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Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

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generally i avoid replying ****** post but you and every one here should know that he was fighting to restore a union of India which was not based on any religion and where rights of poor ( of any religion ) and suppressed class would have been protected. he said before getting hanged that dying to get heaven is very easy. but i know that there is no heaven and everything will be finished when i die in spite of i chosen this fate so that my countrymen may awake. and he was only 23 years old then.

I would have supported him if he would have been fighting for the Indian Empire from whom the British usurped power. When he didn't do that, he was supporting the domination of Indian Hindus and this is not acceptable under any circumstances. Period.
Oh yes, these have always been part of this land. However, like I said before IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture or traditions.

Then why did IVC people worship Hindu Gods/idols? :hang2:
Who told that? Moreover i am a dravidian, my forefathers made the IVC, and its part of my culture...

It's fake theory no such Aryan were there Indian was always been brown , color of north Indians improved in last 2000 years due due mixing of lot of foreign blood Persians , Jews ,and etc. around
I would have supported him if he would have been fighting for the Indian Empire from whom the British usurped power. When he didn't do that, he was supporting the domination of Indian Hindus and this is not acceptable under any circumstances. Period.

He was froma Sikh family, but atheist.

Also, I am interested how exactly you guys have changed your situation, when the condition of Pakistani Muslims and Bangladeshi Muslims today is pretty much below the conditions of Indian Muslims living under so called Hindu Domination.
Prove me that :P u cannot prove it, none can... Vedas was written in present pakistan, making inheritence as much as ours as urs...
As well as IVC.. As u have declared urself an aryan, i clearly mention i am a dravidian who built IVC,... The current gen of pakistan have no relation to it, even 0.0001 %

I had written it for another response - but what the heck, here is the proof.

The broad classification of Vedic literature tends to underline two different facets; Rig Veda based early Vedic literature and Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishadas based later Vedic literature. However, it also reveals a protracted cultural growth which can be identified through use of Sanskrit, societal varna system, monotheistic and polytheistic rituals including yajnas, animal sacrifices and cremation of the dead etc.

From the archeological evidence it becomes clearly evident that Vedic literature based cultural traditions are better identified with Post Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) cultural traditions. Let me highlight some of the more pronounced facts in this regard:

• The formation of IVC’s cultural entities can be identified between 3000-1300 BC. Contrarily, the Historians identify formulation of Vedic traditions between 1500-600 BC.

• The IVC’s culture was identified in the Indus Valley, Ghaggar-Hakra basin and in the Doab. These cultural moorings however do not find an extension into central and lower Gangese Valley in eastern and central Indian plains. Contrarily, the traditions abound in Vedic culture extends all over Pakistan and northern India.

• The decline of IVC traditions started declining after 2000BC and little of it was identified around 1300 BC. However, the Vedic traditions sustained its development even to the early historic era (Joe’s pre, proto and history duly accounted) and shaped into a state-based urban civilization period.

• The Vedic cultural tradition do gel with the chiefdom -based Post-Indus cultures as they also use rice, horse and iron etc. However, it also displays a distinct difference with the IVC for the absence of fortified cities, town planning and drainage, monumental art and architecture of burnt bricks, advanced specialization and sea trade, use of seals, weights, measures and script and the custom of burying the dead in cemeteries.

• An attempt aimed at presenting a distorted version of history through identification of fire places as fire -altars, waste pits as sacrificial pits in Harappan era sites and the imaginary reading of Sanskrit legends on Indus seals is nothing but clear fabrication of historical and archeological evidence. Such falsehood was present in the manner because the presenters believe that India is a Hindu nation and has Hindu culture in continuity from Vedic Aryans and they themselves wanted to see it that way, which however is not supported by evidence.

Based on the above clearly identifiable differences, I have stated earlier and claim that Pakistan is the scion of and holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization and not India.
I would have supported him if he would have been fighting for the Indian Empire from whom the British usurped power. When he didn't do that, he was supporting the domination of Indian Hindus and this is not acceptable under any circumstances. Period.

guess u r really dumb... after showing many links to prove he was athiest, u still claim he was working for hindu rastra... Moreover he was a sikh...
waste of time to argue with u anymore regarding this...
Oh yes, these have always been part of this land. However, like I said before IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture or traditions.
land and people are different.. current day aussies cant lay claim to aboriginal culture, because they are not them.
I had written it for another response - but what the heck, here is the proof.

The broad classification of Vedic literature tends to underline two different facets; Rig Veda based early Vedic literature and Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishadas based later Vedic literature. However, it also reveals a protracted cultural growth which can be identified through use of Sanskrit, societal varna system, monotheistic and polytheistic rituals including yajnas, animal sacrifices and cremation of the dead etc.

From the archeological evidence it becomes clearly evident that Vedic literature based cultural traditions are better identified with Post Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) cultural traditions. Let me highlight some of the more pronounced facts in this regard:

• The formation of IVC’s cultural entities can be identified between 3000-1300 BC. Contrarily, the Historians identify formulation of Vedic traditions between 1500-600 BC.

• The IVC’s culture was identified in the Indus Valley, Ghaggar-Hakra basin and in the Doab. These cultural moorings however do not find an extension into central and lower Gangese Valley in eastern and central Indian plains. Contrarily, the traditions abound in Vedic culture extends all over Pakistan and northern India.

• The decline of IVC traditions started declining after 2000BC and little of it was identified around 1300 BC. However, the Vedic traditions sustained its development even to the early historic era (Joe’s pre, proto and history duly accounted) and shaped into a state-based urban civilization period.

• The Vedic cultural tradition do gel with the chiefdom -based Post-Indus cultures as they also use rice, horse and iron etc. However, it also displays a distinct difference with the IVC for the absence of fortified cities, town planning and drainage, monumental art and architecture of burnt bricks, advanced specialization and sea trade, use of seals, weights, measures and script and the custom of burying the dead in cemeteries.

• An attempt aimed at presenting a distorted version of history through identification of fire places as fire -altars, waste pits as sacrificial pits in Harappan era sites and the imaginary reading of Sanskrit legends on Indus seals is nothing but clear fabrication of historical and archeological evidence. Such falsehood was present in the manner because the presenters believe that India is a Hindu nation and has Hindu culture in continuity from Vedic Aryans and they themselves wanted to see it that way, which however is not supported by evidence.

Based on the above clearly identifiable differences, I have stated earlier and claim that Pakistan is the scion of and holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization and not India.

So what? the IVC cannot be even 0.00001pc of current pakistan....
I can show u some points....
1) Bull seal found in IVC, shows practise of bull taming. The sport of bull taming is now conducted only in Tamil nadu in thw whole sub continent.
2) Similar words are written in IVC and excavated in TN, but they are yet to be deciphered.
3) Pashupathi (Lord Shiva)seals are found in IVC and he is worshipped all over India.
4) People disappearance from IVC have been always a mystery, saying there are more chances of migration of people...
land and people are different.. current day aussies cant lay claim to aboriginal culture, because they are not them.

No wonder India's colonial past still haunts you and India and you still think like colonials, this gentleman Bhagat Singh fought against. Unlike Aussies, you were and probably are the aboriginal Indians.

Doesn't your conscience prick you on such colonial thinking.

oho ..... what a shame indeed.
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