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IAF Pilots: Among the best

That is the most hilarious thing I have ever read on this forum. :lol::lol::crazy:

Kid, do some research on AWACS and real time datalinks. Nevertheless, I never meant to negate the fact that both sides have have best pilots.
as far as i know...all the participating countries had Nato data-links...there is a difference between the data-links of the Nato and that of the russian planes or the CIS planes(which india uses)
now there was no way...the data-link could be provided to the IAf on their Su-30s and the migs...so they had to provide an audio link to the awacs...where they got audio commands from the amricans...and the accent does play a key role...there is not point in ridiculing it...through a radio the pliots were being fed the positions of friend and foes...and these battle simulations are very quick they need reflexes...and even a hindrance as small as an american accented voice guiding you in life and death situations can make helluva difference.
so the iaf pilots to kill the confusion went for friendlies...they decided to kill the other person than to get killed themselves...
all the other 'data-linked' planes were all this while being fed explicit awac data...and exact coordintates...
(the guy giving the briefing mentioned 'tv' links...i am not sure whether exact visuals of the target can be obtained if that is what he meant...can somebody elaborate on that?)
Id say this though.. there is an issue of accents.
Ive got a funny side tale... I tried to make a call using At&T..
and every time I would say 5665-5-0 the operator would say excuse me sir.. please say it again.. until I realized that I was saying Five Five Zero..
So I thought about it and redid it with Five Five Oh and it worked.. she understood it.
These cross cultural intricacies are important in an allied exercise and do tend to create issues.
like i once said you can put in VETTEL in a ferrari and you can win a race.....

but you can put in SCHUMCHAER in a Renault ad still expect a fighting race....

point being pakistani pilots are like SCHUMACHERS just the fact that they are still able to fly 30 year old platforms and still manage to keep their own in the sky is a remarkable thing!!!

however indian pilots fly ther SU-30s the most advanced fighter in SOUTH ASIA and yet they have to argue about how good their pilot quality is!!!

MIG21 the flying coffins keep falling like flies from the sky and recently the indian's started receiving the hawks so hopefully in the next decade the IAF PILOTS might actually become better fighters.....cuz currently they are just flying an advanced fighter that even an average pilot might look like a RED BARON in....but the real RED BARON are those who can fly anything and be agressive and hold their own!!

Oh Man! Somebody is very insecure about their airforce:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Listen kiddo. we all know how good the paf is. to be frank we are a little tired of hearing that. but this is about iaf perfomance ok?

as far as i know...all the participating countries had Nato data-links...there is a difference between the data-links of the Nato and that of the russian planes or the CIS planes(which india uses)
now there was no way...the data-link could be provided to the IAf on their Su-30s and the migs...so they had to provide an audio link to the awacs...where they got audio commands from the amricans...and the accent does play a key role...there is not point in ridiculing it...through a radio the pliots were being fed the positions of friend and foes...and these battle simulations are very quick they need reflexes...and even a hindrance as small as an american accented voice guiding you in life and death situations can make helluva difference.
so the iaf pilots to kill the confusion went for friendlies...they decided to kill the other person than to get killed themselves...
all the other 'data-linked' planes were all this while being fed explicit awac data...and exact coordintates...
(the guy giving the briefing mentioned 'tv' links...i am not sure whether exact visuals of the target can be obtained if that is what he meant...can somebody elaborate on that?)

true. my same point. can u however find a valid source?
i read sumver that due to voice communication with awacs, iaf pilots had accent trouble

In other words they had the same problem which they had in UK while training on Hawks ENGLISH. I am surprised that IAF was a part of RAF and everyone spoke English but now it looks like IAF pilots can hardly speak proper English amazing.[/QUOTE]

You are quoting it out of context and that too incorrectly. It wasnt the IAF pilot's who had a problem understanding or speaking english. It was the AWACS controllers who had a problem in understanding Indian call signs and requests due to Indian accents. These led to lot of confusion and coupled with the fact that data links were incompatible, ultimately led to fraticides. As a result AWACS controllers were given a severe dressing down post excersises. This is a well published fact and USAF cleared this during next days press conference.

I am not even sure why we are discussing points which have been discussed to death on this forum itself....and plus we would never know which pilots are best (indian or pakistanis) untill and unless there are some sort of excersies between the two countries...chances of that happening are remote....so best to say that both sides are equally good.
as far as i know...all the participating countries had Nato data-links...there is a difference between the data-links of the Nato and that of the russian planes or the CIS planes(which india uses)
now there was no way...the data-link could be provided to the IAf on their Su-30s and the migs...so they had to provide an audio link to the awacs...where they got audio commands from the amricans...and the accent does play a key role...there is not point in ridiculing it...through a radio the pliots were being fed the positions of friend and foes...and these battle simulations are very quick they need reflexes...and even a hindrance as small as an american accented voice guiding you in life and death situations can make helluva difference.
so the iaf pilots to kill the confusion went for friendlies...they decided to kill the other person than to get killed themselves...
all the other 'data-linked' planes were all this while being fed explicit awac data...and exact coordintates...
(the guy giving the briefing mentioned 'tv' links...i am not sure whether exact visuals of the target can be obtained if that is what he meant...can somebody elaborate on that?)

This is totally incorrect. IAF never had a problem with understanding commands or following accents. It was the AWACS controller who had a problem with understanding INdian call signs and requests due to Indian accents. All of us are born and borught up on staple diet of Hollywood movies and am pretty sure , we are reasonably apt in picking up in american accents ; Cant say the same thing about Americans.
Enough guys!!!!! Cope India and Red Flag have been debated to death in several other threads. If members want to discuss these then I suggest they revive those threads rather than trashing this one. Few more posts on Joint exercises and this thread will become a junk yard for unsubstantiated, biased, nationalistic crap.

Let s discuss real combat and combat skills of IAF pilots as we have seen enough action in 48, 65, 71 & 99. I think these will be more meaningful as IAF had no constraints or restrictions on operating their fighters with 100% efficiency during these wars and conflicts.

Quite frankly, IMO neither the USAF or IAF are going to tango any time soon with each other or NATO forces. So, why waste time and band width discussing this. So, pls restrict yourself to comparing the IAF capabilities of past present and future with respect to the PAF and PLAAF.

Also, I request the members to refrain from making unsubstantiated, nationalistic remarks regarding each others AF. Pls provide some verifiable sources to back up your claims. IMO, if the quality of pilots has to be compared then we must begin by comparing the training program, number of flying hours, amount spent on training, experience, selection criteria, rejection rate etc.

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i wanna know the capability of PLAAF. performance during different wars,training skill and exercise results.
With radars on training mode. Basically the pilot doesnt rely on radar, but a panoramic view from his cockpit. How does it affect the overall performance? Well, as simply as when pitted against some of te finest in the world using latest tech radars, he stands little chance. The pilot would have to constantly chatter "Is he friendly?" with his collegues while the enemy gets ample time to lock on.

I am fairly troubled but at the same time reassured by what you state here. Lets come to basics. IAF have been conducting training with GCIs for the past 50+ years. The RoEs used by the USAF pilots took into consideration that IAF aircraft were not flying the aircraft with their AI radars emitting on frequencies aside from the training ones. That was understood and that is why the IAF aircraft were vectored by either the ground based or E-3 based controllers. They were NEVER blind and had SA from either the GC or AEW platforms. The IAF should be very adept at picking these things up given to them via analog communications (which is what was being used) and going in for the kill. This was one of the things that was pointed out that they picked up the vectors fine but were not sure about the kills and kept on asking for confirmation whether the other side was red or blue.

If the IAF have an issue with that sort of identification in dense environments then fratricide is a logical conclusion. But please do not make this sound like IAF are so dependent on AI radars that they have forgotten the basics of GCI intercepts.

And yet, MKI performed better than several aircrafts outthere. I'm not the one saying so, the USAF Col is.

Not sure which specific one?

Huge is quite a relative term. And the USAF pilot never said anything about RCS. You are claiming huge compared to what? F-22 mayb.. F-16? Definetly not.

MKI is a very large aircraft and seen from very far away as compared to smaller M2K and F-16 at least during close-in maneuvers. This was stated by no less than a USAF pilot who participated in Cope India 05.
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IAF among the best?????????? hahahah from bottom. I don't understand India has deployed her forces against Pakistan on massive move all the times, Which makes india threetimes bigger compare to her counterpart. Still calling it the best. What India has ever faced? Three times small enemy, Who else? Non when India fought with china, she had her butt kicked up side down so whats so glory about it, Please think before making this forum a jok place
IAF among the best?????????? hahahah from bottom. I don't understand India has deployed her forces against Pakistan on massive move all the times, Which makes india threetimes bigger compare to her counterpart. Still calling it the best. What India has ever faced? Three times small enemy, Who else? Non when India fought with china, she had her butt kicked up side down so whats so glory about it, Please think before making this forum a jok place

Cool dude Kashmir is still in India..
They were NEVER blind and had SA from either the GC or AEW platforms. The IAF should be very adept at picking these things up given to them via analog communications (which is what was being used) and going in for the kill. This was one of the things that was pointed out that they picked up the vectors fine but were not sure about the kills and kept on asking for confirmation whether the other side was red or blue.
If the IAF have an issue with that sort of identification in dense environments then fratricide is a logical conclusion. But please do not make this sound like IAF are so dependent on AI radars that they have forgotten the basics of GCI intercepts.

The problem here is that the yanks dont understand Indian accents - as pointed out earlier. Either they genuinely dont understand our accents or are arrogant enough to feign ignorance, especially TPT or redneck mentality types - say a little bit of both. Or they do that when they start feeling heat in the seat of their pants!
OTOH we desis dont have any problem understanding the yankees accents, be it southern or northern or newyork or boston or even lousiana!
IAF among the best?????????? hahahah from bottom. I don't understand India has deployed her forces against Pakistan on massive move all the times, Which makes india threetimes bigger compare to her counterpart. Still calling it the best. What India has ever faced? Three times small enemy, Who else? Non when India fought with china, she had her butt kicked up side down so whats so glory about it, Please think before making this forum a jok place

Sir, are you sure IAF/PLAAF was used in Sino-indian war?

As far as ground forces are concerned, we already beat you in odds of 120 against 3000 infantry division in Battle of longenwala.

And your beloved china lost to enemies one tenth of its size namely Vietnam and Japan. So cheer up and let bygones be bygones!
The best pilots in the world - americans and somewhat jews: they have real long, constant war practise. Everything else is just patriotic fantasies - training flights and propaganda videos mean nothing.

No offence, guys.
What?! IAF pilots are the best!!!!! :rofl:
Egyptian air force defeated them in the air battle of Elmansoura (the largest and longest air battle in the jet age).

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