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GREECE occupied 16 Turkish Islands

cıları terörist ilan eden, bugüne kadar Yunanistan'ın Ege'de işgal ettiği adalarımızla ile ilgili CHP'nin yazılı ve sözlü soru önergelerine cevap vermeyen iktidar fena panikledi. Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, CHP lideri Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu'ndan "Ege brifingi" vermek için randevu istedi.

Ümit Yalım, "2004 yılından beri işgal altında olan Marathi Adası'nda Yunan bayrağı dalgalanıyor" dedi. İşte belgesi:


Ümit Yalım, tarihi gerçekleri Resmi Gazete ile belgeledi:

"Karaada'yı Akdeniz'e taşımış"

"Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, CHP Antalya Milletvekili Nefi Kara'nın yazılı soru önergesindeki toplam yedi sorudan sadece birinci soruya yalan ve yanlış cevaplar vermiş, diğer altı soruya cevap vermemiştir.

Çavuşoğlu, 04 Ocak 1932 Sözleşmesinin, 'Ege Denizi'ndeki meselelerle bir bağlantısı yoktur' demiş. Hâlbuki, sözleşmenin 2. Maddesinde, 'Bodrum Körfezi'nde bulunan Karaada'nın Türkiye'ye ait olduğu' belirtilmiş. Çavuşoğlu, hokus fokus yöntemiyle, Ege Denizi'nde Bodrum Körfezi'nde bulunan Karaada'yı 320 km. yüzdürerek Akdeniz'e taşımış.


Çavuşoğlu, Marathi Adası'nın Gürmenli (Marathi) Adası olduğunu iddia etmiş. Ancak, dünyada sadece bir tane Marathi Adası vardır, o da Didim'in tam karşısında ve Nergizçik Adası'nın 0,4 mil batısındaki adadır. Çavuşoğlu'nun bahsettiği ada ise Marathi (Gürmenli Ada) olup iki isimlidir. Google Earth ve diğer haritalarda da bu açıkça görülmektedir.

25 Ocak 1933 tarihli Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan Türk-İtalyan Sözleşmesi'nin 1. Maddesinde iki isimli olan adalar özellikle belirtilmiştir. Volo (Çatal-ada), Ochendra (Uvendire) gibi adaların Türkçe isimleri de yazılmıştır. Anılan maddede Marathi Adası sadece tek isimli olarak yazılmış, Marathi (Gürmenli-ada) olarak yani iki isimli olarak yazılmamıştır.

Ayrıca Resmi Gazetenin ikinci sayfasında yayımlanan sözleşmenin 6. Maddesinde de 'Yüksek Âkit Taraflar, işbu itilâfnamenin metni ile ona merbut haritalar arasında mutabakatsızlık hususunda metnin muteber olacağında müttefiktirler' yazılıdır.

Sözleşmenin Milletler Cemiyeti'ne tescilinden sonra Lozan Antlaşması'nın tarafı olan İngiltere tarafından 1939'da basılan haritanın notlar bölümünde, '1912 tarihli Lozan (Uşi) ve 04 Ocak 1932 tarihli Türk-İtalyan Anlaşmasına göre belirlenen İtalyan topraklarının, kesik çizgili hat ile çevrilmiş alanın içini kapsadığı, çizgi dışındaki bölgenin 1932 Anlaşması ile Türk bölgesi olduğu' açıkça belirtilmiştir. Haritada, Marathi Adası'nın, Ege Denizi'nde, 12 Ada deniz sınırlarının dışında ve Aydın bölgesindeki Türk Adası olduğu açıkça gösterilmiştir.


1939 İngiliz haritasına ilave olarak 1943 tarihli İngiliz haritası ile 1951 ve 1957 tarihli Amerikan haritasında da, Marathi Adası'nın, 12 Ada deniz sınırının dışında ve Türkiye'ye ait olduğu açıkça gösterilmiştir.


Aydın'da dalgalanan Yunan bayrağı!.. - Ahmet TAKAN
The source/Kaynak: http://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/aydinda-dalgalanan-yunan-bayragi-41674yy.htm

The international treaties and local official documents refute the statement of FM Çavuşoğlu, for example the maps of USA,England, also the Turk-Italian treaty clearly show island(s) belong to Turkey.
Hi guys, my first post in this forum and as you can see i am greek. About the islands issue, i would like to set some common sense questions to all the respected members in this thread.
How is it that Turkey has "given away islands that are supposed to belong to her", which Greece invaded? How is it that the whole turkish army didn't react(if we suppose such things happened), even the media(which weren't under Erdogan's control till the last years, so they were free to express different opinions and uncover the truth) silenced? Are they all traitors too?
Why do they remind of turkish citizens this colossal betrayal right now that Turkey is at her zenith and Greece at her worst maybe economic situation?
Since many members claim these islands by supporting they are handed over to them by treaty of Lausanne, then why Erdogan and other turkish politicians say it is not a holy bible, that it can be changed according to the existing situations, etc, when greek politicians and Greece fortify behind it claiming that international treaties have to be respected?
I would like to exchange arguments on that and have a useful feedback, greetings from Greece.
Frankly I don't believe too.
Turkish army would not tolerate it, specially in 2004 Erdogan has no control over the army or the media.
More important media in the whole world would have speak about it, instead you can only find Turkish'source in the net....I think this is opposition lie which want to discredit Erdo's govt.
Or a legend like in 2023 lousane traity will end....

Why do they remind of turkish citizens this colossal betrayal right now that Turkey is at her zenith and Greece at her worst maybe economic situation?

Thank but Turkey is certainly not at her zenith now, the military implication in Syria against Daech and PKK, the purge in the military....
Anyways I think this more to discret Erdo'govt than any military intention.
Since many members claim these islands by supporting they are handed over to them by treaty of Lausanne, then why Erdogan and other turkish politicians say it is not a holy bible, that it can be changed according to the existing situations, etc, when greek politicians and Greece fortify behind it claiming that international treaties have to be respected?
If i'm not wrong, treaty of Lausanne didn't defined the ownership of the islands. However due to Turkey not having any naval force at the time, Greece took the possession of the islands.

Why do they remind of turkish citizens this colossal betrayal right now that Turkey is at her zenith and Greece at her worst maybe economic situation?

The problem is government isn't remind anything on this issue. This thread's purpose is, "Greece occupied our islands and govenrment is not doing anything about it, infact they are hiding this issue."

Right now that Turkey is at her zenith

Do we seem at Zenith when you look at across the Aegean.....interesting.
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The problem is government isn't remind anything on this issue. This thread's purpose is, "Greece occupied our islands and govenrment is not doing anything about it, infact they are hiding this issue."

According to the source, Greece occupied ours islands in 2004, at this time Erdogan has no control over the army or the media.
And why no media in the world speak about it ? The media in the whole world would speak about a risk to war between Turkey and Greece, Nato and EU would speak about it to prevent a war, Greece politicians would brag about it specially after their economic crisis...
According to the source, Greece occupied ours islands in 2004, at this time Erdogan has no control over the army or the media.
And why no media in the world speak about it ? The media in the whole world would speak about a risk to war between Turkey and Greece, Nato and EU would speak about it to prevent a war, Greece politicians would brag about it specially after their economic crisis...
I think, i'm not very knowledgeable on this issue. I may say something wrong.

It is best to leave the speaking to @Islamic faith&Secularism , IMO he knows the issue better than anyone else.
I think, i'm not very knowledgeable on this issue. I may say something wrong.
It is best to leave the speaking to @Islamic faith&Secularism , IMO he knows the issue better than anyone else.

I think this is just legend like lousanne traity will end in 2023...
It just too weird, according to the source Greece occupied our islands in 2004 and annexed them in 2009.

In 2004, Erdogan has no control over the army or the media.
In 2009, Greece's economy was dead after 2008 crisis.

And most important, no media in the world speak about it. The only source you can find it some Turkish's web site.
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Nikolaos Stelya from Kathimerini in an interview with Hilmic Hacaloglu VOA :

" Greek fighter aircrafts are now patrolling Aegean with full weapon load and two Airbases are on Orange Alarm.
Syriza popularity dropped from 36 % to 15 %, the storm in a water glass could create unexpected and severe results " !
Confirmed 17. th island whose status is not clear in Lausanne Agreement was occupied.




The name of this island in Greek is Pserimos. And this island is a Greek island. You can find information about this island in the Lausanne Treaty. The main problem here is that Greece uses these islands for military purposes. According to the Treaty of Lausanne, Greece is forbidden to use islands for military purposes, Which is close to the Turkish coasts. In addition, these islands are in the Turkish territorial waters and this is another problem. I will explain more detail but I need to explain in Turkish. I hope admins won't delete this message.

Location of the island: http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=36.933333,27.133333&z=12&t=H&marker0=36.933333,27.133333,Pserimos

Arkadaşlar, Keçi Adası yani Yunanca ismi Pserimos Adası olan ada Kalymnos adasına bağlı bir adadır. Kalymnos adası Türkçede Kelemez veya Kilimli olarak adlandırılır. Lozan'a göre Kilimli yani Kalymnos adası ve bu ada çevresindeki ada ve adacıklar İtalya'ya bırakılmıştır.

24 Nisan 1830’da bağımsızlığını elde eden Yunanistan, kuruluşunda
Şeytan Adaları ve Kiklat Adaları’nın büyük bir çoğunluğu ile 1913 yılında
Girit Adası’nı elde etmiştir. Megali İdea doğrultusunda hazırlanan Büyük
Yunanistan Programı hedeflerini gerçekleştirebilmek için I. Dünya
Savaşı’ndan sonra Anadolu’yu işgâl eden Yunanistan, Mustafa Kemal Paşa
önderliğinde yürütülen Millî Mücadele ile yenilgiye uğramıştı. 24 Temmuz
1923 Lozan Barış Antlaşması’nın onikinci maddesi ile Limni, Semadirek,
Midilli, Sakız, Sisam ve Ahikerya, Taşoz, Bozbaba ve İpsara adaları gayri
askerî statüde kalmak şartıyla Yunanistan’a bırakılmıştı. Aynı antlaşma ile
Menteşe Adaları
; İstanbulya, Rodos, Herke, Kerpe, Çoban Adası, İlyaki,
İncirli, Kilimli(Kalymnos), İleriye, Batnoz, Lipso, Sömbeki ve İstanköy adaları bunlara
bağlı adacıkları ile beraber ve Meis Adası İtalya’ya verilirken Gökçeada,
Bozcaada, Tavşan Adaları ve Anadolu sahillerine üç milden az uzaklıkta
bulunan adalar üzerindeki Türk hâkimiyeti teyit edilmiştir.

Buradan da anlaşılacağı üzere burada konuştuğumuz Keçi adası eskiden bir İtalyan adasıydı. 1.Dünya Savaşında sonra İtalya'ya bırakılan adalar 1947'de Paris Antlaşmasıyla da resmen Yunanistan'a geçti. Buradaki asıl sıkıntı Yunanistan'ın bu adaları askeri amaçlara göre kullanması. Normalde o adalarda sadece Polis ve en fazla Jandarma bulundurabilir ama Yunanistan bu adalara resmen asker yerleştirmiş durumda. Lozan'a göre de Türkiye'ye yakın olan adalara asker yerleştirmesi yasak.
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. .
If i'm not wrong, treaty of Lausanne didn't defined the ownership of the islands. However due to Turkey not having any naval force at the time, Greece took the possession of the islands.

The problem is government isn't remind anything on this issue. This thread's purpose is, "Greece occupied our islands and govenrment is not doing anything about it, infact they are hiding this issue."

Do we seem at Zenith when you look at across the Aegean.....interesting.

As far as i have read myself, the treaty of Lausanne handed over to Turkey the islands of Imvros, Tenedos and Rabbit islands and unless mentioned otherwise every island or islet only 3 miles from the turkish coast.
Everything else was handed to Italy, which under the 1947 Paris peace treaty was handed to Greece. So the fact that those islands are not mentioned in the treaty means they were handed to Italy, since they are more than 3 miles away from the turkish coast. That's what the Lausanne treaty says.
If we take into account the 1932 conventions between Turkey and Italy and its later attached protocol, even Imia rocks as it says are handed over to Italy, which under the 1947 Paris treaty as mentioned before were handed over to Greece. Unfortunately i am not allowed yet to post links for the Lausanne treaty and the 1932 Convention between Italy and Turkey with its attached protocol, but you can google it)

As far as i know, Turkey doesn't recognise the 1932 convention with its attached protocol since Turkey may have signed it, nevertheless it was not registered to the UN league. Since it doesn't recognise its signature as binding for her, she should abide by the Lausanne treaty and article 12

ARTICLE 12. The decision taken on the 13th February, 1914, by the Conference of London, in virtue of Articles 5 of the Treaty of London of the 17th-30th May, 1913, and 15 of the Treaty of Athens of the 1st-14th November, 1913, which decision was communicated to the Greek Government on the 13th February, 1914, regarding the sovereignty of Greece over the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, other than the islands of Imbros, Tenedos and Rabbit Islands, particularly the islands of Lemnos, Samothrace, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria, is confirmed, subject to the provisions of the present Treaty respecting the islands placed under the sovereigntyof Italy which form the subject of Article 15. Except where a provision to the contrary is contained in the present Treaty, the islands situated at less than three miles from the Asiatic coast remain under Turkish sovereignty.

As for Turkey, the fact is that she has reached her zenith, economically, militarily, while Greece is at her weakest. I think the motive is clear here and historically new empires emerge only by claiming other countries lands. And of course the Imia rocks were only the tip of the iceberg, it was just the start, then the 16 or 18 islands followed and god what's coming next(Turkey claims even islets or small islands close to Crete).
So that Turkey now moves on to islets or even islands which "Greece invaded illegaly"(Pserimos island which is the new turkish claim has greek people on it for many decades btw and wasn't occupied in 2004).

But still the matter isn't just the islets and islands, Turkey has vast land, more than 6 times Greece's one, it's her new ottoman ambitions to become a naval(besides a land power she already is) power, the ottoman empire had access(actually even domination) to Mediterranean and this way managed to expand her influence to other countries, especially the coastal ones).
That's the game being played here, Turkey claiming greek islands, not because we have been enemies in the past and other bs, but because she wants to build sea domination. And the best legal way to achieve that is to have islets and islands in the Aegean.

Tarih 8 Aralık 2015...

Hollanda Savunma Bakanı Jeanine Hennis ve Hollanda Göçmen Bakanı Klaas Dijkhoff, Yunan Savunma Bakanı Kammenos ile birlikte askeri helikoptere binerek Yunanistan'ın işgal ettiği Aydın Bulamaç Adası'na gitmişlerdi. Üstelik, Bakanları taşıyan Yunan CH 47 askeri helikopteri Türk hava sahasını 2 mil ihlal ettikten sonra Türk topraklarına inmişti.



Aydın Bulamaç Adası'nda incelemelerde (!) bulunan Hollanda Savunma Bakanı Hennis, Hollanda Göçmen Bakanı Dijkhoff ve Yunan Savunma Bakanı Kammenos, işgalci Yunan askerleri ile birlikte Türkiye ile alay edercesine fotoğraf çektirmiş dünyaya servis etmişlerdi.


The source/Kaynak: http://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/iste-hollanda-ile-kayikci-kavgasinin-belgeleri-42116yy.htm

İşte, Hollanda ile kayıkçı kavgasının belgeleri!.. - Ahmet TAKAN

The ministers of Holland along with Greeks ''visited'' the occupied islands in 2015.

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