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HINDU MUSLIM bhai bhai!!!!

God will judge everybody at the day of judgement, many Muslims will not enter paradise but many Christians, Jews and even Hindus and Buddhists will so for me it's not a matter of attack, it's a matter of discussion, there will be conflict in discussion but one has to think rationally. In regards to idol worship, its a big topic because there are strict guidelines against this and they need to be adhered to. I'm not going to hate on people because it's not for me to judge, it says in the Quran that if you are responsible for the death of one person then it's like you have killed all of humanity.

I am not worried about what God does to me when judgement day comes, and I not sure I am going to live that long to see the judgement day. To me the philosophy is simple "Be good, Do good", "Help People who ask for"
The prophet didn't convert 1.5bn people to Islam with a sword, it was through dialogue and through providing knowledge
1 billion Hindus were not forced ever to follow Hinduism, so is Christianity, so is the rest of the religion.
They all became what they are by birth and remained what they are by self-reasoning and self-guidance.
so you keep to your religion and the rest keep to their religion, just don't bring religion between relationship be it friendship or brotherhood.
The OP had high hope like me to unite the nations in friendship, but I think we have too many internet warriors on both side who find excucess to say "We are different"
India and Pakistan were what they are long before we were born, it will so long after we are gone and people will not change the time we are alive.
ladies wait please you are increasing the hate or friendship here as i can see thread become war zone lolz .:P
This is also agenda of Islam , radicals tried to distort it . radicals tried to tarnish image of peaceful Islam
thanks brother ur are a true muselman vry happy to see a pakistani like u, long live ppl like u ,may the true islam win over this propoganda based evil kafirs who mislead people in the name of islam(who force there logic as true and every thing else is false simply hypoctys) -amine ,let ppl of our community get good education all thing will be solved allaha will help the truthful and logical and allaha is the source of power he has endless power so kafirs (who spread hate in the name of islam -kabardar ) he will strike u and his strike would doom u ,i donot have to worry i am trying my best to save u but its ur choice.
Once many of us kill our hate for each other the bond will come by its self ...i have alot of indian friends infact one of my best of friends is indian. Many thanks to the thread starter all he has said is true our great great grandfathers come from the same place the same land. I always hope and pray that there will be friendship & peace between our nations lets not carry on the hate the damn british left us with for each other for which today is divided in to 3 nations sad really. Let the children of tommrow live in peace and let live enough of the bloodshed & hate the time has come lets stand together and live in peace.
great man if u understand history with logic and quran and veds u" find wat we are fighting is nothing but crap tell me an purly religious instance were jehad was done on hindus by muslim king wat was done was done due to political reason and y term mughal ,tuqlah,arabic,and tukic conquest of india as islamic conquest, and y not french,portuguese conquest are not releated to religion and only6 nations when this ppl converted ppl more on religious grounds and by force rather than political grounds white mans burden this was all british chal and we idiots let them succed y khan abdul gafar was close to gandhi and why hindus muslims fought sholder to sholder agianst british y were many afgan leaders promoting identity of hindustanies on regional grounds then religion y we live together for so many centuries is that we are more knowledgeable then our ancestors in in our deen
ladies wait please you are increasing the hate or friendship here as i can see thread become war zone lolz .:P
this is what i feared when starting the thread...
they cant just let a goodwill thread to be a goodwill one

---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 PM ----------

Why Hindu-Muslims bhai bhai?? It should be Christian,Hindus,Muslims,Jews,Buddhist bhai bhai. I will never understand why people cannot look beyond religion. Religion is a personal matter.
yep everyone should live as brothers and sisters(except BF GF)
...original post...

Within the context of the Indian States Union, you can go sing Hindu-Muslim-brotherhood taraanas as much as you like, in fact it will boost your internal stability, but in INTERnational matters, even Hindu-Hindu or Muslim-Muslim brotherhood is practically a lost cause.

Welcome to the forum by the way.
Within the context of the Indian States Union, you can go sing Hindu-Muslim-brotherhood taraanas as much as you like, in fact it will boost your internal stability, but in INTERnational matters, even Hindu-Hindu or Muslim-Muslim brotherhood is practically a lost cause.

Welcome to the forum by the way.
lost cause for u..
being thanked 509 times doent means that u have more maturity and international knowledge than me..
Let's Not Get Carried Away With The 'Bhai, Bhai' stuff! We Never Were & Never Will BE!!!!

Let's just try to just take it slow & get along, for starters!!!!
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