand the real evil motive of their leadership?

They too will get killed. For God sake, please understand they are uneducated "us" who dont think in "our" lines.
What's wrong in feeling concerned for those who couldn't come out and surrender just because they couldn't understand the real evil motive of their leadership?

They too will get killed. For God sake, please understand they are uneducated "us" who dont think in "our" lines.

The reason why the army or the air force does not engage them and they are given a long line so that they can surrender. Even a full scale operation will result in more possible surrender. Thousands of naxals have given up arms and have been rehabilitated before as well - that was an effective way in bringing the movement down in Karnataka.
Thank Heavens that people like @Lil Mathew and @IND_PAK raise their voices to remind us of why the Naxals exist.

Sir, we all look for ease and unfortunately the easiest way is to kill them all.

Who will get killed? Not us, not like of us: educated and capable but the poor expandable souls. No one gives a fcuk. Tag them terrorist, dust your responsibility and kill them as if they never wanted to live like us, as happy as we are, as a family.

The other solutions will be tough and more demanding. It will ask for dedication and sympathy. Our politicians dont have that so to keep @janon and other elite class happy and safe, they will kill them all or make them to live a life of suppressed.

Thanks for your support.

The reason why the army or the air force does not engage them and they are given a long line so that they can surrender. Even a full scale operation will result in more possible surrender. Thousands of naxals have given up arms and have been rehabilitated before as well - that was an effective way in bringing the movement down in Karnataka.

Yes they are giving them a long line before they get killed but why cant they use the same long line to make things more suitable for them to restart their life with honor?

Ironically, our states are doing everything to push more naxalism.

Here is what the 'innocent maoists who are only fighting for their rights and against oppression' actually do to poor tribals an villagers:

Maoists in India kill 8, hack limbs off three
India Maoists kill 8, dismember 3 villagers - The China Post
Maoists kill Bihar farmer for not paying 'tax' - Hindustan Times

@IND_PAK @WAR-rior

You are going into wrong territory mate which may force people to post state oppression incidents to counter your examples.

Result: We both would be the loser. End of the day we both want India to win.
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You are going into wrong territory mate which may force people to post state oppression incidents to counter your examples.

Result: We both would be the loser. End of the day we both want India to win.

It has already been done. People have already talked about human rights violations by policemen, as if that excuses naxalism. That is why I wanted to bring out the other side of the story, to show that naxals are not white as milk heroes struggling to end oppression, but are themselves enforcing their writ by cruelty and intimidation.
It has already been done. People have already talked about human rights violations by policemen, as if that excuses naxalism. That is why I wanted to bring out the other side of the story, to show that naxals are not white as milk heroes struggling to end oppression, but are themselves enforcing their writ by cruelty and intimidation.

You are always online kya? Get very quick response everytime. :D
Yes they are giving them a long line before they get killed but why cant they use the same long line to make things more suitable for them to restart their life with honor?

Ironically, our states are doing everything to push more naxalism.

From your posts it's obvious that you do not know much about these naxals, for starters - they are anti establishment, they oppose every development, educational, upliftment, industrial initiative by the GOI or by private companies. They do not believe in policing, elections, gram panchayats or the governors seat.

There is some truth that mining, cement, chemical, steel, timber companies take away from the environment and the forests that the tribal's inhabit and there is also some logic in saying that it does not directly percolate in equal amounts to the sons of the soil. But then industrialization is a necessary evil that eventually does bring some development to the area.

Besides the tribal's as a rule don't own the forests and the hills - that belongs to the GOI - but they do not believe that. That's a contrived statement because the tribals have resided in those hills and forests for centuries but then the truth is that the minerals and the resources do belong to the GOI and not to individuals. Corruption, destruction of environment is all true, but how else does one bring a whole class of people out of the wilderness if not for industrialization or education or rule of law?

Attacks on government buildings, government staff, post offices , schools, dispensaries, election booths, government vehicles, police stations etc does not encourage development in those areas.
For those who keep on harping about development as answer to Naxalites problem please answer the following questions
1 when schools and hospitals are built in the tribal areas why do naxals bomb them?
2 for infrastructure development land is required. You are not willing to give up forest land and then say that no development is taking place
3 if civilian contractors and workers fear for their life in working in Naxalites area then how will development take place?
4 all development requires money. This money can come through use of immense mineral wealth available in that region. If you don't allow mining and other activities how will development take place?
5 when mines and factories are setup it will lead to job creation and trickle down effect and ultimately everyone will benefit. Sure the owners will get huge profits but if there is no reward why will someone take the risk?
6 Tribals are not been allowed to take part in democratic processes. There were reports during recent elections that tribals had requested EC not to put indelible ink on the fingers as they feared the Maoists will kill those who voted. How will you get the govt you want if you don't vote?
Thank You.

Rest of your post talks about your high intellect... I am not worthy to respond to.

The fact is - we are way over the labor unions, Socialism, communism etc.

A couple of basic questions.
1) how do you think GOI or NGO's or anyone who is interested can bring change to the tribal's and can dissuade the naxals?

2) Where does their policy of Maoism and socialism fall in the present context of India?

For those who keep on harping about development as answer to Naxalites problem please answer the following questions
1 when schools and hospitals are built in the tribal areas why do naxals bomb them?
2 for infrastructure development land is required. You are not willing to give up forest land and then say that no development is taking place
3 if civilian contractors and workers fear for their life in working in Naxalites area then how will development take place?
4 all development requires money. This money can come through use of immense mineral wealth available in that region. If you don't allow mining and other activities how will development take place?
5 when mines and factories are setup it will lead to job creation and trickle down effect and ultimately everyone will benefit. Sure the owners will get huge profits but if there is no reward why will someone take the risk?
6 Tribals are not been allowed to take part in democratic processes. There were reports during recent elections that tribals had requested EC not to put indelible ink on the fingers as they feared the Maoists will kill those who voted. How will you get the govt you want if you don't vote?

It's untenable, on one side the tribal's who live under the wrath of these naxals do not gain benefits, which causes them to fear the naxals and loath the Indian establishment - who they think are not doing enough for their upliftment - its a catch 22 situation and the only solution to it is the naxals need to be weeded out.
Its not love of Naxals , when the govt. throws you out of your own land for some foreign company and the pathetic judicial system makes it impossible for you to get justice , then what do these people do ? .Naxals are getting recruits because of lack of development and education. These people fight because they have been left with no choice ... Development, education and increased standard of living will destroy the Naxalites and their ideology .

If you are equating Naxalites with Terorrists then you can't tell the difference , Terrorists just want to increase their narrow minded religious views and get 72 women , these people fight because their plight has been ignored by the Indian govt.

If this offensive is backed by proper development , education jobs etc...then its good , otherwise you will simply endup fighting the same problem after 5-10 years under a different name....

I have sympathy for the Tribals and other locals who join them because of the incompetence of the Indian govt. Give them a chance to surrender and make their lives better , but you have to destroy the Naxals and Maoists , kill/capture their leaders force them to disband the organization....
yeah i got it mate,these scums have killed more than 10,000 innocent civilians and security forces in the past 2 decades just because they have some grievances against the functioning of the GoI.
whenever i see people sympathisizing with the Maoist cause i simply laugh at their ignorance because this is exactly what they are trying to achieve by spreading false propaganda in the common masses and people are really falling for it.
i know a lot about these scums as my maternal family hails from a maoist dominated state.these bast*rds literally running extortion racket in that state and my maternal family has suffered a lot because of them as my eldest uncle own a couple of medium size factories there.they don't deserve our sympathy,they are just like parasites and hence should be eliminated in the most ruthless manner.
i just wish that the next Govt. at the center will have the guts and the will power to eradicate this cancerous problem once and for all from this country.the more we show mercy on these animals the stronger they get.this is the optimum time to wipe out their higher and middle leadership for the good of this country.....

when did Naxals bomb any train? They only bomb govt vehicles to refrain them from entering their forests and gain intellegence and recce to counter Naxalitte dominance in those jungles.

I only say, Naxals want their rights. Nothing else. What you smoking bro? :D
i think you have forgotten about the Gnaneshwari incident in 2010.these scums allegedly killed more than 150 innocent men,women and children just for some fun..:angry:
Jnaneswari Express train derailment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
they have also blew up a bus full of innocent civilians in Chattisgarh only because they had a few Special Police Officers as their co-passengers...
2010 Dantewada bus bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Do u even know the schools and hospitals are built as barracks for police.

And regarding a one off incidence of terrorism, which even the tribals condemned, most cases are in forests.

Also, our police force end up killing innocent people in name of naxalittes and term it as collateral damage. So convinient rite?

You need to understand, Police are corrupt and involve in wrongdoings against the trials coz they answer the politicians, politicians answer their ministers and ministers earn their bucks from corporations.

Now you temme why do u wanna support your corrupt politicians?
ohh so according to you only the Police Forces are to blame for all this bloodshed.i don't believe that the C.P.I.(Maoist) is full of saints.they have killed thousands of innocent civilians and most of these civilians were poor tribal people.they usually kill anyone only on the basis of mere suspicion.so if the maoists claim that they are fighting for the oppressed classes then why is it that most of the civilians killed by the maoists belonged to the same class!!
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