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Top 10 Military projects makes Turkiye unrivaled in the region

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Look,in all seriousness,if Turkey continues like this and does not go bankrupt or the government changes...the entire region will be destabilized. We we will have big problems and Turkey will be a big threat. For all of us. For Iranians,for Armenians,for Greeks,for Syrians,for Egyptians,for Russians. Imagine a Turkey with aircraft carriers,hundreds of TB2 and TB3s,hundreds of ANKA and Akinci and dozens of Aksungur and MIUS. Imagine them adding Istanbul-class and TFX-2000 frigates. Unmanned boats carrying anti-ship missiles. Anti-aircraft systems and ballistic missiles. Imagine a Turkey with supersonic missiles.

A Turkey that will be also given F-16Vs by the Americans and help from the British and the Germans.

A Turkey that will try to develop nuclear weapons.

That will destroy the balance. That is a threat to the entire region. That cannot be allowed. And if the Westerners see that,they will not allow it.

Of course all that...if they don't go bankrupt. Because remember...the ones who froze all investments and assets of Russia...can do the same to Turkey as well.
I don't like to write in such titles. I think these type threads are kind of pointless pissing contest.

But on the other hand, the level of intelligence and lack of knowledge of the counter-arguments against such posts are at a much worse level.

While Greece buys frigates with a tender of 4 billion dollars, it does not threaten its neighbors; but when Turkey runs a national frigate program to replace its 35-year-old frigates, it threatens its neighbors. That's the level of the discussion.

Basically what the SSB does in Turkey is to meet all the defense and aviation needs of the country with national and unique solutions within a certain program and on a gradual. And this new structure is mainly export oriented. The entire legal and financial infrastructure is being built on accelerating the foreign trade of the sector. The sector has now started to design, manufacture and export systems that are not even needed by the TAF. The export size of the sector will reach the level of 5 billion dollars annually in the next year.

With the experience gained by the institutions whose foundations were laid after the 1974 embargo, the purchase of foreign ready-made systems was largely terminated with the historical decisions taken in the 2004 Defense Industry Executive Board. Then, a new phase was started, and vertical specialization was focused on the sub-system basis. Today, only 5% of the approximately 700 ongoing projects under SSB are about the end-systems/platforms.

During the 90s and 2000s, Turkey had to be content with a much smaller army inventory than it should have. Is it necessary to write long and boring things about Turkey's risk factors, national security threats, war threats, and the world's best-armed terrorist organization created to fight against Turkey?

Moreover, the Turkish army inventory has been decreasing for 20 years. The number of active personnel, the number of active tanks, the number of active combat jets, and the number of active combat ships have all decreased. While the Turkish army is decreasing in terms of quantity, if considering the risk factors it has, it has to increase them in terms of quality, to the extent that it can deter these factor.
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Look,in all seriousness,if Turkey continues like this and does not go bankrupt or the government changes...the entire region will be destabilized. We we will have big problems and Turkey will be a big threat. For all of us. For Iranians,for Armenians,for Greeks,for Syrians,for Egyptians,for Russians. Imagine a Turkey with aircraft carriers,hundreds of TB2 and TB3s,hundreds of ANKA and Akinci and dozens of Aksungur and MIUS. Imagine them adding Istanbul-class and TFX-2000 frigates. Unmanned boats carrying anti-ship missiles. Anti-aircraft systems and ballistic missiles. Imagine a Turkey with supersonic missiles.

A Turkey that will be also given F-16Vs by the Americans and help from the British and the Germans.

A Turkey that will try to develop nuclear weapons.

That will destroy the balance. That is a threat to the entire region. That cannot be allowed. And if the Westerners see that,they will not allow it.

Of course all that...if they don't go bankrupt. Because remember...the ones who froze all investments and assets of Russia...can do the same to Turkey as well.
they will not sanction turkey that much they need their lands when the ineveitable war with russia ever commences
Look,in all seriousness,if Turkey continues like this and does not go bankrupt or the government changes...the entire region will be destabilized. We we will have big problems and Turkey will be a big threat. For all of us. For Iranians,for Armenians,for Greeks,for Syrians,for Egyptians,for Russians. Imagine a Turkey with aircraft carriers,hundreds of TB2 and TB3s,hundreds of ANKA and Akinci and dozens of Aksungur and MIUS. Imagine them adding Istanbul-class and TFX-2000 frigates. Unmanned boats carrying anti-ship missiles. Anti-aircraft systems and ballistic missiles. Imagine a Turkey with supersonic missiles.

A Turkey that will be also given F-16Vs by the Americans and help from the British and the Germans.

A Turkey that will try to develop nuclear weapons.

That will destroy the balance. That is a threat to the entire region. That cannot be allowed. And if the Westerners see that,they will not allow it.

Of course all that...if they don't go bankrupt. Because remember...the ones who froze all investments and assets of Russia...can do the same to Turkey as well.

They can do that for Greece, imagine they do that. They will lose and the balance will go for East, againg Western world see how important Turkey is. Two countries in war and Turkey is mediating between them.
I don't like to write in such titles. I think these type threads are kind of pointless pissing contest.

But on the other hand, the level of intelligence and lack of knowledge of the counter-arguments against such posts are at a much worse level.

While Greece buys frigates with a tender of 4 billion dollars, it does not threaten its neighbors; but when Turkey runs a national frigate program to replace its 35-year-old frigates, it threatens its neighbors. That's the level of the discussion.

Basically what the SSB does in Turkey is to meet all the defense and aviation needs of the country with national and unique solutions within a certain program and on a gradual.

With the experience gained by the institutions whose foundations were laid after the 1974 embargo, the purchase of foreign ready-made systems was largely terminated with the historical decisions taken in the 2004 Defense Industry Executive Board. Then, a new phase was started, and vertical specialization was focused on the sub-system basis. Today, only 5% of the approximately 700 ongoing projects under SSB are about the end-systems/platforms.

During the 90s and 2000s, Turkey had to be content with a much smaller army inventory than it should have. Is it necessary to write long and boring things about Turkey's risk factors, national security threats, war threats, and the world's best-armed terrorist organization created to fight against Turkey?

The Turkish army inventory has been decreasing for 20 years. The number of active personnel, the number of active tanks, the number of active combat jets, and the number of active combat ships have all decreased. While the Turkish army is decreasing in terms of quantity, if considering the risk factors it has, it has to increase them in terms of quality, to the extent that it can deter these factor.
all the problem with the thread is not with turkey investing in new project , the problem is with MMM-E choice of thread name and first post . also his erroneously think other country in middle east don't have their own projects and he thinks because something is from turkey its by default better than the project come from neighboring countries. all these aside if it was just on thread or in Turkey section if forum , we didn't bother to post here . he put the thread in wrong section , and he open such thread with different name every once in a while and put the same project there , it has become like a movie you had to watch time after time but each time the station change the name of the movie

also the guy claim to be more knowledgeable about military than any mods and members here but cant say an engine is a diesel piston engine not turboprop engine and he think kh-55 is a balistic missile and the reason for advancement of Iran and china ballistic missile program
95% of the wars in Turkish history were not of the type where the parties fought one-on-one. Turkey has the historical and geopolitical experience to predict that when war is declared against it, it will be by a coalition. Therefore, its military planning is based on the ability to fight two states and one proxy element at the same time. This is Turkey's balance criterion.

However, under modern warfare conditions, inventory size alone does not make sense due to various political risks. Therefore, it is not the number of platforms that should be mentioned here. The development of domestic industrial capabilities and the limitation of foreign dependency are essential.

Turkey ranks last in the region's per capita armament index. It is spending to arming 4 times less than Greece in proportion to its population and land size. Although Greece's government debt (%GDP) is at the level of 250%, it has signed (or in memorandum phase) arms purchase agreements at the level of may be 20 billion dollars in the last few years. Turkey was removed from the F-35 program during the same period, the powerpack of the Altay project was embargoed etc. During the same period, countries both in the south and west of Turkey allowed foreign military bases in the Turkish border regions.

Turkey is also one of the states in the NATO group that allocates the least budget from GDP to defense. Turkey not only allocates an unusually low budget for defense; At the same time, the defense industry exports more than TAF's annual purchases, and in a way, more money enters the country through exports than the state buys from the defense sector. Accusing Turkey of armament on a dangerous scale is something only a Greek troll can claim.
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They can do that for Greece, imagine they do that. They will lose and the balance will go for East, againg Western world see how important Turkey is. Two countries in war and Turkey is mediating between them.
Of course. Because our government thinks that trying to look so loyal to NATO and EU will earn us allies,while Turkish diplomacy concerning the war is smart. They sell weapons to Ukraine,but also tell the Russian oligarchs they can come to Turkey if they want. That could eventually turn against Turkey,but for now it's smart. Controlling the Straits is a big responsibility. It can earn you allies and enemies.It depends on who you support. At some point Turkey might have to choose the West or Russia and that might bring Turkey into war as well.

But so far,our politicians care more about "Green Energy" and supporting Ukraine. And Turkey has a chance to get back on the game.
Accusing Turkey of armament on a dangerous scale is something only a Greek troll can claim.
No,it's not trolling. It's called a discussion. And if Turkey spends less money on armaments than Greece,that's because Turkey has a population of about 80,000,000 people and a far bigger economy than Greece. There's countries who have massive populations and armies and still spend little for defence,compared to their population and their economy. And they still maintain big armies.

You have to also take into account that Greece is forced to spend all that money,because there's no balance in the Aegean anymore. There's no more quality vs quantity balance. We always had to spend a lot of money to keep our armed forces strong enough to defend against a possible war with Turkey or during the Cold War with countries like Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.

However,there was always a minor technological advantage that we had over Turkey ever since the late '70s. We bought something good,you later bought something better. We upgraded something,you bought something new. We replaced something,you bought more of it.

We didn't have big gaps in quality,but there was always a small advantage on our side,but you had the quantity.

Ever since the late 2000s and with the economic crisis starting,our armed forces fell behind significantly. The Navy was supposed to get 6 FREMM....then 4...then 2...we ended up getting nothing, So our navy kept Kortaener ships in active service and none of the MEKO 200HN was modernized. The only IFV that we had was the old BMP-1 Ost. We had absolutely no MRAPs.The only thing resembling a MRAP was the VBL.

Meanwhile we kept hearing from the Turks that they will be getting Altay tanks,F-35s and S-400s.

Now we're trying to upgrade our armed forces a bit and Akar is yelling. And yes,you are arming like crazy. Yes,you have a gazillion military projects. You show a lot of muscle. So that is armament. And coupled with Erdogan's involvement in Libya,Syria,Iraq and NKR,not to mention the Mavi Vatan policy,that doesn't make your neighbors feel safe enough to trust you. If anything,it's making everybody else,like Egypt and Iran willing to spend more money on armaments.

You know what I mean,right?
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Air defense must be layered not a single air defense system .and our air defense is battle proven against USA equipment. And our drones showed they can bomb 3km away from USA base and still after 18 hours they didn't knew what happened
Iranian Air Defense is not battle-tested at length. Shooting down a large American UAV is not much to write about in this sense. There are also incidents in which Iranian forces failed to shoot down American UAV.

Yemen and Syria have also shot down a large American UAV.

But both had no counter to American Tomahawk cruise missiles and jet fighters.

- - - -

American (and Israeli forces) have the capability to detect and track Iranian UAV throughout the course of their flight. It is when they decide to engage, then you know.

all the problem with the thread is not with turkey investing in new project , the problem is with MMM-E choice of thread name and first post . also his erroneously think other country in middle east don't have their own projects and he thinks because something is from turkey its by default better than the project come from neighboring countries. all these aside if it was just on thread or in Turkey section if foru

I am 100% right ....

Greece develop nothing
Egypt and S.Arabia has no big military projects
İsrael has no Fighter Jet , unmanned Fighter Jet , Frigate , Destroyer , Submarine , Aircraft Carrier projects

Problem is you and your İranian propaganda ... İran has no technology to develop projects which are similar to Turkish military projects

İran has no technology for airbore stand off jammer aircraft like İsraeli SEMA or Turkish HAVASOJ

İranian UCAVs are nothing to compare with Turkish AKINCI which can carry even 150-280 km cruise missiles ( the first and only in the world )

İran ....what a joke ........ it to be a hoax


he think kh-55 is a balistic missile and the reason for advancement of Iran and china ballistic missile program

stop lying .... I never said KH-55 is a Ballistic Missile ( I very well know about almost all cruise missiles in the world )

I said İran and China took soviet technology from Ukraine to produce long range cruise missile

Ukrainian weapons dealers smuggled 18 KH-55 cruise missiles to Iran and China in 2001
and both İran and China copied soviet KH-55 cruise missile

always same anti-Turkiye troll team terrorize my threads ( Foinikas , Hack-Hook , Iblini , retaxis , white and green with M/S )
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You have to also take into account that Greece is forced to spend all that money,because there's no balance in the Aegean anymore. There's no more quality vs quantity balance. We always had to spend a lot of money to keep our armed forces strong enough to defend against a possible war with Turkey or during the Cold War with countries like Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.

You need more $100 billion of weapons to match with Turkiye ...
only Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles will be enough to hit all military targets in Greece and Greek Islands within days ... ( if Greeks stick to the agreements you signed and If Greece is not a puppet to other countries like France - USA , then no any problem .. problem is your dreams in the Aegean and in the Eastern Mediterranean )

I dont understand daydreamer Greeks , even 100 years ago the Turks beat Greeks,French,Armenians in our weakest period

now the Turks have everything , big population , money , defense industry , allies
Turkish defense industry introducing a new weapon system monthly

still Greeks are dreaming about fighting Turkiye with a few dozens of Rafale ....
anti-Turkiye troll team
the biggest troll is talking about "trolling".
Seriously, do you really feel happy living like this?
the biggest troll is talking about "trolling".
Seriously, do you really feel happy living like this?

I am not a troll .... You and Your troll team is crying on my every thread

I have enough military knowledge to block your troll team
stop terrorize my threads ... PDF is not belong to your troll team
ROFL on lies

Iran and Israel dwarves Turkey in most of the lies in the OP.

ROFL on lies

Iran and Israel dwarves Turkey in most of the lies in the OP.
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