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Imran to Nawaz: Take stand on drones, we will support you

His own boats ? Pakistan isnt his ???

Why IK can't remain in his own boats? What is his problem? He is in no position to enforce anyone. Not even his own announced CM. He lost it, so keep quiet now. NS will do what ever He thinks is a priority. IK can't dictate Government to support his colleagues (TTP).

PS: It's one of NS promise that to stop Drone attacks by dailgoues. But IK should be worried about his own "New" KPK. and stop supporting those who are not in mood of peace.
Nawaz is a weak character, devoid of any courage, leadership and patriotism.

Lanat on him and the people who support him.

You cannot send lanat on someone for having different political views.... I dont like NS...but if we follow your logic and start sending lanat for being in different politic mindset than looking at his vote bank you will get lot more lanat in return.
You cannot send lanat on someone for having different political views.... I dont like NS...but if we follow your logic and start sending lanat for being in different politic mindset than looking at his vote bank you will get lot more lanat in return.

You can when their views means the country is run by a Ghadar.

That is a crime of treason punishable by death.

If only Musharraf had hanged him when he had the chance.
Nawaz is a weak character, devoid of any courage, leadership and patriotism.

Lanat on him and the people who support him.

Hey hey hey, come now. The new government hasn't taken over yet. You can't go around holding Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif responsible when he has no power for another 5 days.

President Asif Ali Zardari should be questioned.
Weren't we rejoicing the death of that TTP leader the other day? He must be talking about the bad drones that kill good Talibans. :rolleyes:
It is sad, and, at the same time, illuminating, that Pakistan's leadership would spend even a nanosecond on the "problem" of US drone strikes. Drone strikes represent about 0.000001% of Pakistan's real problems. ANY time spent fretting and hyperventilating over them is a waste of leadership and societal energy. More "innocents" contract polio in Pakistan than are killed by US drone strikes.

what an arrogant piece of jew that thought invading another country wasn't even a problem. what a stupid angloamerican who thought justice was measured by the number of dead.
You can when their views means the country is run by a Ghadar.

That is a crime of treason punishable by death.

If only Musharraf had hanged him when he had the chance.

who is ghaddar U or NS, his priority is economy, 180 million's life, if your leader is so much Loyal to country why didnt he marry a pakistani girl, why dont he goto to afghan border and fight with american and also took his burger supporter, your zani leader didn't even get 50% of seats from KPK so s.t.f. u no one gives u right to dictate the majority view ,,, ISI's new test tube party.
Pakistan is at the edge to become a failed default state... only PTI Zionist wants a war with SuperPowers at this moment, i support NS to first recover some economy when we have some money in 3-4 years then we buy new weapons and then eliminate them.
Pakistan is at the edge to become a failed default state... only PTI Zionist wants a war with SuperPowers at this moment, i support NS to first recover some economy when we have some money in 3-4 years then we buy new weapons and then eliminate them.

It doesn't work like that.

To induce economic growth you need investment. In order to get investment you need peace (no drones) and law and order.

Nawaz is weak so peace will not happen, therefore you will not have law and order in the country.

That means no investment and no growth.

So in 3-4 years we will be broken up into pieces and we will be busy eliminating ourselves in our provinces.

Do you understand the fallacy in your argument now?
Imran is an extremely pathetic and immature politician. He spits words out of his mouth first and than think later. Pakistan does not want any hostility with US at this time. US is a super power, and they control the world economy. If you **** US off, pakistans economy will go down the drain and lets not forget, US funds pak army. Imran is like a child who cries for attention. Even though he has miserably lost in the elections, he will continue to talk out of his butt. He has a history of taking U-turns and blaming his miserable failures on others.
Despite being an N supporter, I openly say that the only solution to TTP cancer is their eradication through war. However, TTP alone is not the cluprit, there are at least 30+ extremist groups operating in FATA. For example, just besides the Bara, a local group like Lashkar-e-Islam operates with Impunity. Even TTP has started to strengthen their position before any dialogue by increasing attacks on forces and public. These people need to be dealt with an Iron hand, not a buquet of roses.

I agree with you hussian ... but there is so much anti americanism in Pakistan ..Pakistan should get out of the war ..there is so much local support of taliban in our society ....We should start treating the disease instead of the syptoms .. Being in tarible areas, i know the it is very hard to fight for any army in those conditions ... we should try to resolve it before the american's go ..otherwise that would be much harder for US ...
It doesn't work like that.

To induce economic growth you need investment. In order to get investment you need peace (no drones) and law and order.

Nawaz is weak so peace will not happen, therefore you will not have law and order in the country.

That means no investment and no growth.

So in 3-4 years we will be broken up into pieces and we will be busy eliminating ourselves in our provinces.

Do you understand the fallacy in your argument now?
When there will be no TTP, there will be no drone strikes, no US and thus the peace.
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