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Friendship with India

The best thing that can improve ties with India is an increase in bilateral trade. The only worry in this is India dominating our markets which we would not like. They are already dominating our television channels.

Who says? most people are far more interested in current affairs, talkshows and homegrown dramas/serials now. no one cares about indian television. it is filled with such crap, even indians I know admit that and our brothers from other side here can attest to.
friendship is good for both countries especially for pakistan both countries must make their terrotries defined like in kashmir and in siachin because alot of money spent thier to deploy army.if these issues become solved then it will b ecnomically good for both countries.
friendship is good for both countries especially for pakistan both countries must make their terrotries defined like in kashmir and in siachin because alot of money spent thier to deploy army.if these issues become solved then it will b ecnomically good for both countries.

well friendship cannot be based on give and take and we indians are not dying to have a friendship with a back stabbing nation like pakistan so the nut shell is if you want good relations with us mend your ways or remain where you are niether kashmir nor siachin will be given to you on a platter for getting bothy you lost half of your nation and now gilgita balistan is leased to china so is gadawer soon whole baloochistan will be under chinese occupation as they say we dont have to do anything you gauys are your's own biggest ...khair jane do :coffee:
You are all over Umair...I had to do lot of work in joining the pieces together...Quick request...try to quote the specific line to which you are replying...

b/w i am ready to discuss this topic with you only if you are ready to research a bit before replying....In case you are not interested then please let me know..I like to stick to the topic in hand so i have removed some of the lines which are more on describing the conflict....i am interested in knowing the parallel b/w Siachen and Kargil only....

Factually wrong...Siachen was not demarcated...Had it been, this issue would have never popped up....once again Siachen has nothing to do with 65 war...It is a failed attempt to draw a parralel...b/w weren't we discussing the parralel b/w Siachen and Kargil??

Haven't seen the video....To be honest i am not interested in usual propaganda be it pakistani side or be it Indian....listen the precise reason Siachen was not demarcated was that it was supposed to be a barren land with no strategic importance....In short both sides were convinced that this area is inhabitable and thus there is no need to demarcate it at this moment...implying it was no man's land....

I am not sure what version of shimla agreement you have read but Siachen was not demarcated....It belong to Pakistan is just an interpertation of your side...there is not a single agreement which say's Siachen belonged to Pakistan...So please learn to differentiate b/w an interpretation vs a treaty....and yes this is fact that both sides wanted to occupy Siachen....in this cat and mouse game we won just by 8-10 days....

Nawaz was a traitor or not is not my headache...he was the elected PM of your country chosen by your own people...Vajpayee came all over to Lahore on a bus with the pretext to improve relations....If you can't contemplate that it was unpredented move then i am sorry you will not understand much here...

Nawaz Sharif bowed against us is nothing but a mere propaganda for people who want to save there face...but again this is your internal politics and i have no interest in that...b/w the same Saviour(read Mushy) also came to Agra few years later with the similar intentions that so called traitor Nawaz had...

I am shocked at the level of ignorance people have on this subject and that too in this media age...What leverage did we have with US in 98?? Weren't we under sanctions?? If i am not wrong it was Nawaz who went to US and that too on 4rth July(their holiday - independence day)...From where are you reading things Umair??

Your last few lines were so much outrageously ignorant that i have deleted them...anyhow i have picked up the theme....International community doesn't listen to your concerns is not my headache....it is your problem...b/w if you very well know that International community won't listen to you then honestly not sure how u justify Kargil... PLease do me a favor...Go to YouTube and type "Kargil war"...Strictly watch Pakistani talk shows that have come up since there was a new book launched recently on Kargil by Gen. Aziz....Look what experts at your end are saying about

- Who fought from Pak side...were those pak soldiers or mujhahids
- Who went to US to come out of the mess...

Once you sort them out please do share the parallels b/w Siachen and kargil....you spent the entire time in debunking my claims...but not a single point on the so called parallel....
Woooooo Hooo

Now im cursing myself to have wasted a loot of time in writing my long post for u. I think i should have trolled back with u.

There is a common saying that u cant expect a caveman to drive a car one day specially when he refuses to learn!!!!!!!!:lol:

Go on kiddo remain in yr delusion small word ie india:rofl:

Now Buzz Off
we are also not dying to have friendship with u. actually pakistan is not a backstabbing country for u actually it is abiggest threat for u after china thats why ur govermnt also want friendship with us...khair janay do
Woooooo Hooo

Now im cursing myself to have wasted a loot of time in writing my long post for u. I think i should have trolled back with u.

There is a common saying that u cant expect a caveman to drive a car one day specially when he refuses to learn!!!!!!!!:lol:

Go on kiddo remain in yr delusion small word ie india:rofl:

Now Buzz Off

Well u r welcome...though this is internet world so there is a high probablity whom u r calling kiddo might be ur papa....b/w when you have any facts or concrete points to discuss i will be there....till then peace!!
You don't seem to realise that nearly a dozen gallantry awards to Pakistani soldiers by their own establishment have been made through Indian commendations. I used to keep track, but lost the record two years ago, and don't know how to re-create it.

Of course you know I was talking in a different context.

It was not about bravery displayed fighting against India. I was talking of bravery displayed by them against the likes of the Talib etc. That is a direct service to the motherland that we should acknowledge and reward.

They are our common and real enemies when all else is said and done.
Of course you know I was talking in a different context.

It was not about bravery displayed fighting against India. I was talking of bravery displayed by them against the likes of the Talib etc. That is a direct service to the motherland that we should acknowledge and reward.

They are our common and real enemies when all else is said and done.

You are perfectly right, I was not concentrating when writing that post. It was a very good, very out-of-the-box suggestion by you, and has great merit. You are right in saying that the terrorist is a common enemy, and acknowledging their struggle against their terrorists may help them realise that it isn't much fun for us to face terrorist attacks either.

Point well made.

You must understand that you are dealing with the symptoms. The symptoms of an intractable and refractory malaise, one which leads a whole nation to believe that somehow they are God's blessing to this planet. Any proof, reference or sign to the contrary is relegated to the heap of conspiracy theories, theories which find ample oxygen and manure in the fertile minds of a frustrated populace. A populace which has seen its "best men" attempt at bringing a "vindictive" neighbor to its knees through righteous might. As these luminaries fail one by one and are relegated to ignominious defeat the only option left is then to do the following:-

1) Shift the goal posts in the following manner- "Kargil was not about capturing land to enforce negotiations on Siachen from a position of relative equality but was rather about getting eyes on a highway and bringing the issue of Kashmir to the forefront".

2) The age old Kansas city shuffle wherein "The baniyas were far too clever for us, consequently they got the mendacious Bengalis to rebel against their fair and bred on wheat masters.".

3) Externalizing the cause of the malaise wherein "the Americans have brought this upon us conveniently forgetting who it was that petitioned for their intervention and presence in the first place." (I would suggest a mandatory reading of "Friends Not Masters" authored by Ayub Khan for all the proponents of such a belief).

4) Finally when all else fails then a protracted claim of everything else being a part of the thousand year war against the oppression of the unbelievers (baniyas, jews and sundry).

You will be hard pressed to find anything that shall make them less intransigent and it would be an exercise in futility to even ponder over a possible mitigation of the aforementioned malaise. At best though, I for one cannot blame them for it- obstinacy, obdurateness and the pit they have been digging for themselves are all well in accordance with their fundamental rights as is their claim of "sovereignty".

An absolutely amazing post. A great insight into the minds and workings of the Pakistani's.

They have each one of those assumptions about themselves even if they dont consciously voice it.

The stories of Pakistan being formed in Ramzan, 'fort of Islam', etc, etc point clearly that the initial point you mentioned is correct. They do believe they(Pakistan/Pakistani's) are gods gift on the planet and they are fighting an international conspiracy which is a way to test them.
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Well u r welcome...though this is internet world so there is a high probablity whom u r calling kiddo might be ur papa....b/w when you have any facts or concrete points to discuss i will be there....till then peace!!

LOL really kiddo?

Just read yr post its full of yr propaganda. U didnt presented even a single point based on logic n reasoning like i did.

BTW after reading yr posts i have no doubts that u have a brain as high as of a 7 years old kid.
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