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Top 10 Military projects makes Turkiye unrivaled in the region

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its your lies as always .. Mr liar

since 2013 I know almost all Cruise Missiles in the world
watch my video about Cruise missiles

I did not say only Turkiye develops Submarine in the region or I did not say only Turkiye develops Air Defense System in the region

I said only Turkiye develops all these projects in the region

for example İsrael has its own Iron dome , David Sling , ARROW-II ,ARROW-III Air Defense Systems , SEMA airborne stand off jammer Aircraft , etc

but İsrael has no Fighter Jet , unmanned Fighter Jet , Frigate , Destroyer , Submarine , Aircraft Carrier projects

İran has its own Missiles , Submarines , UCAVs
but İran has no technology to develop Fighter Jet , unmanned stealth Fighter Jet , airbore stand off jammer aircraft , Aircraft Carrier , heavy class Attack Helicopter , heavy Destroyer and many more

dont compare İranian propaganda with Turkish military projects

its İranian military technology ... full of hoax
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I am 100% right

İran has no technology to develop military projects which are similar to Turkish military projects

even most of iranian projects are propaganda , fake and hoax
and İranian weapons have no western standard high quality to compare with Turkish weapons
first Mr Military encyclopedia , is that video the source of all your knowledge ?
second as I said we have the technology to build stealth fighter drone as we have both stealth and fighter drone and we are working on it , as its one of the proto type that crash last year .

on other hand you have neither stealth dorone nor fighter drone and you come here and talk about your stealth fighter drone

about qaher , I don't talk as your nonsense have been aswered 100 time at least it passed the taxi test , your shiny beautifully painted mockup of TF-X , even could not do that so in that regard we also surpass you

about AWAX , you have a project , we have a project, but there is one difference , we want to build the aircraft ourself and you want to buy the aircraft , both of them on drawing board , but as we build ur own aircraft i say we are more advance in that regard .

but İsrael has no Fighter Jet
Israel actually years ago built an actual fighter jet called Lavi , because it was an competitor to F-16 USA bribed them to stop developing it more , if they want they can start produce it and build upon it , we at least showed we can build various type of fighters based on F-5 and build several trainer based on our own design , you yet to show any flying aircraft .

you have a project , we have a trimaran project . wonder which one more advanced and revolutionary

Aircraft Carrier
why we want to build a landing ship and call it aircraft carrier ?
our forward base ships can deploy drones so we don't need that landing ships , by the way do you have such ships
heavy class Attack Helicopter

you are not aware won't mean there is such thing , we have Toofan 2 , we have shahed 285
heavy Destroyer
as if turkey have any heavy destroyer if you mean what is on paper , we have Loqman and its smaller sibling Persian Gulf Projects
dont compare İranian propaganda with Turkish military projects
I knew we can't even dream to reach you in propaganda fields

and İranian weapons have no western standard high quality to compare with Turkish weapons
I found another case of inferiority complex toward western white masters
first Mr Military encyclopedia , is that video the source of all your knowledge ?
second as I said we have the technology to build stealth fighter drone as we have both stealth and fighter drone and we are working on it , as its one of the proto type that crash last year .

Mr liar
I have enough military knowledge to know İranian Cruise Missiles were copied from soviet and chinese cruise missiles including soviet KH-55 cruise missile

about qaher , I don't talk as your nonsense have been aswered 100 time at least it passed the taxi test , your shiny beautifully painted mockup of TF-X , even could not do that so in that regard we also surpass you

dont worry
in 2023 I will open another thread to show the first flight of KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet and roll out of the TFX Fighter Jet ...

also the first flight of HURJET nex gen CAS Fighter Jet and the first flight of T-129 heavy Attack Helicopter

but only dont cry and dont say its another same thread

look at your hoax Fighter QAHER-313 ... what a joke

Turkiye calls 2400 tons warship as Corvette ( 99,5 m ,2400 tons , 21x SAMs and 8x anti-ship missiles .. and with stealth design )

113m and 3000 tons ISTIF class Frigate under construction

ADVENT Combat Management System
400 km CENK-S AESA Radar
AKREP (AKR-D Block B-1/2) Fire Control Radar
FERSAH Fersah Hull Mounted Sonar
SeaEye-AHTAPOT EO Reconnaisance and Survellience System
Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System
16 cells VLS

-- 1 x 76 mm Gun
-- 16 x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles ( 250 km )
-- 48/64 x HISAR-SIPER Air Defense Missiles
-- 1 x GOKDENIZ 35 mm CIWS
-- 6 x Torpedos
-- 2 x 25 mm Aselsan STOP Machine Gun Platforms
German designed turkey assembled and the designation explained ,many time you can dig it out if you want
Also soon Turkiye will start building 160 m 7000-8000 tons TF-2000 class Destroyer
also on paper and Iran have also such projects
State of the art technology Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability ...... ( only İsrael and Turkiye in the region and only a few Countries in the World )

İranian weapons have old technology which has been copied from outdated American-Soviet weapons
good for you but it seems its only Iran who managed to integrate such system into actual product such as these ones

or how you think our airdefense system work or how we built a version of Karrar designed for Air to Air combat
Israel actually years ago built an actual fighter jet called Lavi , because it was an competitor to F-16 USA bribed them to stop developing it more , if they want they can start produce it and build upon it , we at least showed we can build various type of fighters based on F-5 and build several trainer based on our own design , you yet to show any flying aircraft

I know about LAVI ... even İsrael gave LAVI technology to China to produce J-10

now İsrael has no next gen Fighter Jet and turbofan engine projects

btw USA helped İsrael to develop most of weapons including Ballistic Missile defense system

Iran just copied outdated American weapons as like based on F-5 ... nothing else
its your lies as always .. Mr liar
Stop accusing everyone of lying. You sound like a jerk. It's a forum. People have different opinions and provide arguements. Stop saying the same things again and again all the time. Haven't you learned to talk with people here all these months? Come on.
Mr liar
I have enough military knowledge to know İranian Cruise Missiles were copied from soviet and chinese cruise missiles including soviet KH-55 cruise missile
if you read the thread you see that its you who have told lies not me. what you talk about copy of Chinese cruise missile was a project financed by us and then We and Chinese continued it separately . so you show your lack of knowledge here .

and can you tell me who we copied Mobin cruise missile from ?
dont worry
in 2023 I will open another thread to show the first flight of KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet and roll out of the TFX Fighter Jet ...

also the first flight of HURJET nex gen CAS Fighter Jet and the first flight of T-129 heavy Attack Helicopter

but only dont cry and dont say its another same thread
i don't have to wait for a year you only need to wait another month for you to open another thread with regurgitated material
and you admit that they have not even gone on flight test at least our airplane and designs have passed flight tests
look at your hoax Fighter QAHER-313 ... what a joke
it went on taxi test what about TF-X

German designed turkey assembled and the designation explained ,many time you can dig it out if you want

İts your lies always Mr.Liar

I am not talking about German MEKO class Frigate which was built under license in Turkiye

I am talking about ADA class Corvette , ISTIF class Frigate which were designed by Turkiye

even Turkiye has developed all subsystems including 76mm gun , VLS , EW suite , missiles , torpedos , CIWS , Radars

Stop accusing everyone of lying. You sound like a jerk. It's a forum. People have different opinions and provide arguements. Stop saying the same things again and again all the time. Haven't you learned to talk with people here all these months? Come on.

he is a liar who says ADA class Corvette designed by Germany and assembled by Turkiye

you jealous liar troll team

it went on taxi test what about TF-X

even RC plane can taxi ... QAHER-313 is hoax .. all military experts says same thing

dont terrorize my thread with İranian propaganda and hoax
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btw USA helped İsrael to develop most of weapons including Ballistic Missile defense system
look you even didn't knew in 60s it was France that gave Israel the technology for missiles not USA and you consider yourself an expert on such matters !!!!!!!? :disagree:
look you even didn't knew in 60s it was France that gave Israel the technology for missiles not USA and you consider yourself an expert on such matters !!!!!!!? :disagree:

dont change my words mr liar

France gave nuclear technology to İsrael
I said USA helped İsrael to develop ARROW Ballistic Missile Defense System
you jealous liar troll team
Everybody is a "troll team"? People from various countries,religions and nationalities? People who don't know each other and only talk on this forum? They are a troll team because you can't take criticism and act like spoiled brat?
dont change my words mr liar

France gave nuclear technology to İsrael
I said USA helped İsrael to develop ARROW Ballistic Missile Defense System
well you are wrong there , which the technology was given by Dasault to Israel and resulted into Jericho missiles
and the defense system is israeli themselves , usa only provided the funding
Everybody is a "troll team"? People from various countries,religions and nationalities? People who don't know each other and only talk on this forum? They are a troll team because you can't take criticism and act like spoiled brat?
Ignore @MMM-E brother he is just blind ultra national Sh!t
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