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The bond: Japanese war orphans and their Chinese parents. 'Children of The Aggressor': The Japanese War Babies Adopted by China

Chinese culture in essence is very inclusive and forgiving, this is the reason why hundreds of various enemy ethnic groups in the Chinese history, sedentary and nomadic, can finally merge together into just one single Han Chinese group with 1.4 billion people.
Chinese gov should had sent those sons of the scums back to their shit islands. No mercy need be shown here.
What kind of parents would leave thousands of their children behind in a war and just run for their own lives?
What kind of the parents would abort millions upon millions of children? Or starve them? Or let get beaten by the children?
Anyway I will be fair here. Not the parents but The Central Committee, who in their incomparable wisdom, know what's the best for their people
What kind of the parents would abort millions upon millions of children? Or starve them? Or let get beaten by the children?
Anyway I will be fair here. Not the parents but The Central Committee, who in their incomparable wisdom, know what's the best for their people
moron with brainwashed all through.
moron with brainwashed all through.
When will you reach the next level or are you voluntarily planning to remain on the one liner level?
What kind of the parents would abort millions upon millions of children? Or starve them? Or let get beaten by the children?
Anyway I will be fair here. Not the parents but The Central Committee, who in their incomparable wisdom, know what's the best for their people
You retard must be the one who was aborted.
You retard must be the one who was aborted.
Oh poor you. The more you talk more I see that you just like an Indian.
Oh poor you. The more you talk more I see that you just like an Indian.
You moronic little brit, it's just a dog of US, you enjoy being a dog.

Being dog is better then dog eater and USA was invented by us and our people. We brought you there that you can do railway labor, dirty job which is beneath our sentiments. Those workers sent money to subjugated, famine infested China that you can eat.
You see we were busy inventing the thing which you use to make factories and feed your children. I am on the superior level, I just enjoy the products of your hard labour, really cheap.
That's the level which we will let you reach.
Being dog is better then dog eater and USA was invented by us and our people. We brought you there that you can do railway labor, dirty job which is beneath our sentiments. Those workers sent money to subjugated, famine infested China that you can eat.
You see we were busy inventing the thing which you use to make factories and feed your children. I am on the superior level, I just enjoy the products of your hard labour, really cheap.
That's the level which we will let you reach.
First of all. You are Bosnian. A nothing country that has not achieved anything in history.

Secondly, China is more technologically advanced than Britain and in many ways the US. So what are you talking about when you say "keep China at your level". This isn't 2002. China is not even a cheap labor destination anymore. It's GDP per capita is nearing $20,000/year. While Bosnian GDP per capita is at $7500.
LOL, A refugee... how pathetic.
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