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Does anyne has new Mirage pics with grey color scheme

If this is true then, PAF can sell 150 Mirages to nations like BD, Sudan or Srilanka etc with RD-93 or with those 150 turbojet engines (If PAF really recieved them).

I am very consious that PAF may sell old fleet (F-5T, F-6T, F-7T, F-7, A5, Mirage III, Mirage V) as regularly as PAF getting JF-17's new units.

Does anyone knows, Is PAF selling these old jets?

i dun thnk so coz Sri Lanka, bangladesh etc already have f-7 but even countries lyk Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are looking to retire their f-7 and replace them with sumfing better

Plus i dun thnk PAF will sell their f-7PG's or even F-7P's to them as PAF has extensively modified them by making ~35 changes to orignal chinese made one n they dun wan anyone to have an inside of wat things were modified and wats the capability of Paf and to what extent they can modify them...coz in future aircrafts Paf will also b modifying its latest aircrafts ...so dun thnk PAF want to give anyone even a slightest of hints

and also if PAF start providing them its old aircrafts then this may effect jf-17 sales coz all these countries are likely to buy jf-17
The main thing is alot of ppl are counting the Mirage out completely
I already said that provided we have new engines and we can upgrade the Mirage's Radar

The plane is a solid fighter in our arsenel

I think a AESA radar upgrade for Mirage would result in us having ability to reuse 200 Mirages , and multiply their effectiveness by
4-5 times

So I think the british AESA radar should be purchased for Mirage
if it is avaible in market even if we can upgrade 50 of our mirages that is a solid move

And we shoudl get the Chinese AESA for J10B and JF17 thunder class
block 3 , as block 2 JF17 thunder will get the french radars

Specification wise , I don't see Mirages second to none, Pakistani engineers have really done some great modifications over time with collaboration work from other forigne companies on Mirages

Its all about the radar, missiles and pilot ....

As far as digitizing the gauges from analog to digital frame work , alot of companies offer such projects for 1-2 million dollar / plane to convert it from analog to digital
framework -

Mirages are with us till 2020 , so might as well improve their capabilites a bit more

If we can upgrade from Grifo radar to AESA on Mirage hat would be a great tactical move ... on Pakistan Airforce

Mirages have HUD, Flair for incoming missiles auto, night flight capabilities, BVR, Digital displays so the upgrades are fairly good
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The main thing is alot of ppl are counting the Mirage out completely
I already said that provided we have new engines and we can upgrade the Mirage's Radar

The plane is a solid fighter in our arsenel

I think a AESA radar upgrade for Mirage would result in us having ability to reuse 200 Mirages , and multiply their effectiveness by
4-5 times

So I think the british AESA radar should be purchased for Mirage
if it is avaible in market even if we can upgrade 50 of our mirages that is a solid move

And we shoudl get the Chinese AESA for J10B and JF17 thunder class
block 3 , as block 2 JF17 thunder will get the french radars

Specification wise , I don't see Mirages second to none, Pakistani engineers have really done some great modifications over time with collaboration work from other forigne companies on Mirages

Its all about the radar, missiles and pilot ....

As far as digitizing the gauges from analog to digital frame work , alot of companies offer such projects for 1-2 million dollar / plane to convert it from analog to digital
framework -

Mirages are with us till 2020 , so might as well improve their capabilites a bit more

sir i have already told u hundred of tyms that apart from Radars there are other hundred of things which you have to upgrade but the most important of them is the airframe and its life and we all know how old our mirages are even some are purchased second hand from other air forces and they have very little life left in them...for me they are due to retire till 2015
so why need an AESA radar?

but on your continous argumentation suppose if we order AESA radar now then we will get deliveries in 2013 atleast thn? we will only have 2 years left so now what will you do ? integrating AESA radar for just 2 years then u will use Mirages with AESA radars as decoration piece?

why PAF would lyk to waste million of dollars when there are already budget constraints
Now i had enough of it plz stop acting lyk kidd thnk urself
We have mirages till 2020 , these planes are not going no where
may be 2023.

So we could use a upgrade on this plane

JF17 once we have 150+ JF17 Thunders, we can think of alternatives and replacement
For now Mirage compliments nicely with all the upgrades it has

HUD, night missions, sensors, missiles bvr, mid air refueling , respectable radar, mission control , electronic warfare suit , auto flair etc

The origional Mirages we had were obviously not capable as what we have made ours to become

Good upgrades -
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And who told you this?

You can't just deactivate 200+ fighter fleet in matter of 2-3 years -

I think if our airforce can replace the Chinese planes first the older ones we can be happy with the progress of the program

Mainly the Fatan fighters 40 odd ones will be replaced first .. then other chinese variants

We have more older planes in our fleet that will be gone frist before we even start decomissioning our mirage fleets -

The estimates of 2015 for mirage decomission are a bit optomistic

Also Mirage plays a vital duel Air/Ground plus sea defensive role so it has its presense in the airforce

You can argue well why do other airforces have decomissionedit well they did not upgrade their fleet and they have other options ...

We have 2015 to create new JF17 thunders first to replace the chinese planes and then gradually we can start to remove the mirages

But if we get J10B in numbers by 2015 then yes obviously we can start decomissioning process sooner -
The glitch so far as I see is that we have not got the J10B in our hand when we have 80 J10B in our hand then yes by all means we can decomission 50% of mirages ....

By optomistic levels 2017 ~ by slow standards by 2020..

Can't decomission something unless there is a potent replacement

Since we have 0km engines for these planes we are not in urgent rush , as we can gradually phase out the fighter in timely fashion

Project ROSE was a timely decision and calculated decision on part of our airforce
and it was a good move

If we have an offer from British company for AESA radar - why are we not jumping onto it ? How often do we get offers like that ? A radar which allows our planes to engage 2-4 enemy fighters simultaneously and also take care of ground units ..

Why can't we consider it ?

If we can use that to make a plane 3-5 times more potent - then I say lets work it out.

Sure if we can't use it on JF17 thunders fine , lets use it on Mirage

What do we have to lose ?

Unless if we have a Production increase of 100% then yes we can replace the chinese and Mirages together
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Hi, I have a better idea. Why does the PAF not bring the Mig-19 out of retirement and do the following to them:

- AESA radar
- Glass cockpit
- Helmet mounted display system
- Fly by wire fully digital system on all 3 axes
- Inflight refueling capability
- 2 RD-93 turbofan engines
- Provision to carry SNIPER night vision thermal imaging pod
- Add the Rafale Spectra jamming system.
- Provision to drop laser guided weapons.
- Conformal fuel tanks.
- Able to carry a BVR missiles
- Able to carry/launch 2 RAAD missiles, not one, but 2.
- Able to carry/launch Exocet and C-802 anti-shipping missiles
- Able to carry/launch anti-radar missiles

I hope you get the point about upgrading the Mirage III aircrafts! Thanks.
Hi, I have a better idea. Why does the PAF not bring the Mig-19 out of retirement and do the following to them:

- AESA radar
- Glass cockpit
- Helmet mounted display system
- Fly by wire fully digital system on all 3 axes
- Inflight refueling capability
- 2 RD-93 turbofan engines
- Provision to carry SNIPER night vision thermal imaging pod
- Add the Rafale Spectra jamming system.
- Provision to drop laser guided weapons.
- Conformal fuel tanks.
- Able to carry a BVR missiles
- Able to carry/launch 2 RAAD missiles, not one, but 2.
- Able to carry/launch Exocet and C-802 anti-shipping missiles
- Able to carry/launch anti-radar missiles

I hope you get the point about upgrading the Mirage III aircrafts! Thanks.

What an Idea Sir, but what about F-86????

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