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Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

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No,modern day identity should not be applied towards neolithic culture.

I think Chinese civilization give or take is around 3,500-4,000 years as I don't believe in Xia or legendary figures.

It is recognized across the world that Japanese civilization is younger than contemporary Chinese and Koreans ones.

Neither is early Japanese history continuous there is no proof Himiko was related to the Yamato bloodline.

Rather Japan was similar to China that there many minor kingdoms(whether or not they spoke Japonic is up to debate) ie Kumaso,Hayato,Koshibito,Mishihase,Emishi etc

Even the Japanese Imperial Household may ultimately have continental origins.

Japan is a land of immigrants and many Chinese and Koreans fled there ie 新撰姓氏録

I don't disagree that immigration from peoples in modern day Korea and China came to the Japanese islands; however, it should be noted that the islands were already populated by proto-mongoloids as seen in the Jomon arts and relics found. Archaeological findings have concluded that Jomon facial make up were mongloid in phenotype.

They were, for all in tense purposes, 'early japanese'.
That was cute

Most Chinese I met are wannabe Japanese, it is so sad..

Sad as the insignificance of Turkey. AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (howl in despair!)
Ottomans ground to dust, all that is left is little little Turkey. I have to squint and have a strong level of geography to find Turkey on an unmarked atlas.
That was cute

Japanese are ancient and have warior code. All great civilization had this. Japan should rebuild their army to match their old glory.

he he, well, if they like Japanese culture that's cool! I love Chinese culture, too.


What revenge? What is comparison between an American Sattelite State and worlds 2nd largest Economy and Army. And most probably the next super power.
Japenese dont have indipendent foreign policy. And modern generation Of japan have nothing to do with what there ancestors have been doing.
Hell China should Punish Mangolia first then :-)
And to the extent i know about chinese they are sane and modern minded nation not some History Revering ethnocentric Retards

Let's drink sake to this! Banzai! ;)
I don't disagree that immigration from peoples in modern day Korea and China came to the Japanese islands; however, it should be noted that the islands were already populated by proto-mongoloids as seen in the Jomon arts and relics found. Archaeological findings have concluded that Jomon facial make up were mongloid in phenotype.

They were, for all in tense purposes, 'early japanese'.

As Grand historian pointed out, no one counts neolithic cultures. Peking Man is over half a million old, do Chinese say that we are that old?
Putting all kidding aside. I think China shouldn't make the mistake starting a war with Japan. Unlike WW2, US won't be on China's side. They will be on Japan's side and they won't be alone.

he he, well, if they like Japanese culture that's cool! I love Chinese culture, too.

Try to get off topic?

taiwan is just the last piece. we have taken back hongkong, macau already. taiwan is not far away. In addition, in current situation, the reunification will be quite soon and there will be no need for bullets any more. Let's leave that to our Chinese to worry about. There is no need for your concern.

we have that islands centuries before you. the WWII unconditional surrender condition already demand that japs returned to its pre-1894 territories and stripped out of all its war time robbing.

All of that was posted earlier. Unless you are blind.

@ephone , like i said in my prior post, the Senkaku islands were nationalized in 1895, but were occupied and administered prior to 1894. Why are we even arguing about this? It is sovereign Japanese territory, and recognized by the United States, Russia, European Union, and most of the world. The only one to contest is China and Taiwan.

Why worry about Senkaku Island? First, try to take back Taiwan that you claim as an 'inherent province'.

Okina-me, chisana kuchi ni...

Are you going to be on their side as well like last time during korean war? :rofl:

Putting all kidding aside. I think China shouldn't make the mistake starting a war with Japan. Unlike WW2, US won't be on China's side. They will be on Japan's side and they won't be alone.

I like Chinese too when they are making my Iphone for as cheap as possible for couple of bucks per hour.

What a waste of time. To an idiot who claim to be apologetic of history superficially, deep inside, who claims fairtale as history, war time criminal emperor unrelated to war time crimes, take stolen islands as its own... ???

no wonder today's japs have no guilt whatsoever.
@ephone ,

Hongkong was acquired in a treaty and the British promised to return it, which they did in 1999. The same goes for Macau.

In regards to Taiwan, there never was a treaty to return Taiwan to PRC, on the contrary, Taiwanese resent Chinese claims of reclamation. It will be a geopolitical nightmare if China were to invade Taiwan, and at this currenet moment, an impossibility.

If you cannot even take back one inch of Taiwanese soil, what makes you think that you can take one inch of Japanese soil?
The wisdom of Chinese is too deep for you to fathom.

Though as a result of civil war, both sides still recognize One China. Under such condition, reunification will be done.

China always gravitate to unification historically. Break-away condition was always temporary.

As for Diaoyu islands, it is not japs to have and it is not yours at all.

Today Chinese navy can come and go at any times. To keep peace, we try our best to keep status quo so that both sides will do nothing over the Diaoyu islands.

Our Navy will prevent any japs from climbing onto the islands as well.

As for the so-called treaty, which were all results of invasions after opium wars. We have taken back what we have been robbed one by one. Diaoyu islands are there and they will go nowhere either.

@ephone ,

Hongkong was acquired in a treaty and the British promised to return it, which they did in 1999. The same goes for Macau.

In regards to Taiwan, there never was a treaty to return Taiwan to PRC, on the contrary, Taiwanese resent Chinese claims of reclamation. It will be a geopolitical nightmare if China were to invade Taiwan, and at this currenet moment, an impossibility.

If you cannot even take back one inch of Taiwanese soil, what makes you think that you can take one inch of Japanese soil?
The reality of the world:

1. Taiwan remains independent and exercises full administration of itself , separate from PRC. Taiwan is a cooperating partner of the United States and, to an extent, Japan.

2. Senkaku Island is part of Japan. Period.

3. World War II is the past.
I look at a Turk and I look at a Japanese and I see zero commonness beside both being human being. If language (haha) is anything they have in common, heck, Russian and Ukrainian are much closer and I see little love between them. All the Germanic tribes fought wars amongst each other till WWII.

Japanese sounds like Polynesian with a sinitic script and they have no umlaut like ö and ü, while Turkish can't make a sentence without half a dozen ö and ü. Not even German uses that many umlauts. Even the name of their country has an ü (Türkiye) in it. Ask a Japanese to pronounce ö and ü! :lol:
Japan is a weak country, they can't even defeat the weakest China.

They severely overestimated themselves in 1937, and believe they can fully occupy China within 3 months, yet failed to do so until 1941 with the following event that nailed the coffin of their imperial dream.
Only 5000 years? Japan's civilization started during the Jomon period (14,000 BC).

Let me share with you a poem, my dear @+4vsgorillas-Apebane , -

Sazare-ishi no
Iwao to narite
Koke no musu made


You must be joking. Myths are not real.

I heard about four civilizations: China, India, Egypt and Babylon. Anyone heard of japan's fairtale??? :rofl:
Sima Qian briefly hinted as to the most likely origins where Japanese came from.
It's not revenge, it's everything back to factory reset, China rising to be the leader of East Asia, and fk the Americans off, help Japanese slaves to get rid of of the U.S.
It's not revenge, it's everything back to factory reset, China rising to be the leader of East Asia, and fk the Americans off, help Japanese slaves to get rid of of the U.S.
Our reset buton is when Japan gets back its lost territory. They don't have to do this with force but with cold war style strategy. Economic, social and other means of soft power and economic power to design the region how it belongs. It is destiny.
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