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Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

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in reality nobody will fight Turkiye for Greece as like 1922 and 1974
Who fought for Greece in 1922 and 1974? You need some history lessons.

USA failed in Vietnam in 20 years
USA failed in Afghanistan in 20 years
1. USA was blowing up the NVA and VC for years. They left the war because of their politics and the ARVN was left alone to fight. The ARVN and the South Vietnamese government in general collapsed.

2. USA kicked the Taliban out of Afghanistan. Eventually,the Americans left and the Afghan army and government collapsed.

What do both these cases have in common? Both South Vietnam and Afghanistan fell after the Americans had left and stopped fighting.

We've had this same conversation numerous times,but you seem to keep mentioning it. Just like everything else,you keep repeating the same things. People reply to you,they debunk your invalid arguements,they point out your mistakes,you go back to your ultranationalist rants and the next time,you use the same arguements again.

War is not computer game .... according to your tiny brain Russia can defeat Turkiye in a weak

First of all,it's called "week" not "weak". Second,I never said Russia can defeat Turkey in one week.

I've mentioned prophecies that talk about Russia DESTROYING Turkey after a war or incident with Greece that will last about a week.

@LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch In all seriousness,who protects this person here? Others have wondered about it too. As you can see,he just came back from being banned and is right back on the same nationalistic rants and endless repeating of the same words and phrases. What's this guy's contribution here? Others can post the information about Turkish Defence stuff,he just copies articles and photos from websites. I'm sure merzifonlu or @dBSPL can do the same thing easily and without the provocations and ultranationalist comments on every post.

Greeks , French , British ,Armenians all together attacked Turkiye from Greek Islands between 1919 and 1922
British,French and Armenians DIDN'T "invade" Turkey from the Greek islands!

I've told you SO MANY TIMES,you keep repeating the same lines AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!

Armenians using the Greek islands?! From where?! From Yerevan? From Kars? From the Caucasus?!
French using the Greek islands,when they already had control of Syria and Cilicia?!
British landing in Turkey from the Greek islands,IN WHICH UNIVERSE?!

Where do you come up with that stuff?!
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Who fought for Greece in 1922 and 1974? You need some history lessons.

Nobody fought Turkiye for useless Greece in 1974

and in 1922 , France lost in the southern front against the Turks
Armenians lost in the eastern front against the Turks
smart British used Greece to fight Turks to take oil reserves in Iraq

Greeks came with dreams of capturing Anatolia from the Turks but ended up going back to Athens swimming ..... nobody could save Greeks in 1922

2. USA kicked the Taliban out of Afghanistan. Eventually,the Americans left and the Afghan army and government collapsed.

You are ignorant troll .. nothing else
As always you terrorize Turkish thread with your lies and ignorance

USA could not destroy TALIBAN in 20 years
and USA left Afghanistan to TALIBAN .... and now TALIBAN rules Afghanistan

What is Doha agreement between US and Taliban? ignorant troll

@LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch .. you allowed this troll to terrorize my and other Turkish threads and provoke me since 2021

who is he to be on PDF ? no any knowledge about military and politics
only trolling and crying on Turkish threads ... nothing else

I've mentioned prophecies that talk about Russia DESTROYING Turkey after a war or incident with Greece that will last about a week.

what a liar troll

in 2021 , You said Russia can defeat Turkiye in a week if Turkiye attack on Greece
and in 2022 , we have seen Russia could not defeat even weak Ukraine in 9 months

Russia doesnt care about American puppet Greece ....
and Russia can not attack on a NATO member including Turkiye
lunatic daydreamer Greeks return to real world from your fantasy world

War is not computer game ... go and play computer game

and only ignorant trolls like you can say CROTALE AD System can intercept Turkish Ballistic Missiles ... what an ignorant troll with zero military knowledge

@LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch In all seriousness,who protects this person here? Others have wondered about it too. As you can see,he just came back from being banned and is right back on the same nationalistic rants and endless repeating of the same words and phrases. What's this guy's contribution here? Others can post the information about Turkish Defence stuff,he just copies articles and photos from websites. I'm sure merzifonlu or @dBSPL can do the same thing easily and without the provocations and ultranationalist comments on every post.

You and Akritas terrorize Turkish thread with your lies , copies articles and photos from websites

even dBSPL called you paid trolls ...

no any knowledge about military and politics ...
only terrorize Turkish threads and provoke people ... nothing else

I have more military knowledge than even your troll mod DEINO who called KIZILELMA and TFX as fake projects in 2021 when I said KIZILELMA will be ready in 2023

dreaming about weak-tiny Greece to match with regional power Turkiye
when I show reality and your place , you are crying to same MODS

Your weak tiny Greece is not in the same league with Turkiye
without USA-France , Your weak tiny Greece is nothing in front of Turkiye
know your place and stop dreaming you lunatic troll

and you have low character as like crying liars MITSOTAKIS and DENDIAS

British,French and Armenians DIDN'T "invade" Turkey from the Greek islands!

I've told you SO MANY TIMES,you keep repeating the same lines AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!

Armenians using the Greek islands?! From where?! From Yerevan? From Kars? From the Caucasus?!
French using the Greek islands,when they already had control of Syria and Cilicia?!
British landing in Turkey from the Greek islands,IN WHICH UNIVERSE?!

Where do you come up with that stuff?!

Dont change my words liar troll .. I never said Armenians
Armenians fought in the Eastern front against the Turks

USA,UK,France decided to invade Turkiye from Greek Islands in 1919
even American Warships escorted Greek Warships to invade Izmir in 1919
and 73 British-French-Greek Warships invaded Gallipoli and Istanbul

liar and crying provocateur .. dont jump to my post when I am talking to other users
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in 2021 , You said Russia can defeat Turkiye in a week if Turkiye attack on Greece
and in 2022 , we have seen Russia could not defeat even weak Ukraine in 9 months
SHOW ME. Find it and show it. If you can't tell the difference between discussing geopolitics and warfare and prophecies,don't make accusations.

Russia doesnt care about American puppet Greece ....
and Russia can not attack on a NATO member including Turkiye
lunatic daydreamer Greeks
Nobody said Russia would do it for us. Everybody have their own interests.

Dont change my words liar troll .. I never said Armenians
Armenians fought in the Eastern front against the Turks
Don't call me a liar. Look at your own post.
Greeks , French , British ,Armenians all together attacked Turkiye from Greek Islands between 1919 and 1922

USA,UK,France decided to invade Turkiye from Greek Islands in 1919
even American Warships escorted Greek Warships to invade Izmir in 1919
and 73 British-French-Greek Warships invaded Gallipoli and Istanbul
IN WHICH UNIVERSE DID AMERICANS INVADE TURKEY IN 1919? In which universe did the French land in Turkey from the Greek islands? Where did you fight the French? Do you even know your own history? No,you don't. YOU DON'T. Stop lying.

iar and crying provocateur .. dont jump to my post when I am talking to other users

You know nothing and all you do every day,is call others "liars" and "trolls" when they correct your invalid arguments and fake news.
SHOW ME. Find it and show it. If you can't tell the difference between discussing geopolitics and warfare and prophecies,don't make accusations.

You are still lying

I said nobody can defeat the Turks in Turkish soil
and you said that USA,Russia can defeat Turkiye in a week
according to your tiny brain war is a computer game

even some ignorant boys said Russia will take KIEV in a week
9 months and still Russia could not beat Ukraine

Nobody said Russia would do it for us. Everybody have their own interests.

in 1922 Russians helped Turks against Greece,French,British
in 1974 Russians did nothing against Turkiye for Greeks

today Russia even hate Greece which was become full of American base
Russia is so happy to work with Turkiye and can not fight NATO member Turkiye

stop dreaming lunatic daydreamer Greeks

Don't call me a liar. Look at your own post.

You are liar and crying provocateur ... nothing else

dreaming about weak-tiny Greece to match with regional power Turkiye
when I show reality and your place , you are crying to same MODS

Your weak tiny Greece is not in the same league with Turkiye
without USA-France , Your weak tiny Greece is nothing in front of Turkiye
know your place and stop dreaming you lunatic troll
IN WHICH UNIVERSE DID AMERICANS INVADE TURKEY IN 1919? In which universe did the French land in Turkey from the Greek islands? Where did you fight the French? Do you even know your own history? No,you don't. YOU DON'T. Stop lying.

Ignorant and liar troll trying to teach me my own history

wth is weak tiny Greece to attack Turkiye in 1919 ?

USA,UK,France,Greece,Armenia together attacked Turkiye

Here American Warships in Turkiye during the War of Independence

(book 1919 AMERICAN OCCUPATION, page.29)

American Warship in Istanbul 1922

American Warships entered Turkish seas and invaded Turkiye and bombed even my city Samsun on June 7, 1922.

today same senario USA,France,Greece,Armenia ,FETO , PKK/YPG to fight Turkiye since 2013

You know nothing and all you do every day,is call others "liars" and "trolls" when they correct your invalid arguments and fake news.

Fake news ? all my posts shows the reality
show me even one fake news .. you liar troll

You and your troll team have big problem with Turkiye and Turkish defense industry
because you are enemy to Turkiye

I am not crying on Greek threads
but you are crying on Turkish threads since 2021 .....

I have more military knowledge than even your mod DEINO who called KIZILELMA and TFX as fake projects in 2021 when I said KIZILELMA will be ready in 2023

now everybody sees KIZILELMA and TFX even in 2022
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Mavi Vatan öğretisinin ...... " Sevilla Haritası " nın cevabına ilişkin Türk argümanlarından biri . Son zamanlarda çokça konuşulan Sevilla'nın ünlü haritası (sadece Türkiye'ye), aynı isimli üniversiteden bir profesörün 2003 yılında yaptığı bir çalışmadır.
Bu haritada, Avrupa ülkelerinin Akdeniz'deki deniz sınırları sınırları, Deniz Hukuku (BMDHS) hükümlerine göre Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs'ın kıta sahanlığının sınırlandırılmasını gösteriyor.
Ve tekrar ediyorum: Yunanistan bu haritaya asla başvurmadı.
Türkiye bu tartışmayı basit bir nedenden dolayı kullanıyor: çünkü AB'ye çıkış başlangıcından bir kişinin BMDHS'yi onaylaması gerektiğini unutmaya çalışıyor.

BMDHS etkisi şu anlama gelir:

1- MEB'nin kurulması için, iki devlet arasında topluluk ve iyi komşuluk esasına dayalı başlangıç görüşmeleri.

2- Müzakereler başarısız olursa
Deniz Hukuku'na (BMDHS) göre devam ederler.

3- Bir ülke Deniz Hukuku'nu kabul etmez veya kabul etmezse de Uluslararası Mahkemelere gider.

4- Eğer bir ülke Uluslararası Mahkemelerin yargı yetkisini bile kabul etmiyorsa tehdit ediyor, işgal ediyor, zorbalık yapıyor ve bölgenin baş belası gibi yerleşim.

Bilin bakalım bizim yerimiz Doğu Akdeniz açısından hangi ülke?


Türkler, Türkiye'nin kullanımcılığı olan Mavi Vatan'ın sözlerini değiştirip usulsüzlük Türk-Libya anlaşmasının reddine çevirmek için kullanılanları ama ısırmayacağım .

Konunun konusuna dönersek, bazı konulara değinmek istiyorum .

Sözde Türk Mavi Vatan, haritaya basit bir yan yana getirme yoluyla saldırgandır . Böyle düşünmesal, Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs için tahammül etmek mümkün değil, Türk karasuları sadece deniz sularını değil, diye Yunan adasını ve neredeyse tüm Kıbrıs MEB'ini “yutardı”!


yerleşimi gibi merkez ve doğu Yunan adaları ile 6 millik deniz alanı Türk "egemenliği" (mavi renkli) korunmaktadır .
Türk haritası adaları küçük veya büyük olarak ayırmaz, karasuları dahil her şeyi Türk olarak kabul eder .

Genişletme istemeseydi, aşağıdaki gibi bir harita gösterirdi.


Ama Türkiye Yunanistan'ı işgal etmek, Yunan adalarını işgal etmek istedi bunu başaramadı.
Bu nedenle Yunanistan, “Mavi Vatan ”ı Nazi Almanya'sının “ Lebensraum ”uyla ulaşarak dahi Türkiye'nin stratejik yükseklik planlarını kınıyor !

Türkler, Türkiye'nin kullanımcılığı olan Mavi Vatan'ın sözlerini değiştirip usulsüzlük Türk-Libya anlaşmasının reddine çevirmek için kullanılanları ama ısırmayacağım .

Konunun konusuna dönersek, bazı konulara değinmek istiyorum .

Sözde Türk Mavi Vatan, haritaya basit bir yan yana getirme yoluyla saldırgandır . Böyle düşünmesal, Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs için tahammül etmek mümkün değil, Türk karasuları sadece deniz sularını değil, diye Yunan adasını ve neredeyse tüm Kıbrıs MEB'ini “yutardı”!


Yerleşimi gibi merkez ve doğu Yunan adaları ile 6 millik deniz alanı Türk "egemenliği" (mavi renkli) korunmaktadır .
Türk haritası adaları küçük veya büyük olarak ayırmaz, karasuları dahil her şeyi Türk olarak kabul eder .

Genişletme istemeseydi, aşağıdaki gibi bir harita gösterirdi.


Ama Türkiye Yunanistan'ı işgal etmek, Yunan adalarını işgal etmek istedi bunu başaramadı.
Bu nedenle Yunanistan, “Mavi Vatan ”ı Nazi Almanya'sının “ Lebensraum ”uyla ulaşarak dahi Türkiye'nin stratejik yükseklik planlarını kınıyor !

Türkler, Türkiye'nin kullanımcılığı olan Mavi Vatan'ın depolamasını değiştirip usulsüzlük Türk-Libya anlaşmasının reddine çevirmek için kullanılanları ama ısırmayacağım .

Konunun konusuna dönersek, bazı konulara değinmek istiyorum .

Sözde Türk Mavi Vatan, haritaya basit bir yan yana getirme yoluyla saldırgandır . Böyle düşünmesal, Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs için tahammül etmek mümkün değil, Türk karasuları sadece deniz sularını değil, diye Yunan adasını ve neredeyse tüm Kıbrıs MEB'ini “yutardı”!


Yerleşimi gibi merkez ve doğu Yunan adaları ile 6 millik deniz alanı Türk "egemenliği" (mavi renkli) korunmaktadır .
Türk haritası adaları küçük veya büyük olarak ayırmaz, karasuları dahil her şeyi Türk olarak kabul eder .

Genişletme istemeseydi, aşağıdaki gibi bir harita gösterirdi.


Ama Türkiye Yunanistan'ı işgal etmek, Yunan adalarını işgal etmek istedi bunu başaramadı.
Bu nedenle Yunanistan, “Mavi Vatan ”ı Nazi Almanya'sının “ Lebensraum ”uyla ulaşarak dahi Türkiye'nin stratejik yükseklik planlarını kınıyor !

Türkler, Türkiye'nin kullanımcılığı olan Mavi Vatan'ın sözlerini değiştirip usulsüzlük Türk-Libya anlaşmasının reddine çevirmek için kullanılanları ama ısırmayacağım .

Konunun konusuna dönersek, bazı konulara değinmek istiyorum .

Sözde Türk Mavi Vatan, haritaya basit bir yan yana getirme yoluyla saldırgandır . Böyle düşünmesal, Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs için tahammül etmek mümkün değil, Türk karasuları sadece deniz sularını değil, diye Yunan adasını ve neredeyse tüm Kıbrıs MEB'ini “yutardı”!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

yerleşimi gibi merkez ve doğu Yunan adaları ile 6 millik deniz alanı Türk "egemenliği" (mavi renkli) korunmaktadır .
Türk haritası adaları küçük veya büyük olarak ayırmaz, karasuları dahil her şeyi Türk olarak kabul eder .

Genişletme istemeseydi, aşağıdaki gibi bir harita gösterirdi.


Ama Türkiye Yunanistan'ı işgal etmek, Yunan adalarını işgal etmek istedi için bunu başaramadı.
Bu nedenle Yunanistan, “Mavi Vatan ”ı Nazi Almanya'sının “ Lebensraum ”uyla ulaşarak dahi Türkiye'nin stratejik yükseklik planlarını kınıyor !

Türkler, Türkiye'nin yayılmacılığı olan Mavi Vatan'ın anlamını değiştirip yasadışı Türk-Libya anlaşması meselesine çevirmek istediğinizi anlıyorum ama ısırmayacağım .

Konunun konusuna dönersek, bazı konulara değinmek istiyorum .

Sözde Türk Mavi Vatan, haritaya basit bir yan yana getirme yoluyla saldırgandır . Böyle varsayımsal, Yunanistan ve Kıbrıs için tahammül edilemez, Türk karasuları sadece deniz sularını değil, yüzlerce Yunan adasını ve neredeyse tüm Kıbrıs MEB'ini “yutardı”!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

Gördüğünüz gibi merkez ve doğu Yunan adaları ile 6 millik deniz alanı Türk "egemenliği" (mavi renkli) altındadır .
Türk haritası adaları küçük veya büyük olarak ayırmaz, karasuları dahil her şeyi Türk olarak kabul eder .

Genişletme istemeseydi, aşağıdaki gibi bir harita gösterirdi.

View attachment 903926

Ama Türkiye Yunanistan'ı işgal etmek, Yunan adalarını işgal etmek istediği için bunu yapmadı .
Bu nedenle Yunanistan, “ Mavi Vatan ”ı Nazi Almanya'sının “ Lebensraum ”uyla ilişkilendirerek dahi Türkiye'nin stratejik genişleme planlarını kınıyor !

Turks, I understand that you want to change the meaning of Mavi Vatan,

Coming back to the topic of the thread, I would like to point out some issues.

The so-called Turkish Mavi Vatan is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish territorial waters would “engulf” not only the sea waters, but hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

As you see the centre and eastern Greek islands as well as the sea area of 6 miles, are under Turkish "domination" (blue color).
Turkish map does not separate small or large islands, it considers everything Turkish, including their territorial waters.

If it didn't want expansion, it would show a map like the one below.

View attachment 903926

because he wants to invade Greece, and occupy Greek islands.
Mavi Vatan” with Nazi's Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

Turks, I understand that you want to change the meaning of Mavi Vatan,

Coming back to the topic of the thread, I would like to point out some issues.

The so-called Turkish Mavi Vatan is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish territorial waters would “engulf” not only the sea waters, but hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

As you see the centre and eastern Greek islands as well as the sea area of 6 miles, are under Turkish "domination" (blue color).
Turkish map does not separate small or large islands, it considers everything Turkish, including their territorial waters.

If it didn't want expansion, it would show a map like the one below.

View attachment 903926

because he wants to invade Greece, and occupy Greek islands.
Mavi Vatan” with Nazi's Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

Turks, I understand that you want to change the meaning of Mavi Vatan,

Coming back to the topic of the thread, I would like to point out some issues.

The so-called Turkish Mavi Vatan is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish territorial waters would “engulf” not only the sea waters, but hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

As you see the centre and eastern Greek islands as well as the sea area of 6 miles, are under Turkish "domination" (blue color).
Turkish map does not separate small or large islands, it considers everything Turkish, including their territorial waters.

If it didn't want expansion, it would show a map like the one below.

View attachment 903926

because he wants to invade Greece, and occupy Greek islands.
Mavi Vatan” with Nazi's Germany’s “Lebensraum”!

Turks, I understand that you want to change the meaning of Mavi Vatan,

Coming back to the topic of the thread, I would like to point out some issues.

The so-called Turkish Mavi Vatan is offensive through a simple juxtaposition to the map. Such a hypothetical, intolerable to Greece and Cyprus, Turkish territorial waters would “engulf” not only the sea waters, but hundreds of Greek islands and almost the entire Cypriot EEZ!

View attachment 903923View attachment 903925

As you see the centre and eastern Greek islands as well as the sea area of 6 miles, are under Turkish "domination" (blue color).
Turkish map does not separate small or large islands, it considers everything Turkish, including their territorial waters.

If it didn't want expansion, it would show a map like the one below.

View attachment 903926

because he wants to invade Greece, and occupy Greek islands.
Mavi Vatan” with Nazi's Germany’s “Lebensraum”!
You do not know about the "Turkish thesis" you are against and you are only parroting the Greek regime.

Turkey says that the Greek islands on the wrong side of the Aegean Ortay line should be included in the esclave as much as its territorial waters. In other words, it respects the territorial waters of the Greek islands.

Now that your hesitations are cleared, I am glad that we agree that the Turkish theses are in accordance with the Customary Law of the Sea. So the blue Homeland is legal and just.

Let's move on to another topic...

Below you can examine the Map prepared according to Customary International Law.

Ignorant and liar troll trying to teach me my own history

wth is weak tiny Greece to attack Turkiye in 1919 ?

USA,UK,France,Greece,Armenia together attacked Turkiye

Here American Warships in Turkiye during the War of Independence

(book 1919 AMERICAN OCCUPATION, page.29)

American Warship in Istanbul 1922

American Warships entered Turkish seas and invaded Turkiye and bombed even my city Samsun on June 7, 1922.
That's not an invasion. You keep saying they used the Greek islands to invade Turkey,as if they landed forces on the coast of Asia Minor.

The ones who landed in Smyrna were Greek forces,not American,British,French etc.

You lost the war,the Allies were there to enforce the treaties and agreements.

Fake news ? all my posts shows the reality
show me even one fake news .. you liar troll

The entire forum has fought with you,because of your fake news and arrogant narrative. Do you really want to repeat the last dicussion that got you banned?

You and your troll team have big problem with Turkiye and Turkish defense industry
because you are enemy to Turkiye

I am not crying on Greek threads
but you are crying on Turkish threads since 2021 .....

You're crying right at this moment.
I have more military knowledge than even your mod DEINO who called KIZILELMA and TFX as fake projects in 2021 when I said KIZILELMA will be ready in 2023

@Deino he still can't understand your criticism on the project
That's not an invasion. You keep saying they used the Greek islands to invade Turkey,as if they landed forces on the coast of Asia Minor.

The ones who landed in Smyrna were Greek forces,not American,British,French etc.

even American Warships escorted Greek Forces to invade Izmir
and Greek Islands were logistics bases to invade Anatolia ( Turkiye )
also 73 American,British,French,,Greek Warships invaded Canakkale and Istanbul

You lost the war,the Allies were there to enforce the treaties and agreements.

during WW1 , British+French Navies tried to invade Canakkale and Istanbul

but Turks kicked most modern British+French+Anzac Forces in Gallipoli Front in 1915

after WW1 , Ottoman Army was banned in 1918
and USA+UK+France+Greece+Armenia attacked unarmed Turkiye in 1918-1919

ATATURK organized Turkish War of Independence in 1919
Turks bought weaponss from Bolsheviks ( Russians ) and Turks kicked all of you in 1922

You're crying right at this moment.

You and your Chinese troll friends are crying on Turkish threads 7/24 since 2021

The entire forum has fought with you,because of your fake news and arrogant narrative. Do you really want to repeat the last dicussion that got you banned?

No any fake news .... My posts show full of reality

You and Your Chinese troll friends are trrolling , lying ,terrorize my threads and provoke me since 2021

but @LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch .. allowed Foinikas and his chinese troll team to terrorize my and other Turkish threads and provoke me since 2021

only one example from 2021 , when I said KIZILELMA will be ready in 2023
unmanned stealth fighter jet in 2023? Lol not by 2043 i guarantee you that much.

watch liar troll team watch ... 2023 or 2043

@Deino he still can't understand your criticism on the project

criticism on the project ?
where is criticism ?
only lying , trolling and trying to deflect the facts and defamation the Turkish defense Industry

in 2021 , I said that KIZILELMA will be ready in 2023

as like chinese troll retaxis , Iblini , DEINO also said stop dreaming and stop ulltra nationalist propaganda and fake news

I was right and Chinese troll retaxis , Iblini , DEINO and others were wrong
KIZILELMA was not dream
KIZILELMA was not ulltra nationalist propaganda
and KIZILELMA was not fake news

I dont want to deal with you .. dont jump to my posts anymore
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even American Warships escorted Greek Forces to invade Izmir
and Greek Islands were logistics bases to invade Anatolia ( Turkiye )
also 73 American,British,French,,Greek Warships invaded Canakkale and Istanbul
You have to realize:

1. You lost the war
2. You escorting does not mean invading
3. If you claim that you can destroy the Greek forces on the islands easily,then the islands are not a threat to you.

You contradict yourself with the stuff you say.

after WW1 , Ottoman Army was banned in 1918
and USA+UK+France+Greece+Armenia attacked unarmed Turkiye in 1918-1919
USA barely had anything to do with you ffs. There was one incident in Samsun that's just a naval bombardment.
Unarmed Turkiye was "attacked" because you were exterminating the Christian population and because not all of Turkey was willing to accept the terms of the Treaty of Sevres.

As for the rest of your post...stop playing the victim.

It's your behavior that makes people reply to your nonsense. If you don't want people to reply to you,leave the forum or change your behavior.
You have to realize:

1. You lost the war
2. You escorting does not mean invading
3. If you claim that you can destroy the Greek forces on the islands easily,then the islands are not a threat to you.

You contradict yourself with the stuff you say.

We did not lose any war in Turkish soil ( Anatolia ) during ww1
and UK,France failled to invade Canakkale ,Istanbul in 1915

when Ottoman Army was banned in 1918 ,
USA+UK+France+Greece+Armenia attacked unarmed Turkiye in 1918-1919

-- Greeks invaded Izmir , Bursa , Usak
-- USA,UK,France,Italy invaded Canakkale and Istanbul
-- Armenians entered Eastern Anatolia

-- French legionnaires composed of French, Algerian and Armenian soldiers and British Forces invaded Adana , Mersin , Osmaniye , Iskenderun , Kilis , Antep , Maraş , Urfa and Mosul

only Greece is not a threat to Turkiye
but USA - France , Greece , also Armenia and PKK/YPG together in front of Turkiye as like 100 years ago

USA deployed thousands of IFV , AFV , Tanks in Greece .. just 40 km to Turkish border

and Greeks are deploying American weapons in Islands which are 2,10,30 km away from Turkish mainland

sooner or later Turkiye will hit all illegal military deployment in Islands ...

USA barely had anything to do with you ffs. There was one incident in Samsun that's just a naval bombardment.
Unarmed Turkiye was "attacked" because you were exterminating the Christian population and because not all of Turkey was willing to accept the terms of the Treaty of Sevres.

20 American Warships supported Greek,British,French Forces to invade Turkiye after ww1

even American Warships bombed my city Samsun in 1922

between 1896 and 1915 when Turks were busy to fight multiple enemies in many fronts
traitor Armenians with French-Russian support killed over 500.000 innocent muslim population in Anatolia ( Turkiye ) to create Greater Armenia

You can attack only unarmed Turks .. nothing else
Greek EOKA Terrorists also attacked Turks for ethnic cleansing in Cyprus between 1964 and 1974

and in 1974 Turkish Armed Forces gave a lesson to Greeks

still Greeks are crying ......

It's your behavior that makes people reply to your nonsense. If you don't want people to reply to you,leave the forum or change your behavior.

I always will block your lies and anti-Turkiye propaganda on PDF
Liar troll team who said KIZILELMA is dream , ulltra nationalist propaganda and fake news

discuss like a real man or stop crying to MODS like little girl
or leave the forum

I am on PDF since 2017
and until 2021 I never had any problem with anyone

in 2021 you joined PDF to terrorize my thread and to provoke me with your anti-Turkiye chinese,persian,arab troll team

that was my last reply to you
I dont want to deal with you .. dont jump to my posts anymore
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even American Warships bombed my city Samsun in 1922
Yes,in one incident. Yet,you talk as if the Americans landed in Anatolia as if they landed in Normandy.

Ok enough with you. I'll ask again,how old are you and what's your job?
. .
Yes,in one incident. Yet,you talk as if the Americans landed in Anatolia as if they landed in Normandy.

not one incident , liar troll
according to your small brain 20 American Warships visited Turkiye for tourist trip between 1919 and 1922

and Americans were so smart to use 250.000 Greeks for land invasion
Also 60.000 + 40.000 French and British soldiers were part of land invasion

and not Americans but Greeks lost tens of thousands of soldiers between 1919 and 1922

today , smart Americans use 130.000+ PKK/YPG Terrorists to invade 30% of Syria against Turkiye

and Greeks are ready for American-French interests against Turkiye as like 100 years ago

Ok enough with you. I'll ask again,how old are you and what's your job

who are you to ask me anything ?

I am not waiter like you
and I am older than you ..

ignorant troll with zero military knowledge who said CROTALE AD System can intercept Turkish ballistic Missiles ...

ignorant troll with zero military knowledge who dont know AESA Radar is nothing to do with dog fight

and many more .. silly posts

Both of you stop talking. I will check these posts when I have time.

Foinikas found you against me since 2021
and you allowed this waiter Foinikas for anti-Turkiye propaganda and terrorize Turkish threads since 2021

I warned you and other MODS in 2021 to stop Foinikas who is enemy to Turkiye

LeGenD is biased and support Foinikas to terrorize Turkish threads and to provoke me 24/7 on PDF

I am not terrorize Greek threads
Foinikas and his troll friends terrorize my and other Turkish threads since 2021

WebMaster , Horus , The Eagle , waz​

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. .
Foinikas found you against me since 2021
and you allowed this waiter Foinikas for anti-Turkiye propaganda and terrorize Turkish threads since 2021

I warned you and other MODS in 2021 to stop Foinikas who is enemy to Turkiye

LeGenD is biased and support Foinikas to terrorize Turkish threads and to provoke me 24/7 on PDF

I am not terrorize Greek threads
Foinikas and his troll friends terrorize my and other Turkish threads since 2021

WebMaster , Horus , The Eagle , waz​

Really? It is very easy for you to judge me which is ironic in view of your posting record.

You do not realize how much tolerance I have shown for YOUR excesses in this forum. The kind of statements you have issued about me and the @WebMaster are also on record.

This very post is in violation of Forum Rules in case you forgot.

I will have a word with you very soon.

You need to show better judgement from now on OR I will decide about your presence on this forum.

Tag as much as you want.
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