You must understand that you are dealing with the symptoms. The symptoms of an intractable and refractory malaise, one which leads a whole nation to believe that somehow they are God's blessing to this planet. Any proof, reference or sign to the contrary is relegated to the heap of conspiracy theories, theories which find ample oxygen and manure in the fertile minds of a frustrated populace. A populace which has seen its "best men" attempt at bringing a "vindictive" neighbor to its knees through righteous might. As these luminaries fail one by one and are relegated to ignominious defeat the only option left is then to do the following:-
1) Shift the goal posts in the following manner- "Kargil was not about capturing land to enforce negotiations on Siachen from a position of relative equality but was rather about getting eyes on a highway and bringing the issue of Kashmir to the forefront".
2) The age old Kansas city shuffle wherein "The baniyas were far too clever for us, consequently they got the mendacious Bengalis to rebel against their fair and bred on wheat masters.".
3) Externalizing the cause of the malaise wherein "the Americans have brought this upon us conveniently forgetting who it was that petitioned for their intervention and presence in the first place." (I would suggest a mandatory reading of "Friends Not Masters" authored by Ayub Khan for all the proponents of such a belief).
4) Finally when all else fails then a protracted claim of everything else being a part of the thousand year war against the oppression of the unbelievers (baniyas, jews and sundry).
You will be hard pressed to find anything that shall make them less intransigent and it would be an exercise in futility to even ponder over a possible mitigation of the aforementioned malaise. At best though, I for one cannot blame them for it- obstinacy, obdurateness and the pit they have been digging for themselves are all well in accordance with their fundamental rights as is their claim of "sovereignty".