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Egypt protesters breach US embassy over anti-Islam film

This is exactly why Arab countries function a lot better if they are run by dictators than by ineffective democracies.

Such a thing would have been unheard of if Gaddafi would have been alive.

Arabs are not ready for Democracy.
Would have that happened if Gaddafi was still in power? would that American Diplomat get killed??

You brought them, now you have to deal with them
So it is a societal/cultural maturity issue.

you heard this before, and coming form Rev. Jeremiah Wright "'America's chickens are coming home to roost"........ :disagree:
We may have the chickens, but look at your part of the world, it is filled with vultures.
So it is a societal/cultural maturity issue.

We may have the chickens, but look at your part of the world, it is filled with vultures.

You raised those vultures, you fed them, you gave them "freedom", should I remind who raised Alqaeda?
Alqaeda was created by U.S.A............ you need some history lessons ??

That be like saying Pakistan also created Al Qaeda. I'm old enough to know my history. What is Al Qaeda's grievances if you mind me telling please?
Alqaeda was created by U.S.A............ you need some history lessons ??
Spare US all the loony conspiracy. Might as well come out and say you are a '9/11 Troofer'.

That be like saying Pakistan also created Al Qaeda. I'm old enough to know my history. What is Al Qaeda's grievances if you mind me telling please?
Too many exposed women's ankles in the world.
Alqaeda was created by U.S.A............ you need some history lessons ??

First when 9/11 happened, you guys were cheering.

Then after the intial joy subsided at the deaths of thousands of Americans, then you tried justifying the actions by blaming American foreign policy and support for Israel.

Then you guys invented loony conspiracy theories blaming the Jews for 9/11, because you know that America was going to screw you guys over.

Then when Al Qaeda killed muslims with dis-regard in its war with USA, you guys come up with a new loony theory that America created Al Qaeda.

Seriously, you guys seem to invent a new conspiracy theory for everything.

This is a serious forum with serious discussions. Leave these ridiculous conspiracy theories for Arab cafes where you guys an indulge in bashing America and Jews.

:disagree: what are you trying to deny here??

She is talking about the Taliban you bird brain and not al qaeda.
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She is talking about the Taliban you bird brain and not al qaeda.

Watch the first video, and the same thing, same ideology Taliban And Alqaeda both terrorists groups ...... and she is talking about Alqaeda watch the videos...... Afghanistan was mentioned

First when 9/11 happened, you guys were cheering.

Then after the intial joy subsided at the deaths of thousands of Americans, then you tried justifying the actions by blaming American foreign policy and support for Israel.

Then you guys invented loony conspiracy theories blaming the Jews for 9/11, because you know that America was going to screw you guys over.

Then when Al Qaeda killed muslims with dis-regard in its war with USA, you guys come up with a new loony theory that America created Al Qaeda.

Seriously, you guys seem to invent a new conspiracy theory for everything.

This is a serious forum with serious discussions. Leave these ridiculous conspiracy theories for Arab cafes where you guys an indulge in bashing America and Jews.

you know nothing about politics ...... first of all you are denying USA creating Alqaeda....... no need to discuss with you anything else, since you know nothing, you need someone else to baby spoon feed you knowledge, i'm not patient enough to teach you now... maybe some other time.
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Watch the first video, and the same thing, same ideology Taliban And Alqaeda both terrorists groups ...... and she is talking about Alqaeda watch the videos...... Afghanistan was mentioned

We supported Mujahadeen against the Soviets. What did she said afterwards? Washed our hands and left. So groups started popping up like Taliban and Al Qaeda. So we didn't create those groups. They the Arabs as I said before created their own groups with their own agenda when the Soviets left. They have their own agenda. When Al Qaeda bombs in other countries you start saying they are working for the CIA. Or that Osama was killed by the CIA because he was useless now, etc. Thats how far you guys go to blame on others. Muslims blowing up other Muslims.
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We supported Mujahadeen against the Soviets. What did she said afterwards? Washed our hands and left. So groups started popping up like Taliban and Al Qaeda. So we didn't create those groups. They the Arabs as I said before created their own groups with their own agenda when the Soviets left. They have their own agenda. When Al Qaeda bombs in other countries you start saying they are working for the CIA. Or that Osama was killed by the CIA because he was useless now, etc. Thats how far you guys go to blame on others. Muslims blowing up other Muslims.

yeah, USA CREATED THEM... now when you 18 years old, your parents will wash their hands from you and leave you alone.... and you will behave and act in society depending on how you were raised.... ( trying to explain something here, hopefully you understand my rephrasing Alqaeda with 18 years old)

If USA didn't support those mujahadeen would there be a Alqaeda, those people didn't have weapons, who gave it to them??
yeah, USA CREATED THEM... now when you 18 years old, your parents will wash their hands from you and leave you alone.... and you will behave and act in society depending on how you were raised....

If USA didn't support those mujahadeen would there be a Alqaeda, those people didn't have weapons, who gave it to them??

If they didn't have weapons wouldn't other Arab countries as well as Muslim countries helped them like for example Pakistan? Pakistan allowed them to stay in their country for training and getting weapons. In wars deemed a threat to Muslims don't Muslims go to other countries to fight against Kaffirs? Bad analogy on your part about creating them. We didn't give birth to them and train them.

You know what they want, they were raised to love bloodshed and destruction..........

You don't know at all. Osama as said it many times before but I guess when see how far hes willing to go you won't considered him a Muslim for doing it. I love it when 9/11 attacks people claim Muslims couldn't have done it. No way nope.
If they didn't have weapons wouldn't other Arab countries as well as Muslim countries helped them like for example Pakistan? Pakistan allowed them to stay in their country for training and getting weapons. In wars deemed a threat to Muslims don't Muslims go to other countries to fight against Kaffirs? Bad analogy on your part about creating them. We didn't give birth to them and train them.
All i know that Arabs didn't not give them weapons or create them... Hillary Clinton it self said it, heck the whole world know is it U.S.A supported those Mujaheddin and they even brought them from different countries and put them in one place, so terrorism began, therefore USA created that mess; Alqaeda.

I don't understand what you are trying to deny here?

You don't know at all. Osama as said it many times before but I guess when see how far hes willing to go you won't considered him a Muslim for doing it. I love it when 9/11 attacks people claim Muslims couldn't have done it. No way nope.

How am I supposed to know Alqaeda ideology?? i didnt make them, i never supported them and will never support them.....

btw this was once said in the west......
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