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Two protesters burn Quran outside Iraqi embassy in Denmark

I think its wrong to insult any religion or religious scripture.

But I mean, if its not not against the law to burn religious books in Denmark, we have every right to burn the flags of the country where they burn our Holy Book Qur'an.

Its only fair and honest.

In my childhood in Pakistan, we would burn newspapers with name of Allah swt printed on it or put in flowing canal or river.

That is the proper Islamic way of disposing something that has Allah swt name on it. The reason being, we would not want to trample on the newspapers with our feet. Or throw them on the street.

Now think of perspectives….

If some random Pakistani saw me doing this, he will say I am kaffir, even though this is encouraged in Islam..

No because iraqis also caused the pearl harrbor tragedy
Iraqis also sank the Titanic.
The more important aspect is if that even has any impact. Is the burning by what are stupid men in general more of a “offense” to the creator or the neglect of hundreds and thousands of the copies of the Quran in muslim households - versus of the Quran written around on walls for political purposes being urinated on by stray dogs…or the many other harmful acts that muslims do to each other claiming it is from the Quran?
Is the Quran app in a phone being disrespected if its owner is busy having a sexy time call with his girlfriend ?

Reportedly, During the battle of Jamal the forces on the side of Hazrat Ayesha(RA) sensing a losing situation tied pages of the Quran to their lances to see if that would stop Caliph Ali(RA)s forces from pushed them down… but that had no impact because the objective was to quell dissent to keep the state unified.

So if that is the case(and while at the end Allah knows better) then is the value of the written Quran in ink and pages or it is the message that it represents and who it comes from important?

If I kiss the Quran after I am done reciting it ; is it because I revere the word of Allah and his supremacy as my creator or the embossed pages or otherwise on the copy I have?

Would it be more emotionally inciting if these men harassed a muslim woman in hijab or burnt 400 copies of the quran?

These questions are what should be clarified instead of finding these numbnuts offensive
Human life, honor, and property, precede in priority to religious books and icons. However, Arab countries do not care for Muslim or human rights in Myanmar, China, India, Africa, Europe, or in their own countries. They show zero leadership in that regard.

Iraq alone based on its sovereignty through its government can make a powerful stand against Sweden and Denmark if it wished. Nobody cares for OIC.
These two countries Sweden Denmark have gone too far. Then again , When vikings became civilised? Never … barbarians
Iraqis also sank the Titanic.
no, they shot down the "Monitor" during us civil war, which was a union naval sub.
think she was Iraqi bro

then people wonder why we support Russia

islam is spreading and taking over get used to it

these are just desperate acts by some losers who know their time is near
So the reason you support Russia is because it is not against the law to burn a book in certain european countries?
I agree its a desperate act of those two guys. As I said, notice no one in Denmark give them attention. Not even muslims give them any attention, because attention is all they seek. You might not know this, but they used to follow Rasmus Paludan, the guy who started these quran burning events live streaming on Youtube, who went to Sweden and did it 6 months ago I believe. All they want is to stir the pot, and for some strange reason some muslims a thousend miles away always seem eager to take offense.
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Just ban their yogurt and cheese products for a week, and they'll come to their senses.
Why not the products and services of Novo Nordisk and Maersk?
They can't hurt Allah swt
They can't hurt the word of Allah swt

They think they can hurt us with this stupid stunt but they can't

Don't over react, our response should be to double our efforts to increase our Iman
Increase the faith and Iman of our children and families
Make a donation to charities who print/purchase Qurans to give to non-muslims to explain, inspire and bring to Islam

What these clowns want is a reaction

Our real victory was always the strength of our faith

If we can keep that, our families strong then Muslims will rise and win over our enemies again, we will have the numbers and we have time

Our defeat will be if we allow our children and families to be infected with liberalism that chips away at our core values and principles
then people wonder why we support Russia

I suppose it is okay to level a city and kill 20,000 Muslim civilians. Burning two Qurans ... that is not tolerable.. I suppose everyone has their priorities in life
Burning Quran is actually a noble way to destroy its paper form. In that way it wont be sullied by dirt and especially dirty hands of those two attentionseeking individuals.

Tbh all i see is 2 adult babies crying out in the media and showing they are messed up inside. Its a voluntary public showcase of their own self-hatred.

Two protesters burn Quran outside Iraqi embassy in Denmark​

This is almost a weekly occurrence in places like Texas and other states that make up the so-called Bible Belt. That along with throwing swine carcasses at masjids and just idiotic, hateful behavior like that.

Unfortunately, all religions have their haters doing terrible things to them. It's not just Islam although that hatred can get pretty ugly and actually frightening once you experience it either in person or just by reading the wicked vitriol on chatlines etc. Best thing to do is avoid that exposure and keep your iman as strong as possible and always ask Allah (swt) for his forgiveness, mercy and show gratitude for all His sustenance,
Just another two nobody's trying to get famous lol
Holy books are good.

People burn the holy book not because of the holy book, but because of the extreme evil behavior of the people who learn and follow the holy book guidance in the wrong way.

Robbing, raping, murdering, etc.

It's completely idiot!

And for the people who burn the holy book, they are equally idiot as well!

Other people do the wrong things, why should you follow their step and do wrong things as well???
They can't hurt Allah swt
They can't hurt the word of Allah swt

They think they can hurt us with this stupid stunt but they can't

Don't over react, our response should be to double our efforts to increase our Iman
Increase the faith and Iman of our children and families
Make a donation to charities who print/purchase Qurans to give to non-muslims to explain, inspire and bring to Islam

What these clowns want is a reaction

Our real victory was always the strength of our faith

If we can keep that, our families strong then Muslims will rise and win over our enemies again, we will have the numbers and we have time

Our defeat will be if we allow our children and families to be infected with liberalism that chips away at our core values and principles

Well said brother
and for some strange reason some muslims a thousend miles away always seem eager to take offense.
Not some. Most.
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