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Imran to Nawaz: Take stand on drones, we will support you

Can Nawaz & Imran join hands to end the Drone Strikes? ..There is a good chance they can, only if they believe that now they have the power to do so. This self-belief and confidence is important.
Everything flows out from what you believe in.

Obama Administration is under tremendous domestic and international pressure on the issue of Drones. There are various reasons: these represent extra-judicial killings and a burden on international especially European conscience; the strong Pakistani public opinion as expressed by Imran and victory of PTI in KPK, the 15 million votes of PMLN, a party that never approved of Drone Strikes - unlike PPP and ANP - but perhaps the most important reason is that Obama wants to wind down the war and declare victory (however fake that may be) they way he did in Iraq in 2011 (read Vali Nasr about that in Dispensable Nation) and most of the original targets of Al Qaeda are actually finished. For all practical purposes whatever Al-Qaeda was, is now dead or dying. Americans are now fighting an insurgency in the form of Afghan Taliban which they have finally realized that they cannot win, could have never won, so they need a semblance of stability before they leave. (the kind of smoke screen they created in Iraq before leaving)

Drones were as much, if not more, political than they were strategic. Bush increased the number of Drone Strikes before the election of 2008 to show toughness against terrorism. Obama multiplied Drones to reduce pressures from CIA and Pentagon who argued for "boots on ground" inside Pakistan. And Drones are very popular in the US, they make Americans feel very macho and strong. So Obama - a President from the weaker side of US politics - has used them as a tool of power, but while the drone remains a powerful too in the American arsenal, its real need inside Pakistan is decreasing. US will very much like Pakistanis to negotiate so that they can develop consensus on a frame work for minimum strikes with Pakistani approvals (may be issued later) they way it was in Musharraf era. (just 6 strikes from 2004 to 2007) But this may not be possible for Pakistan and its political parties. However a strong, well prepared initiative from Nawaz backed by Imran (Good cop, bad cop) can find a solution; but Nawaz govt will have to give something in return, Americans will need a quid pro quo. Ending Drones without a Pakistani gesture, a quid pro quo will be a political liability for Obama and he won't be able to do it...ball is in Nawaz Sharif's court...
We did an interesting discussion with Ahsen Iqbal, Dr. Shirin Mazari, Maleeha Lodhi and Ikram Sehgal; see the common ground between PMLN and PTI on this issue....22-23 million votes on this single issue speaking with one voice... Moeed Peerzada.
easier said than done..i doubt if he would have been able to stop these drones.in fact m sure,that they would have continued..

Thousands of people died, millions got displaced... Hundreds of military personnel killed and 100s of terrorists captured out from the battle field and yet the agencies were/are unable to prosecute them. And yet you expect the conflict to come to a halt... what earth are you living on?
I never said it would come to halt. It would only come to a halt when there will be no TTP and GoP will establish its writ in FATA.
Actually unless drones are stopped, Pakistan will be in no position to deal with this problem in its own way. It will always be seen not just by Taliban but people at large to be a collaborator in this US war. After all, drones cant enter our airspace without our permission.

Fine a TTP man was killed, if its true. But army and government of Pakistan will be seen as collaborator in a war against its own people. This is a bad thing for long term stability of the region. If this perception holds ground, then even people of Pakistan will stop believing in army and government.

So our leadership has to decide if it wants to find a peaceful solution on its own term or be at the receiving end of attacks from TTP. If it wants a lasting, peaceful solution then no matter how attractive drone program seem to be, it has to firmly stop them.

Dont forget that America will go one day. Its the people of Pakistan who will suffer the long term consequences.
Who asked Pakistan to come to this? If they started operation at the first hint in Swat or even better, not even allowed the yahoos to take root, then all these problems would not be there. US would have no reason to bomb Pakistan.

It is clear why Pakistan cannot do anything against drones. There is an agreement in black and white between USA and Pakistan to allow drone strikes in its territory. If any such agreement has to be unilaterally broken, then Pakistan better find alternative sources for the $ 2+bil that US gives as freebies.

Drone strikes started only after Musharraf expressed helplessness in controlling his own territory. He had to act like he is not in control to avoid exposing his complicity in the Taliban sheltering in Pakistan. Well, now Pakistan got what he wished. It actually has lost control.
I thought IK would get some maturity after the defeat. But the same gibberish continues.
Can Nawaz & Imran join hands to end the Drone Strikes? ..There is a good chance they can, only if they believe that now they have the power to do so. This self-belief and confidence is important.
Everything flows out from what you believe in.

Obama Administration is under tremendous domestic and international pressure on the issue of Drones. There are various reasons: these represent extra-judicial killings and a burden on international especially European conscience; the strong Pakistani public opinion as expressed by Imran and victory of PTI in KPK, the 15 million votes of PMLN, a party that never approved of Drone Strikes - unlike PPP and ANP - but perhaps the most important reason is that Obama wants to wind down the war and declare victory (however fake that may be) they way he did in Iraq in 2011 (read Vali Nasr about that in Dispensable Nation) and most of the original targets of Al Qaeda are actually finished. For all practical purposes whatever Al-Qaeda was, is now dead or dying. Americans are now fighting an insurgency in the form of Afghan Taliban which they have finally realized that they cannot win, could have never won, so they need a semblance of stability before they leave. (the kind of smoke screen they created in Iraq before leaving)

Drones were as much, if not more, political than they were strategic. Bush increased the number of Drone Strikes before the election of 2008 to show toughness against terrorism. Obama multiplied Drones to reduce pressures from CIA and Pentagon who argued for "boots on ground" inside Pakistan. And Drones are very popular in the US, they make Americans feel very macho and strong. So Obama - a President from the weaker side of US politics - has used them as a tool of power, but while the drone remains a powerful too in the American arsenal, its real need inside Pakistan is decreasing. US will very much like Pakistanis to negotiate so that they can develop consensus on a frame work for minimum strikes with Pakistani approvals (may be issued later) they way it was in Musharraf era. (just 6 strikes from 2004 to 2007) But this may not be possible for Pakistan and its political parties. However a strong, well prepared initiative from Nawaz backed by Imran (Good cop, bad cop) can find a solution; but Nawaz govt will have to give something in return, Americans will need a quid pro quo. Ending Drones without a Pakistani gesture, a quid pro quo will be a political liability for Obama and he won't be able to do it...ball is in Nawaz Sharif's court...
We did an interesting discussion with Ahsen Iqbal, Dr. Shirin Mazari, Maleeha Lodhi and Ikram Sehgal; see the common ground between PMLN and PTI on this issue....22-23 million votes on this single issue speaking with one voice... Moeed Peerzada.
Well thanks to these same stupid media pundits who were telling us, the clean sweep of PTI,s victory on 11th may? Its same lethal immangination again but its drones now? Imran already has known that, without a powerfull opreation in those terrorists held High lands, drones will never going to be stopped?
Drones are there just because our govts, were unsucsessful, & Unable to deal terrorism in those high lands?
So now is imran khan is ready to accept To hve a deadly pakistani militry opreation against talibans, if USA puts in as a pre- condition to stop the drones?
Which means PTI facing talibans KPK , in the same direction as ÀNP did?
Ohh gosh bad dreams!
What the hell are you on about?
He lost the election. Time to keep quite and let the government implement its programme. IK can make KPK assembly pass a resolution. But his tone of dictation to the newly elected PM is simply unbelievable.
He lost the election. Time to keep quite and let the government implement its programme. IK can make KPK assembly pass a resolution. But his tone of dictation to the newly elected PM is simply unbelievable.

He's keeping him in check.

A fundamental part of the democratic system in Pakistan which has never been implemented.
He's keeping him in check.
A fundamental part of the democratic system in Pakistan which has never been implemented.
Ask him to First check and deliver in KPK..... ohh and he is not even opposition Leader just a member
He's keeping him in check.

A fundamental part of the democratic system in Pakistan which has never been implemented.
Really?! On the first day of government taking office?

When PMLN sought talks, the loser parties of MQM, ANP and PPP announced their support to the policy, despite the fact they opposed such talks earlier. Why? Because they respected people's mandate. PTI should do the same thing. Let the present government carry out its plan.

“Drone attacks will not be tolerated inside Pakistan,”

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...wn-drones-imran-asks-nawaz.html#ixzz2UuDQQSKm
This is the language I am talking about. Such statements are befitting a President or PM not a loser party head.
first TTP ideology lovers aren't allowed to use abusive words, so first make up your mind then show your colors,

well that's the reason, you just believe what you hear from media and your mentality type affiliated group, sorry my fellow national you are blind you have no proof or even witnessed such events you just immaturely talk, I can't argue much with guy like you who can't see the point both ways, If you very much love your ttp why not go and blast some girls schools and kill polio workers as by doing this you will win over america and pakistan. PA is the reason tribal people have hope and many tribal people support and fight with PA and these are same people who live there for decades & quite mature to know what is right and what is wrong.

I rest my case.

I don't talk on media reports I tail facts your army has mass murdered tribal people on american orders most tribals are supporting. Taliban because they know your army is tout of forces off kufr and as long as they remain so they will be taken out
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