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Friendship with India

I will sum up this entire thread as the answer by majority to this thread is NO
Pakistan tried to merge Junagarh on 14 september, Kashmir merged with India, 1.5 months later in late October. still Pakistan tried to have these two along with Hyderabad. If you wanted play game, don't expect anything from India.

Who care about the date?why the hipocrisy?

I read that Kalat sent accession paper to Nehru but Nehru sent it back.

Tht never happened...
Conspiracy theories please i have grown tired of baseless accusations. Pakistanis are not the only ones who want americans out of afghanistan as no one wants to have americans sitting in their backyards.

But Pakistan initially wanted India out of Afghanistan.
The issue is not about Indian Muslims, but the fact that a chunk of people claimed that they would be better off separated from India. If the breakaway chunk fails, it will be satisfying to those who opposed it for whatever reason. (I am talking of the Indian political elite, not the ordinary people.)

India political elite hardly ever talks of Pakistan except in relation to the terror issue.

State policy isn't made by the vast majority but the political elite. For them, it matters, and will for the foreseeable future.

Assumption. Without any real basis.

We are not in the habit of getting India's approval on what we should and shouldn't try to do.

Neither approval, nor obsession will be even better.

Nowhere did I claim that India should care. I highlighted a crucial difference in the way India and Pakistan handled a similar problem.

Pakistan made it a single point issue. In reality, it became just a proxy for the Pakistan's internal dynamics, the power play between the PA and Muhajirs etc.

Most people would know that India is just used as a bogeyman inside Pakistan. What we do or don't do doesn't actually matter much. It has become purely a domestic issue for a very long time.

It is only your insecurity that you need to twist every sentence into a boast of alleged Indian superiority.

There is nothing about superiority in this.

It is about the different dynamics. Both countries acknowledge that the dispute is a colonial legacy and shouldn't come in the way of developing overall relations, without compromising their claims.

India has always suggested the same to Pakistan. We are consistent in that respect.

I take it English is not your primary language.

Is it yours?

Not your own Arabic? ;)
But Pakistan initially wanted India out of Afghanistan.

Well the question is why india is carrying out development projects in a war ridden country in the first place with no obvious signs of profit. Indians were betting on Americans to win this war but that didn't happen it is as simple as that.
. .
Well the question is why india is carrying out development projects in a war ridden country in the first place with no obvious signs of profit. Indians were betting on Americans to win this war but that didn't happen it is as simple as that.

the question is if afghans experience economic development, why is your a$$ on fire??
India political elite hardly ever talks of Pakistan

The only thing that matter is actions, not words.

Pakistan made it a single point issue. In reality, it became just a proxy for the Pakistan's internal dynamics, the power play between the PA and Muhajirs etc.

Most people would know that India is just used as a bogeyman inside Pakistan. What we do or don't do doesn't actually matter much. It has become purely a domestic issue for a very long time.

No idea which particular tangent you are off to. I made a comment about the dominance of feudals on Pakistani politics, so I don't know how your comment relates to that.

Is it yours?

I don't make mistakes reading straightforward English sentences. Unlike some of your compatriots.

Not your own Arabic? ;)

Polyglotism is not a bad thing; you should try it some time. ;)
Well the question is why india is carrying out development projects in a war ridden country in the first place with no obvious signs of profit. Indians were betting on Americans to win this war but that didn't happen it is as simple as that.

Because it will bring peace in Afghanistan good for the whole region, why India's investment in development Afghanistan giving sleepless nights to Pakistan.
1. Its not much of an advantage as we r not an export oriented economy unlike China or SK.

2. EU is no country its a group of countries.

But i told u it doesn't matter whether we r 4th or 1st as long as 30% of population still lives for less than a dollar a day...:)

it cant stay the same for ever..we're in aphase of transformation and our it service sector exports have increased considerably so will be the case with other commodities..yes e.u is a group of countries but it is an considered as an economic union..and i completely agree with ur last post..even our gdp is of america's size the percapita still will be low..
India's relationship with Pakistan has always been two-faced. For every outward gesture of peace, there is the diplomatic machinations to sabotage Pakistan's relationship with other countries (esp. the West), whether in economic, military or other aspects.

This has been consistent through the decades, regardless of the administration.

There is something called memory.

If you look back at the history of the world during the last seventy years, India was the black sheep, always treated with circumspection and fear by the western powers. On the other hand, these powers flooded Pakistan with arms and ammunition, and used Pakistan's status as CENTO and SEATO members to loosen their own laws and regulations and build up Pakistan in every way. Even to the extent of smoothing the path for blueprints to flow from Holland to Pakistan, for the development of an Islamic bomb.

And this at a time when India was embargoed twice, and for us to find a Silicon Graphics machine that was not banned by the US Department of Commerce was a CEO's full-time job.

What you have described is a series of despairing protests against one more outrageous tilting of the scale towards Pakistan, through military supplies of a particularly excessive kind. If it was not tanks, it was artillery; if it was not these, it was the latest aircraft in western inventory; if it was not a shiny new Sabre or Starfighter, it was a series of ships sent to manufacture a Pakistan Navy out of nothing. And economic aspects of this peculiar relationship? Would you like to be reminded how much economic support went to Pakistan, allowing her a hothouse luxurious growth for some significant part of her history?

With the greatest respect to you and your usually terse and elegantly expressed views, this statement of yours is full of self-pity, and little else.
Well the question is why india is carrying out development projects in a war ridden country in the first place with no obvious signs of profit. Indians were betting on Americans to win this war but that didn't happen it is as simple as that.

all we expected is millitant ridden neighbours and we're developing the Afghanistan for the same..and that will be in the interest of pakistan too
Because it will bring peace in Afghanistan good for the whole region, why India's investment in development Afghanistan giving sleepless nights to Pakistan.

Please there are other regions where india can bring peace. Why choose a country right next to pakistan as it is an obvious attempt to encircle pakistan from both sides. I would ask why india gets sleepless nights over the handover of gwadar port.
I will sum up this entire thread as the answer by majority to this thread is NO

I would give a more nuanced "not yet".

Not until we do a trial separation, find our feet and come back to this relationship after we attain strength in the other spheres I mentioned.
State policy isn't made by the vast majority but the political elite. For them, it matters, and will for the foreseeable future.

I believe that you do not twist facts that you know to be true. That would mean that the statements above are seriously held by you. In that case, you are hopelessly ill-educated and ill-informed about Indian politics. And politicians.

We are not in the habit of getting India's approval on what we should and shouldn't try to do.

Nowhere did I claim that India should care. I highlighted a crucial difference in the way India and Pakistan handled a similar problem.

It is only your insecurity that you need to twist every sentence into a boast of alleged Indian superiority.
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