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chinese army v indian army

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try better excuse.. :lol: :lol:
was it mistake of verb !!!!!!! or entire sentence. come again when u r in senses.
I know you will not believe it, you don't believe anything from china! I used the wrong verb sense in a email to a company today!
Whatever, you can adhere to this, I don't mind, you can mock my english level! You don't believe these, I know!
By the way, it is late, I have to sleep, Nice to make comments here to improve my english, I still need to study harder!!
Good night! hehe!
Well, IMHO, before saying that the Indians are weak, the Chinese must realize.........who made them stronger Physically(by teaching them KUNG-FU) and mentally/spiritually(by introducing BUDDHISM).......
try better excuse.. :lol: :lol:
was it mistake of verb !!!!!!! or entire sentence. come again when u r in senses.

it is an insult to the great Indian warrior traditions for weak chinese to even dream about touching their feet..

Great indian warrior traditions?what's that?1/3 of you indian so called warrior surrendered to china,1/2 of you indian warriors run away like chickens.Is surrendering and escaping a indian warrior tradition?
Well, IMHO, before saying that the Indians are weak, the Chinese must realise that, who made them stronger Physically(by teaching them KUNFU) and mentally/spiritually(by introducing BUDDHISM).......


BTW I CONSIDER CHINA A TRUE FRIEND AND A GREAT COMPETITOR.......i consider we are backward than china but it would be meaningless if you say pakistan is ahead of us..:rofl:
A warrior nation that was ruled by Turkic people and western powers for hundreds of years? :lol:

its a misconception ... no invader ... was able to totally rule india.. it was only some part of india where thr writ had some value...
only maurya .. gupta's in recorded history was able to rule whole of indian subcontinent ... thr were always powerful small kingdoms...that were able to hold of...

Maurya's were the most powerful ... they even pushed greeks out of some modern persian territories ... in dos times...

maratha's and sikh's and chola were one of the most powerful small empires in india .. can easily be compared with mugals ..
A warrior nation that was ruled by Turkic people and western powers for hundreds of years? :lol:

Ruled? Lets talk about present. Still whites and Jews are ruling turkey.
Great indian warrior traditions?what's that?1/3 of you indian so called warrior surrendered to china,1/2 of you indian warriors run away like chickens.Is surrendering and escaping a indian warrior tradition?
No, our tradition is to "occupy" the land claimed by china and make it the Indian state. The super duper stronger Chinese army can't do anything about it.
Indian soliders are joke

Joke like you people know are really? the last fight China did with india was 1960s and you guys just got nothing and if you think we are a joke ha we kick your behind in a lot of battles in the Korean war so before you say things like that get some non chinese books are read.
Let me say my point of view im not insulting either country , Indians dont seem to be Warrior or fighter race , whenever i see them usually in UK they are more education oriented , work hard etc not fighter in their nature , Chinese on the other hand are more flexible in their bodys and in that excersise they looked agile , They are usually ( not met too many) but more agressive even in this forum and they are making more enemies in politics aswell , also they seem to use sheer numbers as main focus point

Although this is a sterotype, but I also believe certain nation/races have military tradition. China for its thousands of years of history were constantly challenged by northern warriors such as Huns, Turks, Juchens, Kitans, Mongols and later Manchus. There're so many fights about live and death of a nation. Countries need to fight for survival are usually better in battle field on average (The only exception is probably Japan, but it has Bushido tradition). And it is no surprise that Art of War were written in 2200 years ago and it is still sold at Amazon.com. I feel India on the other hand don't have the survival need so it is more spiritual and becomes the birthplace of a lot of religions and philosophies.

Turkey is also a warrior country, it takes some great fights to migrate across Asia.
The Kung-Fu Kata near the end of the video was pretty cool. Very circular movements and very fluid.
Although this is a sterotype, but I also believe certain nation/races have military tradition. China for its thousands of years of history were constantly challenged by northern warriors such as Huns, Turks, Juchens, Kitans, Mongols and later Manchus. There're so many fights about live and death of a nation. Countries need to fight for survival are usually better in battle field on average (The only exception is probably Japan, but it has Bushido tradition). And it is no surprise that Art of War were written in 2200 years ago and it is still sold at Amazon.com. I feel India on the other hand don't have the survival need so it is more spiritual and becomes the birthplace of a lot of religions and philosophies.

Turkey is also a warrior country, it takes some great fights to migrate across Asia.

india is the one who faced invasion regularly starting from Alexandr till last Indo Pak military conflict in 99' ..

Indians have seen Greeks, Arabs, Persian, Turks, Mongols, British and now in modern times China and Pakistan ...
and still Indian indigenous religions are followed by 85% of current indian population.. with Temples following the same traditions from dawn of time.. some temples are thr who follow the same routine of religious traditions that are more than 5000 years old...
we have our beliefs intact.. most of the economic system is intact... and right now,,, thr is no power in this world who can conquer india.... India is growing powerful with every moment passed ....
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