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How many push ups can the PDF member perform?

Read omewhere moderate exercise good for fertility , over exhaustion decreases spurm quality ,
If u want to impress girl this will not help . If u want to impress boys , then more the better !
1. I sleep at 4:00 and wake up at 8:30.
2. As soon as I wake up, I take a shower, have breakfast and either go running for half an hour, or take my dog for a walk for one hour.
3. I eat only once after breakfast. Mostly at 18:30.
4. I am open to anything!
5. No time mate. Mostly in meetings all day long. Either with staff or with clients.
6. Hmmmmmmm..... you suggest.

I do swim a lot at home, but that is only during summers as the pool is not heated. In winters I use the sauna instead. Maybe twice a week.

I used to smoke like hell, now I have reduced it drastically to half a pack. Don't drink at all, only if the circumstances require me to, actually that is not entirely true, during summers I do have an occasional beer in the afternoon. Cofee, don't even ask, maybe 10 - 15 cups a day, every possible kind!

1>If you dont have a good juicer, its time to get one. You will be seeing this quite a lot.
2> Essentials on you grocery list every week carrots, kale, apples, pineapple, ginger, spinach, celery banana's yams and mint leaves.
3> Meats: Chicken breast, lean ground beef, fish (your choice), egg whites
4> Suppliment Stack - Optimum nutrition's :Gold Standard 100% Whey; BSN Syntha Six (for office), BSN NO-Explode, Universal Nutrition's Animal Pak multi vitamin; Optimum nutrition's BCAA

Training Days: As you said you have very busy schedule, when I am overloaded at work i switch to a weekend schedule. So let me know if you can work with this schedule, FRI SAT SUN, tue 4 day work out schedule.

The ideal diet schedule is far far off your current one, I am sure you know it too, but give it a try and see what happens.
Eating Schedule On training days:
Break fast at 8.30 after your morning cardio;
Juice at 11.00 am,
lunch at 13.00,
protein shake at 16.30,
ideally work out between 18.00-2100 for 1hr 45 mins and post workout have a protein shake. 22.00 dinner.

Non training Days schedule: Breakfast at 8.30
Juice* at 11.00 am,
Fruit smothie at lunch at 13.00,
juice* at 16.30,
Dinner between 2100-2300.

Sleep: Please ensure atleast 7 hrs of sleep .

Coffee: You need to cut down on coffee, switch to green tea... it sounds ridiculous but bring your coffee down to 2 cups a day, the pre work out booster, BSN NOXplode has a **** load of caffiene in it and is recommends not to have any other product with caffeine. I get away with my morning and evening coffee. but 10-15 cups is too much.

Workout plan-
I will give you the basic idea of muscle groups to work on, you will come up with the specifics and intensity of the work out according to what suits your body for the first 4 weeks.

Week 1 and 2 (basic training weight training)
choose 6 weight training execrcise for each muscle group, ensure 3 sets of all exercises (10-12))
Fri- Triceps and shoulders,
Sat - Biceps and back (upper and lower)
Sun - Chest and abs
Tue - Legs and abs

Week 3: Strength training:
Same break down of muscle group, you can switch the days in the program.
This week you will select only 4 exercises for each muscle group, but increase your sets to 5.
1 set- 15 reps on light weight. 2set 12, 3rd set heaviest weight till failure, 4 th - 8 reps, 5th 10 reps. for every muscle group

Week 4 : Circuit training:

Without any rest of or gap in the sets you will target 5 different muscle groups from upper and lower body and complete a circuit. Example, 15 peck flies, 15 deltoid presses, 10 chest presses, 15 squats and 15 pushups.... take a break for 5 mins and the repeat.... 5 such circuits will constitute one round. You will do 4 rounds on every work out day.


For Breakfast, Make fresh juices from carrots and apples with a hint of ginger. try switching to egg whites for breakfast. Ensure 1 serving of raw fruit for breakfast on training days.

For 11.am juice. Prepare a bottle of juice at home from celery, spinach, kale, tomatoes, apples, mint.

For smothies: try and use 1/2 banana, strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, non fat yogurt, BSN Syntha six protien shake (1 scoop) and ice. Go ahead and experiment with veggie juices that you make for your 11.00 am juice.

Lunch: Eat a good portion for lunch, dont shy away from carbs. Try salad, serving of meat (chicken or beef), beans/rice/whole wheat bread. take bcaa and multi vitamins

4 pm protein shake: BSN Syntha six with water 1- 1 1/2 scoop with water.

Post work out: Ensure 2 scoops of 100 gold std protien and bcaa

Dinner: Keep minimum fat, moderate carbs and high fiber diet. Try adding salads, brocoli, cauliflower, jicama to the dinner table. take you multi vitamins after dinner.
Read omewhere moderate exercise good for fertility , over exhaustion decreases spurm quality ,
If u want to impress girl this will not help . If u want to impress boys , then more the better !

Sure. When I really want to impress a chick, I hit her up with a printout of my sperm count test.

Don't hate me cuz you ain't me.:rofl:
Probably 40-50 diamonds continuously. Anyone ever tried the clapping push ups? My max on that is 15
Sure. When I really want to impress a chick, I hit her up with a printout of my sperm count test.

Don't hate me cuz you ain't me.:rofl:
I like ur idea.. we can have sperm count band one can wear! like bracelet. red, yellow and green depending on count. Good idea man, its million dollar business. I tell you to patent this idea, or else some one will.
n yeah i did 30 pull ups 4 months ago .

30 pull-ups in a set to me seems very respectable......my max is 35 (full ones) though lately my main focus has been cardio (i run on a track and play squash)

i find it more challenging with the palms of the hands facing towards you -as opposed to the conventional way
I like ur idea.. we can have sperm count band one can wear! like bracelet. red, yellow and green depending on count. Good idea man, its million dollar business. I tell you to patent this idea, or else some one will.

You can have it, ex gratia!!! :D
30 pull-ups in a set to me seems very respectable......my max is 35 (full ones) though lately my main focus has been cardio (i run on a track and play squash)

i find it more challenging with the palms of the hands facing towards you -as opposed to the conventional way

Check these out...
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^^ all of you are amateurs .. I did >500 pushup in one....
One year :D
30 pull-ups in a set to me seems very respectable......my max is 35 (full ones) though lately my main focus has been cardio (i run on a track and play squash)

i find it more challenging with the palms of the hands facing towards you -as opposed to the conventional way

For some reason i cant do more than 5 pull ups

My upper body strenght is good enough

I do like 60 kgs of shoulder
For some reason i cant do more than 5 pull ups

My upper body strenght is good enough

I do like 60 kgs of shoulder

Sorry mate - shoulder strength alone does not allow you to do pull ups. It hits your arms, lats etc. - I can do 45 lbs+45 lbs for my shoulders and I was doing lats pull downs of around 160 pounds but tried doing pull ups - I sucked. That is when I bought a $14 equipment(iron gym bar), hung it in the doorway and kicked and screamed and went from 2 to 14 over a period of a year.(you cant kick and scream at gym and without that, you cant gain on your reps :lol:)
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