Turkiye helped millions of Syrian refugees to enter Turkiye
Turkiye blocked over 70.000 foreign warriors to enter Syria
and Turkish Army is only NATO Army which fought against ISIS in Syria
Turkish Forces in Al Watiya , Misrata and Tripoli
Turkey is working with the UN recognized legal Libyan Government in Capital of Libya
HAFTAR and Others are nothing
maybe in dreams
Turkish Navy blocked ,French,Italian,İsraeli researching and drilling Ships
same fate will be for American and Qatari companies , if they violate Turkish EEZ and Turkish Cypriot as well
Do you think that was so easy to match with USA-The EU,İsrael,Russia,İran,Armenia ,Egypt,The Uae,S.Arabia also FETO ,PKK/YPG , ISIS , SAA , IRGC , Hezbolah in İraq,Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2016 ?
which Country can do it in the region ?
Greece ? İran ? Egypt ? S.Arabia ? İsrael ? ....NEVER