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Hafeez saeed offers aid to Americans hit by superstorm

who knows yesterday, today and tomorrow Like Today Modi is free to travel to US:
NEW DELHI: The US, which refused visa to Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi after the 2002 post- Godhra riots, today said he was free to apply for it now and the system will take its course, a statement that comes days within the UK ended its boycott of the state.

LIKE Yesterday, Hafiz Saeed was a close ally of USA back in terms of ZIA's in afghan war:

General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq appointed Hafiz Muhammad Saeed to the Council on Islamic Ideology, and he later served as an Islamic Studies teacher at the University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore), Pakistan.[14] He was sent to Saudi Arabia in the early 1980s by the university for higher studies where he met Saudi Sheikhs who were taking part in the Afghan jihad. They inspired him to join his colleague, Professor Zafar Iqbal, in taking an active role supporting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. There he met some youth who later became his companions

SO, who knows Tomorrow?

A big logical question here is:
When USA has recently asked for the evidence for his involvement, this make a serious doubt in the verdict of earlier UN declaration of anouncing him a terrorist. When USA has asked for a bounty to provide evidence against him, so this means USA has no evidence (at least solid one)in APRIL 2012, so how come UN had declared him terroristGeneral Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq appointed Hafiz Muhammad Saeed to the Council on Islamic Ideology, and he later served as an Islamic Studies teacher at the University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore), Pakistan.[14] He was sent to Saudi Arabia in the early 1980s by the university for higher studies where he met Saudi Sheikhs who were taking part in the Afghan jihad.[citation needed] They inspired him to join his colleague, Professor Zafar Iqbal, in taking an active role supporting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. There he met some youth who later became his companions.[citation needed]

. WE protest then the verdict of UN.

Another logical question arised is that: Since you say that India has provided every evidence about Hafiz Saeed to Pakistan and pakistan is just denying and acting. Then the recent concern of USA about the evidence for Hafiz Saeed ultimately means that Indian has not provided enough evidence even to USA otherwise why they have recently asked for solid evidence and put on so huge amount for evidence alone.
Hope it clear (in my opinion).

Its just that its better to talk about Present than future, because anything is possible in future, including HS becoming the president of Pakistan.. Presently he is a UNSC designated terrorist of the same category of OBL and Pakistani govt has not yet formally objected to that designation.
You are right, except not just a Pakistani man, but a Pakistani man declared as a terrorist by United Nations.

"not just pakistani man, a Pakistani man declared as a terrorist by United Nations", i can just picture it, is that the part where everyone starts to sing and dance and te hero gets supernatural strength and kills of the entire Pakistan army while stopping every bullet fired with his teeth?
Really?? You believe having thousands of anti India terrorists in Pakistan is bad only of India.. Look around yourself in Pakistan.. and then think again..

Most of the terrorists we have are pro-india and neutral to murrica. Hafiz saeed never actually had a militant stance that i know of. so yeah, anti india terrorists cant harm us, bewcause none exist outside India itself, like i said the ones here dont do **** against india
You are right, except not just a Pakistani man, but a Pakistani man declared as a terrorist by United Nations.

Again same and stale monologue.

Why don't you just present evidences against the guy in international courts and get him convicted? Rants won't serve any cause.
Hmmmm...more of a symbolic gesure. While I have no doubts that the organization has many men who are always ready to mobilize and quite proactive on aid to disaster victims (as seen in 2005) -- it's laugh worthy to think America will suddenly rise up and say "wow, so nice of them to think of us.....bring them in"

for whatever reason, JuD is designated a terror organization by state dept sans evidence (for more political reasons of course) but either way, i highly doubt they'll take aid from an Islamist organization.

i just hope they dont rely on "FEMA" because we saw how effective they were during hurricane and floods in New Orleans (that Katrina storm)

if JuD were smart, they'd reach out to African American Muslims.....many exist. They should try to show the world a softer side if they want to be taken seriously; and they should avoid politics altogether -- otherwise just focus on Kashmir and not on reaching out to Americans (who already dont really care for JuD nor have heard of them)

Again same and stale monologue.

Why don't you just present evidences against the guy in international courts and get him convicted? Rants won't serve any cause.

for the same reason we've been disucssing especially since 2008....they lack the evidence. He's just a huge thorn in their side b/c many Kashmiris subscribe materially or ideologically with his vision to see Kashmir attaining freedom from illegal occupation and iron-fist.

that's the only reason....if he was silent on Kashmir the bhartis wouldnt even know who he is.

he has his own reasons for being anti-indian.....much of his family was slaughtered in front of him during Partition. I'd be pretty mad too! On Kashmir, i think many Pakistanis (though perhaps not all) subscribe to his views. It's a sensitive issue for some.
did he kill any hindu by any chance in his city

furthermore, is he responsible or did he close an eye to MASSIVE communal violence (unprecedented in the world) which claimed 3,000 lives in a matter of days?

No, he didnt. So our 'treasured' indian guests here have no case. Speaking of cases, has any evidence been brought forth that could help convict him? It's been what -- 4 years since 26/11?

give me a break!
Pakistani militant facing $10 million US bounty offers aid to Americans hit by superstorm

ISLAMABAD – A Pakistani militant leader with a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head has offered aid to Americans hit by superstorm Sandy.
Hafiz Saeed says his organization, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, is prepared to send volunteers, medicine and food if allowed by the United States.
Saeed said in a written statement Tuesday that it is a religious duty under Islam to help Americans affected by the storm, even if the U.S. has put a bounty on his head.
The U.S. offered $10 million earlier this year for information leading to Saeed's arrest or conviction. He founded Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant group blamed for attacks in India's city of Mumbai in 2008 that killed over 160 people.
Jamaat-ud-Dawa is believed to be a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was banned by the Pakistani government.

Hafiz sahab is a great man, he has proved it again, even though they put a bounty on his head but still he is ready to help them.
well done Professor Hafiz Saeed Sahab!!!!:enjoy:
Pakistani militant facing $10 million US bounty offers aid to Americans hit by superstorm

ISLAMABAD – A Pakistani militant leader with a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head has offered aid to Americans hit by superstorm Sandy.
Hafiz Saeed says his organization, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, is prepared to send volunteers, medicine and food if allowed by the United States.
Saeed said in a written statement Tuesday that it is a religious duty under Islam to help Americans affected by the storm, even if the U.S. has put a bounty on his head.
The U.S. offered $10 million earlier this year for information leading to Saeed's arrest or conviction. He founded Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant group blamed for attacks in India's city of Mumbai in 2008 that killed over 160 people.
Jamaat-ud-Dawa is believed to be a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba, which was banned by the Pakistani government.

We should learn from Mr Hafiz...how to create another bunch of Jihadis...in the name of helping people in distress in the name of religion.....
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