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Federal minister announces $100,000 bounty on anti-Islam filmmaker

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F.O.X, you raise valid points here.

What the US did was wrong; the drone attacks are wrong. The US gets away with it because might makes right. Simple as that.

That still doesn't justify what this Bilour guy did.

True , There are two ways of Doing Something , The Right Way & the Wrong Way , Bilour like always choose the Wrong Way.
I think certain elements in the west purposely wants to see rioting and us going nuts and running our economy down. There is a problem to the generic free speech argument that will just not ever apply to the blasphemy against Allah or the last Prophet - the issue is not of respect, but of love.

This behavior that mystifies non-Muslims is often referred to by Muslims as Ishq-e-Rasool. A person is love is ready to sacrifice everything in their efforts to prove their love and commitment. Every Muslim loves the Prophet - and if you've not been trained in larger concepts of life, this love will overpower all other logic and you'll see these things repeated each time.

I see it this way, that when you are ready to sacrifice everything for the Prophet's honor, then sacrifice even your anger as his honor is in following his example - his sunnat - of repeated forgiveness and kindness to his worst enemies.

Shariah is not the cause of this, not by a long shot. Its a love unrestrained.

I will not give such conspiracy angle. We always get confused between countries in the west (USA, UK, france and nordic countries have different laws and societies) and group them together.
Also, stupid video (or quran burning) by random folks should not be equated with an action of whole country. How can one blame USA for the stupid youtube video, anybody can upload it.

The free speech in USA cannot be changed overnight if somebody decides to abuse it. Also, govts have lot less control over what a citizen does in a free country (also lot less control over press). All they can do is to deal with the aftermath of an event.
And note he said he'll pay USD 100,000 for the next guy too... In my books hes sealed his fate to rot in jail but here we have him not even being dismissed from office?

He will become a martyr if he's thrown in jail, the reason why he's not being persecuted is because majority in Pakistan share his sentiments, which also in some form leads one to believe the confusion exists of what's right or wrong in such contexts.
AK47 totting terrorists? Says who? 99% of the people killed by the Drone strikes may have been not guilty of any crime.
99% is an overestimation, but it happens in war. Drone strike is part of war, it is not a police operation in civilian area to get criminals. You can drag them to war crime tribunal though, if there is evidence of purposefully targetting civilians. (non combatants)
He will become a martyr if he's thrown in jail, the reason why he's not being persecuted is because majority in Pakistan share his sentiments, which also in some form leads one to believe the confusion exists of what's right or wrong in such contexts.

Things shouldn't be done in a confusing way. We are not challenging the validity of the blasphemy law here, we are challenging the right of anyone to order a kill on any person.

99% is an overestimation, but it happens in war. Drone strike is part of war, it is not a police operation in civilian area to get criminals. You can drag them to war crime tribunal though, if there is evidence of purposefully targetting civilians. (non combatants)

Its not an estimation. Was even one guy tried?

They were all not guilty - as not one of them were tried in a court of law or sanctioned as enemies of any state - or was war ever approved upon Pakistan.

In every legal sense they were not guilty and hence its not an estimation but established FACT.

The US state has officially murdered people and that is established fact as well and are at par with jackasses like Bilour. Actually worse.
AK47 totting terrorists? Says who? 99% of the people killed by the Drone strikes may have been not guilty of any crime.

Prove it.. Why hasnt Pakistani govt gone after USA legally for murdering thousands of its innocent citizens (99% of thousands killed in drone strikes)
If I am not wrong, Drone strikes resulted in relatively less collateral damage than conventional bombing. It also killed major Taliban and Haqqani network leaders.

Legal action against he director of the film would have been something a government official should have done rather than issuing Fatwa like bounty done by mullahs.

$100,000 was enough money to hire a reputated lawyer to file and win a case against the director, people would have chipped in more money for the cause.
Things shouldn't be done in a confusing way. We are not challenging the validity of the blasphemy law here, we are challenging the right of anyone to order a kill on any person.

Its not an estimation. Was even one guy tried?

They were all not guilty - as not one of them were tried in a court of law or sanctioned as enemies of any state - or was war ever approved upon Pakistan.

In every legal sense they were not guilty and hence its not an estimation but established FACT.

The US state has officially murdered people and that is established fact as well and are at par with jackasses like Bilour. Actually worse.

American considers it war, hence they are not tried in civilian/criminal court. Most enemy combatants are tried in military court.(if captured)
One does not go and kill the criminal, it is unlawful, even if he has actually commited the crime in broad daylight, with video evidence to prove. Kasab is considered a criminal in India(not enemy combatant in war).
One commonality between Pakistan & India.

Both the railway ministers ( Bilour & Lalu ) are ... "ünique"
Things shouldn't be done in a confusing way. We are not challenging the validity of the blasphemy law here, we are challenging the right of anyone to order a kill on any person.

I am not talking of the Blasphemy law - rather the non dismissal or no severe reprimand of the Minister. There is hesitance to do that reason being is lot of Pakistani's may agree with him,

There will be a percentage who would want him killed at the hands of a Muslim. Yet others would want him to meet with an accident or a lightening strike, some would want him to suffer and die, but the overwhelming majority would have felt outraged by this movie and want revenge, fuming mad not only at him but at the system and the laws that's preventing Muslims to take revenge for this immodesty and grave insult. But the real truth is all of them are wrong - the tiniest minority who would just let it pass and hold on to the belief that his faith or his God is beyond all this is the one who is right.
WTF is wrong with the Gov and their allies, as if baba malik was not enough, he now has competition. Looks like some one put a diarrhea pill in that clowns whisky, and the chit came out of the wrong hole. You sir love the Prophet so much, then kindly follow his teachings that say that corruption is haram.

I was going through some laws in diff countries about what and how they deal with hate speech, this is what france has;

France prohibits by its penal code and by its press laws public and private communication which is defamatory or insulting, or which incites discrimination, hatred, or violence against a person or a group of persons on account of place of origin, ethnicity or lack thereof, nationality, race, specific religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap.

And yet publishing pictures poking fun at the Prophet PBUH is not falling under that cat. HMMMMMMM I dont even want to call them hypocrites, might have to come up with a new word.
AK47 totting terrorists? Says who? 99% of the people killed by the Drone strikes may have been not guilty of any crime.

Whom to blame ....you can not even blame USA for this..because you are allowing them for Dollars....
Whom to blame ....you can not even blame USA for this..because you are allowing them for Dollars....

That still dont give the americans the license to kill. But alas dady yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and u indians. nough said. Back to watching the game.
This is incredibly worrisome religion and state have to be seperated and this man has should not be making such statments. It just goes to show how fundamentalised Pakistani society is if even ministers are offereing such rewards. Sad state of affairs.
True , but he did not Commit a Crime in US , the Crime he committed was in 43 Muslim countries , so he should be Judged according to that , Lets take for example Dr Afia , Was she America Citizen ? Did She Killed any American ? No , the Charge Sheet against her was Planning to Kill American Citizen , and thus she was convicted in America & was Sentenced to 82 years in prison , or was she Not ?

That is correct. As long as he remains in the US, or in any other country where what he did is not a crime, he cannot be prosecuted. However, if he were to travel to any of the 43 Muslim countries, then he can be arrested and punished by due process of law.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was arrested in Karachi, by agencies of her own country, and handed over to US authorities. Your questions should be directed towards your own agencies for the answers.

So Now What, the Law is only for the Weak , & the Strong can do whatever the Hell they Want ? , If people like Sam Bacile are not taught a lesson , their kind will continue to do this in future , you only fear of doing a thing when you are afraid of its consequences , if there are no consequences you will do it again.

Well, laws are nothing with proper enforcement, and enforcement takes a certain amount of gravitas. I am sure you will agree that USA is able to enforce its laws, and at present Pakistan has serious problems in enforcing its laws.

Sam Bacile & his Partners commit a Crime , & so They should be punished , & the Law of My country says , they should be punished by Death , so should they be.

If Sam Bacile is ever in Pakistan, then your statement can apply.

Did US Had jurisdiction in Pakistan where they Killed dOsama ?
was Osama as US citizen ?
was osama Trialed ?
was Dr Aafia a US citizen ?

US had declared OBL as a proclaimed offender responsible for 9/11 by his own admission, and thus was liable to be captured wherever he was found. He resisted arrest and was killed in the process. Had he been captured alive, due process would have proceeded. Pakistan is lucky it was not held responsible for harboring him since it has not been shown that it did so knowingly.

For Dr. Aafia, please see above.
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