If it wasn't for America's example, us Jews might still be backward sh!ts. America's religious freedoms inspired the French Revolution, which under Napoleon freed the Jews of many strictures, and the French passed these along to Jews throughout the short-lived French Empire. All of a sudden Jews were permitted to enter professions and universities closed to them for centuries.
Furthermore the successful example of American and European democracy certainly inspired Israel. It doesn't take much reading of the Bible to realize that the ancient Israelites rarely got governance right. Secular democracy is a massive improvement. Almost from the beginning the political structures of the Yishuv were democratic in character, starting, like America's New England town meetings, at the individual settlement level and later creating representative institutions.
it was not by anybody's example, it was the due course of social evolution, that jews got political rights at that particular time. thank capitalism and the wealth your ancestors have mustered for you by then.