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Imran to Nawaz: Take stand on drones, we will support you

When there will be no TTP, there will be no drone strikes, no US and thus the peace.
Than USA will attack you for some other reason and TTP is going no where USA would run away and than you will be doomed TTP has thousands who are ready to replace those who die but you don't have much time to fight them and they have lot of time and patience to keep this fight on and on
I cud already see nawaz sharif perspiring :) the biggest curse for nawaz this time is the presence of Imran Khan & PTI in the opposition, the only way out for nawaz right now is either stop drones or shoot them out.
Imran is an extremely pathetic and immature politician. He spits words out of his mouth first and than think later. Pakistan does not want any hostility with US at this time. US is a super power, and they control the world economy. If you **** US off, pakistans economy will go down the drain and lets not forget, US funds pak army. Imran is like a child who cries for attention. Even though he has miserably lost in the elections, he will continue to talk out of his butt. He has a history of taking U-turns and blaming his miserable failures on others.

Two petitions were tabled in the parliament against drone attacks during PPP govt., both by PML-N.

Than USA will attack you for some other reason and TTP is going no where USA would run away and than you will be doomed TTP has thousands who are ready to replace those who die but you don't have much time to fight them and they have lot of time and patience to keep this fight on and on
Thats why I said, reduce poverty. Strengthen the economy. Counter the breeding grounds of TTP. Unless we dont put a halt on their supply line. With or without drone strikes, they will keep growing.
PMLN supporters don't even know their own policies. The height of stupidity.
Two petitions were tabled in the parliament against drone attacks during PPP govt., both by PML-N.


But they did use the democratic way. PTI should also use the democratic channels and bring forth this issue in National Assembly. But it seems that they like to stick to roads than using legitimate channels.

PMLN supporters don't even know their own policies. The height of stupidity.
But if you say that bringing down drones is a policy.....than all I can say is that........Komplan.....
But they did use the democratic way. PTI should also use the democratic channels and bring forth this issue in National Assembly. But it seems that they like to stick to roads than using legitimate channels..

If I am not wrong, the resolution for ending drone strikes was passed in the very first year of PPP govt. We are still waiting to see if the 'democratic' way is of any use. The problem my friend is that you and I are not being affected by these strikes, those who are, have voted for a party that claimed to end these inhumane strikes if elected to power. And they have their promises to keep!

Secondly if my children being killed by somebody in my home, I will not wait for the police to come and rescue them. Will take action myself, no matter if I live or die.

Thats why I said, reduce poverty. Strengthen the economy. Counter the breeding grounds of TTP. Unless we dont put a halt on their supply line. With or without drone strikes, they will keep growing.

Economy cannot be strengthened without ending this war of which ending drone strikes is an important part.
.But if you say that bringing down drones is a policy.....than all I can say is that........Komplan.....

And bringing them down is not the only option. We can use other means such as negotiating their supply routes.
Despite being an N supporter, I openly say that the only solution to TTP cancer is their eradication through war. However, TTP alone is not the cluprit, there are at least 30+ extremist groups operating in FATA. For example, just besides the Bara, a local group like Lashkar-e-Islam operates with Impunity. Even TTP has started to strengthen their position before any dialogue by increasing attacks on forces and public. These people need to be dealt with an Iron hand, not a buquet of roses.

The extremist elements are not only restricted to FATA... they're in Punjab and Karachi too. Why not do an operation there too? BTW, what have we got from these continued operations of over 8-years now? Show me any good outcomes? How many terrorist have you seen convicted in the courts of justice? Show me a single terrorist convicted so far?

On the Bara issue; I live on the border of Bara as we speak, the fight is between two militant groups for control of the power i.e Laskhar-e-islam and Ansarul-Islam... the Laskhare-Islam fellow known as Mangal Bagh was (or may be is) an establishment man. I've seen him with my own bared eyes entering Bala Hisar port under the protocol of FC.

You cannot contain those people with force, the only thing is restricting external support to them, dialogues and a bit of meeti zuban... that's it.
His own boats ? Pakistan isnt his ???

He is a rival, and lost it. So lost his chance. Now it's NS's Priorities or may be some common person's. But IK is not a common person any more. He might can bring some resolution for his demand that too in the parliament, but dictating NS.. Sorry...
Thats why I said, reduce poverty. Strengthen the economy. Counter the breeding grounds of TTP. Unless we dont put a halt on their supply line. With or without drone strikes, they will keep growing.

Well than tell was Osama from a poor background or was Dr zawahiri from poor background or those who did 9 11 were they from poor background Sir you can't finish them if you will keep killing them on American orders they will get more support both from rich and poor Muslims this is not about poverty this war is about Islam and Muslim if you attack them you will pay the price and a real heavy one
Why isn't Pakistan given control of the drones so that we can target the top commanders of the Taliban. The militants must be vanquished utterly but we don't seem close to finishing off the militants.

With this drone strike it has become proven that while the US and other NATO countries possess the ability to strike at the top leaders of the Taliban Pakistan still does not possess this ability. Other than 2 spokesmen, Maulvi Umar and Muslim Khan no top militant commander and spokesperson has been captured or killed by our armed forces.
The extremist elements are not only restricted to FATA... they're in Punjab and Karachi too. Why not do an operation there too? BTW, what have we got from these continued operations of over 8-years now? Show me any good outcomes? How many terrorist have you seen convicted in the courts of justice? Show me a single terrorist convicted so far?

On the Bara issue; I live on the border of Bara as we speak, the fight is between two militant groups for control of the power i.e Laskhar-e-islam and Ansarul-Islam... the Laskhare-Islam fellow known as Mangal Bagh was (or may be is) an establishment man. I've seen him with my own bared eyes entering Bala Hisar port under the protocol of FC.

You cannot contain those people with force, the only thing is restricting external support to them, dialogues and a bit of meeti zuban... that's it.

Astanosh thats just rumour mongering. I believe the real alliance is between Ansar Ul Islam and the army. The Ansarul Islam are meant to beat back Mangal Bagh and TTP. Remember the fighting started between these groups then Pakistani warplanes attacked and bombed Lashkar E Islam and Taliban. The army came in support of the Ansarul Islam so in reality they are their pets. Lashkar E Islam I believe has no link to the Pakistan army or the establishment but if you are from the area you probably know better.

In either case the militants need to be utterly vanquished. We need a solid plan against the terrorists and we should attack and destroy them. Unfortunately (it is bad for our reputation) its been others who have killed the main terrorists. For example Wali Ur Rehman or Baitullah Mehsud. I am glad these men are dead but a lot more needs to be done to curb militancy.
Drones are the only thing actually hurting TTP.Baitullah,terror of pakistan killed by drone.Yeserday another top TTP leader killed by drone.It seems few drones are doing more damage than whole of PAK army.
The extremist elements are not only restricted to FATA... they're in Punjab and Karachi too. Why not do an operation there too? BTW, what have we got from these continued operations of over 8-years now? Show me any good outcomes? How many terrorist have you seen convicted in the courts of justice? Show me a single terrorist convicted so far?

On the Bara issue; I live on the border of Bara as we speak, the fight is between two militant groups for control of the power i.e Laskhar-e-islam and Ansarul-Islam... the Laskhare-Islam fellow known as Mangal Bagh was (or may be is) an establishment man. I've seen him with my own bared eyes entering Bala Hisar port under the protocol of FC.

You cannot contain those people with force, the only thing is restricting external support to them, dialogues and a bit of meeti zuban... that's it.
1- For terrorists to breed, they need strongholds or No-Go areas so they can run their infrastructure and ops smoothly. FATA provides them with that. While TTP draws support from other provinces but this is mainly constrained to fund raising and human resources. The resource is polished and operationalized from the training camps of FATA. Thats why I categorically said that we need to hit on their supply lines and infrastructure. Deprive them from main line supporters. Its ironic that some Madrissas accross Pakistan continue to provide them with breed which can be easily exposed to TTP's ideology. Secondly keep pounding their infrastructure. Yes they will continue to hit back but there is a limit. Thats why I said that madrissa reforms is a necessary program where Government should free madrissa system from politics and sectarian content. Furthermore develop a parallal and more efficient education system (like madrissa-school hybrids) to divert the supply from madrissas to that system. We need to hit them at their strenghts. Unless we dont do that, they will continue to re-emerge in one form or another.
2-We have all seen the result of methi zuban in Swat where they virtually captured the whole region and then started to make more and more promises. Had they got support there why would there be anti-Taliban lashkars operating in the region? Furthermore negotiating provides them with crucial time to restrengthen their infrastructure, even before current negotiations they had started to make such demands which would be difficult to meet by the government. They deserve a pounding. Rather strengthen the law enforcement infrastructure, appoint competent and honest officials and assure them full support with only one task, ensure NO MORE VIOLENCE!
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