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Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

No No, you are totally honest.

Here is the proof:


The Original is below. it is called Hongqi HQD,

The copy is done by the British (the car on top). They call it the Rolls Royce Phantom.

The British are real copy cats!




And imagine this.

Korea is copying the Chinese!

Daewoo Matiz (Korea) and the Cherry QQ (China)!!

Jai Ho!
Mirage 2000

Indian LCA!

Indian Matrix:

Indian Thriller:

We can always play that game if you want to go down that route.
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Mirage 2000

Indian LCA!

Indian Matrix:

Indian Thriller:

We can always play that game if you want to go down that route.

hey buddy just ignor that troll , most of us here do and many of us dont even bother reading his post
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hey buddy just ignor that troll , most of us here do and many of us dont even bother reading his post

That shameless "copycat troll" should be the last one to mock others for copying or stealing, "He himself getting caught so many times "BY ME" for "STEALING articles, posts from people by adding like" i believe, do you know etc" to make it as his own words. :lol:
A textbook "example of a thief crying for thief" :rofl:
to build a democracy, no matter how well or bad it works, i agree it doesnt take too much. but to be the ones who govern this democracy "for the people", what do you say that requires? nothing more than base sustenance?
The competing elites of a democracy require:

(1) Law. Knowledge of the law, respect for the law, and the acknowledgement that those who make the law are nonetheless subject to them.

(2) Sensitivity. The elites must be sensitive to the requirements of their constituents.

(3) Compromise. The elites must engage in bargaining between themselves to hammer out mutually acceptable results, at least for the moment.

But an even better is the formulation of The Mayflower Compact:

"...in the presence of God, and one another, [we] covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."
The competing elites of a democracy require:

(1) Law. Knowledge of the law, respect for the law, and the acknowledgement that those who make the law are nonetheless subject to them.

(2) Sensitivity. The elites must be sensitive to the requirements of their constituents.

(3) Compromise. The elites must engage in bargaining between themselves to hammer out mutually acceptable results, at least for the moment.

it's as if you were filling up the midterm test paper of Politics 101. :coffee:

at least give us an estimated net worth of the US senators and congressmen, let's find what these reallife elites of the world's most succeful democracy have in common together.
it's as if you were filling up the midterm test paper of Politics 101.
I consider that a compliment. Do they really teach about the Mayflower Compact in China?

at least give us an estimated net worth of the US senators and congressmen, let's find what these reallife elites of the world's most succeful democracy have in common together.
Do your own homework. But don't forget that a good five-paragraph essay begins by telling the reader exactly what you are trying to prove.
Announcing assets of US Congressmen? Why would they need to? Everyone knows that Americans are super democratic and do not need such trivial information. Americans only need to know that they are democratic, the rest of the world loves them, and wants to be just like them. Information like the net worth of their politicians is unimportant.

Congressmen can sell and buy property for massive 78% appreciations in seconds like magic, maybe its because Congressmen bought it. Or maybe they can sell a political seat, we call this 卖官. Even more amazingly, someone bought it and is now themselves under investigation for more corruption, perhaps to pay the seller off. Or maybe they play their secretaries and throw a few thousand in cash at them to shut up. But this is not important. Because AMERIKKKA is a DEMOCRACY and AMERIKKKANS are FREE!

The Most Corrupt Members Of Congress
so, even you have known that kissinger's words cannot count, why do you ask for chinese to take his word serious?
what do u think about those weapons used by pk, who delivered them to pk? a lot of things more than direct intervention can be done, and most are still kept secret among the related countries.
Henry Kissinger's duplicity to the press and toward the Indians vis-à-vis the Chinese. In July of 1971, while Kissinger was in India, he told Indian officials that "under any conceivable circumstance the U.S. would back India against any Chinese pressures." In that same July meeting Kissinger said, "In any dialogue with China, we would of course not encourage her against India." However, near the end of the India-Pakistan war, in a highly secret 12/10/1971 meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to the UN Huang Ha, Kissinger did exactly this encouraging the PRC to engage in the equivalent of military action against the Indians. [Documents 14-15, 30-32]

The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971

And China did not even lift a finger to help Pakistan!
AmeriKKKa is so free, they are even free to be corrupt and have nepotism!

E.g., Michelle Obama getting paid $274K per year as University of Chicago Hospital's VP of "Community and External Affairs". A position so mission critical, it was eliminated when she left.

Rahm Emanuel gets paid $16M in two and half years on Wall Street without any experience in finance.

Dick Cheney named CEO of Haliburton without ever reading a balance sheet in his entire life.
that's what i mean. a world like our earth can only afford one superpower's rising, surely cannot afford a large area like half of aisa rising.
i don't think there will comes some co-prosperity in asia. just take look at america, only usa and canada are rich, and the others just eke out a meagre life by eating the rest from north america.

What are you trying to say?

Are you saying that you don't know enough about Asian countries outside of China to predict their future, or are you saying that Asian countries outside of China will not be successful in the future?

I hope it's the former because the latter is not cool.
not get tired of something, but have thought it will be backup by its formal usa daddy.
sadly, this will be prove to be a big mistake.
Now the Filipinos are getting tired of Chinese hegemonic designs so much so they have banned the Chinese diplomat.

Things are no longer in China's domain and none have any doubt that all the piety about Peace and Coexistence is nothing but allow China to do what she likes and you will have peace and coexistence.

Come in China's way in translating its hegemonic design, things will be difficult.

But for the US Philippines Treaty, China would have overrun the island.

The very fact that the US Fleet is on call, is making China behave and act more responsibly and with caution and less of grandstanding!
The difference between US corruption and Chinese corruption:

In China the average citizen can afford to pay off at least some corrupt officials.
In the US the average citizen can't afford to pay off even 1, only big corporations can.

So that is why Stanley Williams, author of childrens books but a former gangster, got a needle in the arm, for killing 4 people.

But BP killed 14 in refinery explosion in 2005, and killed another 11 in 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion, and their executives are offered gigantic bonuses.
The difference between US corruption and Chinese corruption:

In China the average citizen can afford to pay off at least some corrupt officials.
In the US the average citizen can't afford to pay off even 1, only big corporations can.
That make China the greater hotbed of corruption since one official can collect from many without providing the services he promised.
Congressmen can sell and buy property for massive 78% appreciations in seconds like magic, maybe its because Congressmen bought it. Or maybe they can sell a political seat -
It's the American system of government that works. Nobody is saying that elected officials themselves are all saints! Yet justice does take time. Can you suggest improvements? That's the American Experiment.

Good article, thank you!

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