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Farce must stop now!

Entire Awami league leadership and its sidekicks in EU and US should be charged in ICC for premeditated murder of political opposition under guise of tribunal.

Turkey has considerable influence over some influential ME countries who has reach all the way to Washington, Paris and elsewhere in EU. Letter Turkey sent is the first step and if Turkey exercise extreme pressure things could be different.

All in all its a good thing in disguise that Indo awami nexus antagonizing rest of the world so that india can eliminate most vocal nationalist voice in Bangladesh in the name of farcical "war-crime" trial. All the while india itself let go of all "war criminals" by signing Simla agreement in 1972.

Entire Awami league leadership and its sidekicks in EU and US should be charged in ICC for premeditated murder of political opposition under guise of tribunal.
That would be the ideal start to reverse the trend of AWAMY AKA RAWAMY oppression IMO. I'VE a question though; in case they tend to flee to their Masi's home AKA BHARAT as they always have been doing then can Interpol’s agents enter over there? Or Bharati GOVT. has the right on not to provide access?
It is likely jamaat has hired a crisis management firm or a western pr firm,these crisis management are led by the jews, the good ones are and I have seen how connected they are, i used to work for McKan Erickson. They are also backed by the west, the last 30 days their pr in the west has been nothing but fabulous.

The Jamaat have certainly employed lobbyists who are more likely to be Jewish. But that is exactly my point neither the Jews or the Jamaatis have an aversion to working together where their interests coincide.
Awami League will fail as it has in everything they do. Bangladesh polity is diverse, it simply is not feasible to do things on a whim. This kangaroo court was set up politician reason without thought or foresight. It will fail dramatically. The nation needs has not been served and I fail to see what opening up an old wound really achieved.
But they have been committing heinous crime by arresting innocent JI, SHIBIR'S leaders unabatedly(The Daily Sangram | Oldest Bengali Newspaper ???????? ??????? ????????????? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? ?????? | The Daily Sangram). Where are they getting such courage to be audacious of this magnitude unless Bharatis are assuring their safety?
Just because they are Jewish does not mean Israel has any need to get entangled in BD, I think you are over thinking this. Of course the US would be involved, we want a naval base in the bay of bengal.

Is this Munshi the same guy who made a thread claiming BD was becoming a Russian satellite?? :rolleyes:

It is not a question of getting entangled. It is a question of interests.

so sad...how come entire world is behind bangladesh???

May be you should start reading Pentagon strategy papers. I do ......
The Jamaat have certainly employed lobbyists who are more likely to be Jewish. But that is exactly my point neither the Jews or the Jamaatis have an aversion to working together where their interests coincide.
Munshi Bhai, almost all the good lawyers in U.S are Jews and even Sheikh, Mufti try to appoint them to get better representation. I'VE heard numerous arguments of Tobi's in JI leader's cases and found out that he has only been obeying his duties, nothing more. But JI walas extra drive throughout the world (??????? ???????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ??? ???? ??? | The Daily Sangram) has definitely been making them more compelled to do the job more sincerely IMO. OTH, U.S led west is probably catching up with the Bharati's deception on taking free ride over a decade (26/11 trial: ISI cannot be touched, says US) while keeping them delusional. If that's the case then it's a welcoming development. Bharat is no U.S's friend, it would never be and it never was. The faster it is understood by the lawmakers here the better it would be for other Sub-continental inhabitants.
The Jamaat have certainly employed lobbyists who are more likely to be Jewish. But that is exactly my point neither the Jews or the Jamaatis have an aversion to working together where their interests coincide.

What is this I hear? Bangladeshi Jamaatis funding Jews which helps out Israeli terror attacks on Palestinian civilians?

What a cruel place this sworld is. Looks like the last standing pillar of Islam in the world is India, to save Palestinian Muslim brothers who even Bangladeshi Jamaatis have abandoned :cry:

Munshi Bhai, almost all the good lawyers in U.S are Jews and even Sheikh, Mufti try to appoint them to get better representation.

So Bangladeshi Sheikhs and Muftis are actively funding the death of Muslim Palestinian brothers? Shameeeee on you :angry:

Edit: That was sarcasm in case someone fails to get it...
The Jamaat have certainly employed lobbyists who are more likely to be Jewish. But that is exactly my point neither the Jews or the Jamaatis have an aversion to working together where their interests coincide.

You'd be surprised how there are jewish firms representing the palestine cause
Hamas is a creation of Israel during the 1970's to counter the PLO. Nothing surprises me nowadays ....
Seriously ? So they were created to become biggest tension of Israel. You guys are great with conspiracy theories. You should write novels. Can become best-sellers.
Seriously ? So they were created to become biggest tension of Israel. You guys are great with conspiracy theories. You should write novels. Can become best-sellers.
These are just mutual interest in different times, nothing personal.

The Russians have no role here, it's the nexus between uncle sam/israel and the bharatis which is behind all this.

For once I wish the ppl of BD would to stop blaming their ills on others and take ownership for what happens in their country .
BD is the most important country in the South Asia. Linking BD means 50% done. The rest can be linked as the progresses including India. A prosperous and peaceful India is in our interest.

Unfortunately......there is no need to link BD for any strategic purpose.

You see BD has to be linked through India or Burma for the road. So when Burma or India is already being connected, few hundred km can be skipped to leave BD.

Indian link to SE Asia is through mountainous region, thousands of km MORE road to travel and not to mention infested with freedom struggle.

We already have road and rail lines through that Mountanious region and we have already killed most of those BD freedom fighters. Rest are on their way to the hell.

Rest of the world is not fool to fall for that indian trap; india is connected. Even indian govt realizes that in heart and try to gain transit access using interference.

Rest of the world is very intelligent and thats why they are investing billions in BD :lol:

You cant have a road without India but we can have a road without BD. GoB is only fooling the people of BD by claiming it to be an important country in the road.
For once I wish the ppl of BD would to stop blaming their ills on others and take ownership for what happens in their country .
Weren't you guys screaming for the Jamaati's blood in different threads of BD'S def. section? Now your desired is fulfilled and you are asking us to accept the washing your hands off?
Weren't you guys screaming for the Jamaati's blood in different threads of BD'S def. section? Now your desired is fulfilled and you are asking us to accept the washing your hands off?

I havent any idea what you are talking of as I find it exasperating to follow the machinations that go on in BD.

I maintain that no can ride your back unless its bent.
Weren't you guys screaming for the Jamaati's blood in different threads of BD'S def. section? Now your desired is fulfilled and you are asking us to accept the washing your hands off?

We have no problem with your Jamaatis(Sure they are an annoying bunch).I find no reason why an Indian should call for their blood.
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