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How many push ups can the PDF member perform?

Eat only veggeis and avoid chicken and carbs. You can make pita sandwhiches which are very healthy.
And if you want to achieve results faster buy a treadmill for home. I know it is hard to go to gym so at home you can just run anytime. There is nothing else you can. Please dont starve yourself to achieve results. This is not a good idea. Eat 4-5 meals with a gap of 4 hrs. This should keep you full.
Yara my stupid doc told me to do all the stuff you said not to do! Don't eat this, don't eat that.. Basically ****** starve myself! :blink:

You cannot just reduce stomach fat by doing a specific exercise. You will have to lose overall body mass. For that there is no other alternative but to do cardio. You will have to spend at least 45 minutes a day on it and frankly everyone has that much time to spare. Of course goes without saying eat healthy.

Mate, I run A LOT... I mean a lot! That isn't working!
Yara my stupid doc told me to do all the stuff you said not to do! Don't eat this, don't eat that.. Basically ****** starve myself! :blink:

Lol if you starve yourself them you will loose all the fat. You will loose energy. Lets do some calculations. You are 30 yrs old and I am assuming your weight to be 160 pounds. You need about 2500 per day cals just to stay alive and running. Starving means less than 1000 cals which means you are basically loosing health and not giving enough cals to rebuild your muscles. Eat about 1800 cals and during cardio burn 600-800. This way you should loose 3-4 pounds a week.

Trust me dude. I tries starving myself. After 2 days I bought 3 big chocolates, chips and pizza and went Gangnam style on them. **** this how long can you keep yourself hungry. Soo keep yourself full and healthy.

Talk to a gym trainer, trust me he will say the same thing.
You have to keep it in control. I have 3 pack abbs and I maintain my weight bte 180-185 pounds. As soon as i cross my limits I start extreme cardio to come back.

Mate - you are young - so you can do extreme cardio or workout - you know I am wearing a wrist protection as I have mild tendonitis in my two wrists due to heavy chinups - need to stay off weights for 3 weeks - so have to do only cardio and some leg exercises in gym.
Mate, I run A LOT... I mean a lot! That isn't working!

Dude be patient, give yourself about a year, it's impossible not to lose weight if you do cardio regularly and follow a healthy diet.
Mate, I run A LOT... I mean a lot! That isn't working!


Mate - you are young - so you can do extreme cardio or workout - you know I am wearing a wrist protection as I have mild tendonitis in my two wrists due to heavy chinups - need to stay off weights for 3 weeks - so have to do only cardio and some leg exercises in gym.

Dont worry bro. Get well soon :tup:
I used to do about 600 a day (almost 100 in the first round, without quiting). That was in the 80's tho...last time I checked about 30...and that almost took me out (older...and certainly not in the shape I used to be in. Each push-up is lifting far more weight than it used to, tho) As far as losing weight....dieting has never been my key...the amount of physical activity determines my weight, regardless of intake.
Yaro, on the phone with fiancé, @karan21 @Sashan and mamba ma man, don't go anywhere... I'll be back... need to flippin get back in shape in a couple of months! :P
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Talking about age I am 25 and starting to feel old lol :P
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To lazy to even move-
I will give this thread a pass- :D-
By the way, I'm 34 years / 185.5 cm / 202 pounds :argh:
someone should count mine

How many good push ups(GOOD PUSH UP= appr. fist size distance between your chest and the ground!) can you perform?

My max. no.: 40

60 non quality ones.

PS: If you dont know your number, get on the ground and do as much as possible!

I do 100 pushups (warm up set of 20, and then two sets of 40 reps each, before starting my work out every day). My max push ups at single go has been 72 reps.

Every 2 weeks i have pure calisthenics day/ no weight training or cardio. My max has been 600 Push ups(100 push ups at one sitting with 2-3 min breaks within sittings ), 60 pull ups (10 each 6 sets), and 50 vertical dips (all within 1hr 45 mins )

my aim is to go upto 1000 pushups soon....
25 without getting the feeling of exerting myself. I hope I can pull off a few of these in my lifetime. :lol:

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Dude, I wish I could pull ONE of those.. LOL ... :P
25 without getting the feeling of exerting myself. I hope I can pull off a few of these in my lifetime. :lol:
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