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Defence alert over Pakistan's air space violation

The wreckage of the unarmed plane was found in Pakistani waters....... Shot shamelessly by india.
I see.. but how pathetic? you shoot a freaking patrol airplane with no possible treat.. unless he goes kamikaze..
Meh.. Turkey would never do such move..

It was a reconnaissance aircraft. It flew over the border and when it was asked to be escorted back to an Indian airbase, it decided to evade and get back to Pak airspace. Why would you allow a plane which may have gathered sensitive intelligence about your air defences to fly back home?
It was a reconnaissance aircraft. It flew over the border and when it was asked to be escorted back to an Indian airbase, it decided to evade and get back to Pak airspace. Why would you allow a plane which may have gathered sensitive intelligence about your air defences to fly back home?

There is no proof of ur claims..... reconnaissance aircraft on missions dont carry high ranking officials...... Only a fool would believe tht.
I'll answer all the ladies questions:-) starting with:

@The President of the ART and PAINTING Fanclub:
Sorry to rain on your parade everywhere, I suffer from the exact opposite disease as you and your club members. I specifically suffer from the "IHATELIARS Syndrome". It's incurable, I'm afraid, I will always be allergic to lies:-(

Now your posts; so many lies, where to begin?

So which is the better feat: Using 8 Modern jets to shoot down a slow lumbering drone, or shooting it down by rifle by a sentry? I would go with the latter, despite your excuses about it being too dark to see:-)

Just a passing thought:

If UAV stands for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, then please note the following:
RAF pilots in WW2 shot, toppled and rammed V-1 and V-2's.

I actually found you a photo, NOT a painting!

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

By the way, thanks for sending me the Vayu Sena article! Since you are using it as evidence, let me point out that 2 (TWO) UAV's entered deep into Pak territory, so where's the other one??
Also I hope you read how many PAF jets it takes to shoot one(1) UAV: Answer: EIGHT (8)!!!!!
Wow, this can be India's strategy right there to check PAF response times and strategies, no?

BTW,I have commissioned my 1st std. niece to paint a picture of the UAV entering your airspace, will certainly post it here soon:-) She claims to be a member of the American Society of Aviation Artists too! Though they have not heard of her, why shouldn't I make this claim too? Who can find out, unless they go to the ASAA website.....
In the name of S M A Hussaini, lets move on!


"Not a Pakistani UAV.....? What amazing skills! You could tell confidently that this is not a Pakistani UAV? HOW????
Please do something about this disease that is spreading among you and your friends,viz., "Lying-itis". It is frankly pathetic and disgusting. Get some treatment soon!
As far as other Indians joining the 'Last Battle' post, please note that such hilarity and borderline slapstick comedy should be shared by all, irrespective of nationality. My regrets that most Pakistani members chose to turn their back on WIndjammer on that occasion. (Even you ,sadly)
In our own territory....... It is concidered a shame.....Should have tried to shoot an armed fighter n seen the result.

Still you lost your case and your claims have been debunked by the French court....and all you did was spend $400,000 and got nothing out of it.

Unarmed, Recon, or whatever...that aircraft was deemed as an military aircraft and we had every right to shoot it in that case which was just weeks after Kargil when the tensions were high.

There is no shame to it. It was normal.and an R 60 is a short range AAM and the range is no more than 15 kms.
I see.. but how pathetic? you shoot a freaking patrol airplane with no possible treat.. unless he goes kamikaze..
Meh.. Turkey would never do such move..

Turkey wouldnt because it doesnt need to...I just was telling you how the scenario in the sub-continent was.

And For the others:

What was the Pakistani air force doing when IAF intruded into Pakistani air space to shoot down the Atlantique? I think the MiG 21's were scrambled from Naliya and intercepted the Atlantique. It fired the R 60 at it.

the missile has an operational range of only 8 kms. So it is proven that the aircraft was in close range before interception.
"Not a Pakistani UAV.....? What amazing skills! You could tell confidently that this is not a Pakistani UAV? HOW????

Yup... Because the wreckage didn't give us any account of any UAV used by PA and PAF. Only thing we heard from chest thumping Indian military was that it was an Italian made UAV. Which one they didn't mention. They also didn't mention the wreckage of other 2 UAV's they claimed to shot down. The old and knowledgeable members of this forum also failed to recognize the wreckage and very truly consider it as a pathetic tit for tat effort by Bharati military to save the face which was already too humiliated. No wonder if this incident didn't get much recognition except the local Bharati media. The reason was obvious.

Please do something about this disease that is spreading among you and your friends,viz., "Lying-itis". It is frankly pathetic and disgusting. Get some treatment soon!

It is strange that you can also smell disgust. Wonder why you lost your disgust sensing talent with you own posts.

As far as other Indians joining the 'Last Battle' post, please note that such hilarity and borderline slapstick comedy should be shared by all, irrespective of nationality. My regrets that most Pakistani members chose to turn their back on WIndjammer on that occasion. (Even you ,sadly)

By your idiotic logic. They were your best friends. Weren't they. I hope you all didn't used to go to same pre-school together. :D
Im still not sure what the IA shot down..
I checked with somebody who should know this detail.. he says all the falco's are accounted for..
Is the PAF flying "black" falco's now??
Im still not sure what the IA shot down..
I checked with somebody who should know this detail.. he says all the falco's are accounted for..
Is the PAF flying "black" falco's now??

Do help us Santro. Since I also want to know what the IA actually shot down. Let's see how much credible this claim of shooting down Paksitani UAV is. I hope this isn't the part of propaganda campaign that usually starts after every hostility.

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