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Decision to rename Lahore landmark after Bhagat Singh on hold

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LOL.. they are next only to Steve Jobs on being authoritarian.

its ok.. anytime you come to mumbai , i will tell you about some great places...

first place take him straight to Arthur Road Jail to meet his brothers ...:lol:
My ancestors were responsible for the railway system of India. Be glad when you use it

We are thankful to Creative Ancestors from bottom of heart for doing that & we are thankful to ALMIGHTY ALLAH as well as Jinnah that there non-creative descedants are thrown out of borders.

Happy now??
Like what? Taking inheritence from invaders and IVC, pakistani past as usual? :P

Like what? Taking inheritence from invaders and IVC, pakistani past as usual? :P

Like the Aryan invaders - probably half of you are also malechhas and remnants of Aryan invaders.

Incidently, IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture and traditions.
Like the Aryan invaders - probably half of you are also malechhas and remnants of Aryan invaders.

Incidently, IVC culture and traditions were never part of India.

nor of pakistan
Here is your offensive remark .....

Tehrik-e-Taliban is a terrorist organization and calling a Pakistani in the manner is calling him a terrorist.
In my opinion this is not only insulting, it is highly offensive as well.
And this is what I referred to.
And I don't lecture people like you. You don't deserve it.
It was Truthseer who said Jnr. TT as Junior Tehrik-e-Taliban. It wasn't made by me. Got it. If you have problem, ask him.

He called me Tehrik-e-Taliban not other way round. As I said, you are confused. Go to the further to those posts you will see.


Post #140.

And don't report Truthseer for it. I have no problem whatsoever.

So it has to be me to be offended by being called terrorist according to your definition. But as I said, Truthseer said it in casual sense and I don't mind his words.
He was fighting for ousting of the British to create a Hindu Rashtra. Had he been fighting to restore the old Indian Empire, I would have supported him.

generally i avoid replying ****** post but you and every one here should know that he was fighting to restore a union of India which was not based on any religion and where rights of poor ( of any religion ) and suppressed class would have been protected. he said before getting hanged that dying to get heaven is very easy. but i know that there is no heaven and everything will be finished when i die in spite of i chosen this fate so that my countrymen may awake. and he was only 23 years old then.
Like the Aryan invaders - probably half of you are also malechhas and remnants of Aryan invaders.

Incidently, IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture and traditions.

look at this :rofl:Pakistani:rofl: ":lol:Muslim:lol:" self declared Aryan
nor of pakistan

Oh yes, these have always been part of this land. However, like I said before IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture or traditions.
Like the Aryan invaders - probably half of you are also malechhas and remnants of Aryan invaders.

Incidently, IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture and traditions.

Who told that? Moreover i am a dravidian, my forefathers made the IVC, and its part of my culture...
I have heard Dravidians want to ensure a hegemoney of India
Oh yes, these have always been part of this land. However, like I said before IVC culture and traditions were never part of Indian Hindu culture or traditions.

Prove me that :P u cannot prove it, none can... Vedas was written in present pakistan, making inheritence as much as ours as urs...
As well as IVC.. As u have declared urself an aryan, i clearly mention i am a dravidian who built IVC,... The current gen of pakistan have no relation to it, even 0.0001 %
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