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China warship dock Karachi port first time for supply

please dont insult you intelligenceby making such amateur responses. Sorry but your post is so pathetic it does not merit an answer. Two battle groups of the US Navy if they had any aggressive intent towards you would have produced a much different result. You carved a country out of us not due to heroics on your part but due to rank bad stupidity on the part of our army and leadership.
If you are half as intelligent as I think you are thentell your compatriots what happened when you last blocked the strait of Malacca.

I am sure you know both the CBGs... One was USS Enterprise with a clear intent... to make India stop its offensive... You can blame it on your leadership and military but they did whatever they could(all means and resources included).

The IN was in no position to challenge them... but had the diplomatic power to make them withdraw thanks to the timely pact with USSR.

Force is not every thing here.... you asked about blocking the strait of Malacca... IN doesn't need to do that... neither it has enough resources to stage a war... against its eastern neighbors... or the USN.

For atleast two decades to come USN will remain supreme in IOR... however if we think on USN sides they have nothing to gain from the conflict against India.. strait of Malacca is of little importance to them compared to our eastern neighbors... how ever the common goal of both IN and USN is to check the growth of PLAN in IOR.

Hence for years to come the main energy route for China would remain vulnerable against IN or USN... till find an alternative route via central Asia and Iran.


The Navy always maintains a Check on the activities of Chinese and other vessels crossing through that area.

I don't know in which weapons we are so proud and we are talking about taking on PLAN, PLAN Manufacture their own weapon and war ship,we import from Russia and add israel weapon on it .We talk too much and don't have balls to do any thing like we did 2001 india pakistan standoff ,lost 789 soldier just in process cost us around $4 Billion.
Stop these bull**** .

Please carry on with the thread.....

Too much PDF in your head.. eh..
Which I said as earlier.. thanks to the large size of its territory and heavy dependence on Land forces.

Not just our land forces. Air force and Navy included.

True... slow production rate is a Problem... but it is being worked upon... Today the navy targets as many as 40 warships to be Inducted in 6-7 years... from domestic shipyards... which is much faster than what we have been doing till now... this is only going to improve in coming years.

We've seen many broken promises over the years. Delay is a not uncommon for India. Something they cannot afford to let happen during time of conflict.

Some people here argue that IN still buys equipment and ships from abroad is due to the fact that domestic shipyards are unable to meet the requirements... hence now the Private shipbuilding players are brought in the scene to speed up production rates.

Still doesn't mean they won't be plagued by delays. Regardless, India's ship building industry is already behind.

Thats how you think about it... Japanese rebuilding to a Modern nation after the WW2 is an example for all Eastern countries... even China.

I was talking about them and their policies being more aggressive than that of the CCP - Not comparing our economic and military mights.

South China sea is its back yard with weak navies or no navy powerful enough to challenge China. Thats a good start.... for PLAN SSBN fleet... but it remains to seen weather they were infact allowed to do that... not taking away the credit from PLAN.

Japan and South Korea's navies are comparable to that of India if not better. I wouldn't refer to them as being 'weak'. You cannot take any credit nor add anything to it. It was already reported by the media last year. This proves that the west have no doubts of our capabilities to venture out beyond our "coasts". Hence the need for them to meddle in the region and to used Japan as its bulwark.

Thats a recent development in service since 2010 I guess... comparing that with IN their 1st SSBN in service by 2013 is not as bad.

One cannot take away the fact that China has decades more experience on operating and building nuclear submarines. India is several decades behind in terms of experience already.

Thats what is called diplomacy... there are no Permanent friends or enemies in World politics.

Hence it is not wise to send warships out to patrol around your neighbour's coasts.

Certainly it is important to adapt to situation... which even the Somalian are doing very well... but can it be compared experience of Naval battles... Today If we arm say a Vietnam with as many Ships as the PLAN has can it be on par with PLAN in terms of experience.

Apples and oranges don't taste the same. With introduction of new technologies the way we operate and fight will be greatly modified. Your country's experience gained from the 70's will not have the same effect against today's China. We possess a much larger and modern navy. It will be a whole new experience for India.

You shouldn't have used India's mass production capabilities and Vietnam's naval experience as example. Both lack the necessary infrastructures and experience to carry out their tasks adequately.

Oh yes the the IN SSK was stealth until it got too near the PLAN Destroyer to check its response.... If the Destroyer new a SSK is following it it would've certainly raised alarms... same with the Su30 incident... PLAN didn't know until it came too near... and forced PLAN Destroyer to open its FCR... had it used the radars in active mode and followed the sensors on the Destroyer would've know it from a long way and would've more time to think about a better option of making the radio contact and asking the fighter to move away... it was the lack of time which made the sailors and officers panic and open its FCR... again If it were as experience they wouldn't have done this.

Purely media sensationalism coupled with your own personal assumptions.
One can also add a bit of twist to the story by saying that PLAN was calm and experienced not to open fire at IN's planes and ssk for their inexperience and lack of due diligence.

IN has overall good experience as compared to PLAN when it comes to naval warfare... and thats a deciding factor when its come to limited scale conflict.

False assumption.

Should have said overall naval warfare experience with old technologies against smaller foes.
This will not decide anything against China, who possesses a much larger and more advance navy.
India will not have the balls to engage us in the open sea nor will it attack our vessels when docked or operating around the Karachi or Gwadar ports. Pakistan alone is enough to give India a run for its money, let alone handling both Pakistan and China. Indian cannot afford to upset both China and Pakistan fearing for its eastern and north western borders.

The permanent seat was given to China when your PLA was mostly made of farmers and peasants.

Great, it means those "PLA peasants and farmers" were much more experienced than the Indian military and they won the war alongside America, Soviet Union, UK and France!

Yes our region is as Big as Indian Ocean.. and the IN has done operations as far as Maldives and near American bases aswell as African Islands in the southern hemisphere.

Still doesn't make India anywhere nearer to becoming a true blue water navy.

Manufacturing is one thing and using it is another... a sports car manufacturer can have a very good car ready in no time with best of test drivers but can those test driver compete with a real time racer.

Problem here is China are its own "manufacturers", "test drivers" and possesses its own "real time racers". We are good, both at making, and using so to speak. All thanks to the fact that we are a privileged embargoed arms dealer.

PLAN and PLAAF still are PLA.... means a branch of its land forces... they are yet to become a True air superiority air force and a true Blue water navy.

No one said anything about us being true to either. Fact of the matter that we are neither speaks volumes about India. It is neither the "manufacturer", nor the "real time racer".
Side effects for Indians when China and Pakistan move closer.

1. Increase in trolling
2. Sleepless nights for many Indians
3. Increase in homosexuality
4. Decrease in common sense
5. Increase in wet dream production

how sure are you about number 3?

thats slander no?
It already is.

It already is.

Lingering around Karachi won't help. Sooner or later the Indian Ocean
will become India's ocean, Pakistan's Navy is becoming more of a Coast Guard
than a military arm.

China won't benefit by irking India in the IOR. Peace between the two large
Asian countries is not possible if China think it can gain imaginary control over
the IOR, or even a share of power.

Your Navy is poorly equipped to defend South & East China Seas, how can you
gain anything in Indian Ocean. Tell PLAN to leave.

First one is not true as yet. Time will come when foreign warships (even on
a non-combat deployment) will have to take permission from patrol warships
at Malacca Strait before entering IOR.

Pak Navy won't even be in a state to question it. Neither USA.

Second point could be true...I suppose so.
Day dreaming is your right :)))
Your navy is pakistan/sri lanka centric, had you any proper plans of conquering the indian ocean, you'd have proper long term goals, not buying cheap used russian ships
but you can't compare US latest gen custom designed warships to some USSR garage sale indian navy ships.
And don't forget, there countries with economies better capable of managing a large fleet. I'm pretty sure a million indians starve for every indian warship purchased and maintained.
Too much PDF in your head.. eh..[/QUOTE]

Don't by stupid give me the answer Why we lost 789 soldier and $4 billion in 2001 standoff for no reason when our politician don't have balls to say attack .When we are superior in all three services and weapons.
reality is a barking dog never bites.
Day dreaming is your right :)))
Your navy is pakistan/sri lanka centric, had you any proper plans of conquering the indian ocean, you'd have proper long term goals, not buying cheap used russian ships
but you can't compare US latest gen custom designed warships to some USSR garage sale indian navy ships.
And don't forget, there countries with economies better capable of managing a large fleet. I'm pretty sure a million indians starve for every indian warship purchased and maintained.

That's one gem of a post ...............:no:

Srilanka Centric ...............Cheap russian ships ...............and at last poverty ...................:hitwall:
We've seen many broken promises over the years. Delay is a not uncommon for India. Something they cannot afford to let happen during time of conflict.

Promises by whom media ?... every weapon system is evaluated accordingly and selected only if they are found to perfect and comparable with the best at lower price.... unlike China where its Chinese or Russian if the project fails miserably.

I am talking of a limited scale conflict... no country is willing to sacrifice all has achieved in long wars.. specially not China.

Still doesn't mean they won't be plagued by delays. Regardless, India's ship building industry is already behind.

Thats a thing of future.. we don't know whats going to happen 5 years later when modular construction methods are adopted in Ship Building with Parts coming from Big Private players like L&T.

I was talking about them and their policies being more aggressive than that of the CCP - Not comparing our economic and military mights.

Their policy has been much better.. you'd not want me to open up the 60s policies followed by CCP in China.. or the one Party system.

Japan and South Korea's navies are comparable to that of India if not better. I wouldn't refer to them as being 'weak'. You cannot take any credit nor add anything to it. It was already reported by the media last year. This proves that the west have no doubts of our capabilities to venture out beyond our "coasts". Hence the need for them to meddle in the region and to used Japan as its bulwark.

They are in Japan ever since 1945... when most of China was already under Japanese rule.
I am sure the west also knows the capability of Iran since they are having bases around it.

One cannot take away the fact that China has decades more experience on operating and building nuclear submarines. India is several decades behind in terms of experience already.

As I said earlier the experience you are talking of are on the infamous Xias and Hans class who were mostly at the Dock thanks to the radiation related issues.
Building submarines yes.. but how good against the 1st Indian sub remains to be seen.
Hence it is not wise to send warships out to patrol around your neighbour's coasts.

Apples and oranges don't taste the same. With introduction of new technologies the way we operate and fight will be greatly modified. Your country's experience gained from the 70's will not have the same effect against today's China. We possess a much larger and modern navy. It will be a whole new experience for India.

You don't have much idea on how things work while in a Naval battle.
I don't want to bring out the capabilities of Modern China navy as to lengthen this more.

You shouldn't have used India's mass production capabilities and Vietnam's naval experience as example. Both lack the necessary infrastructures and experience to carry out their tasks adequately.

As was China 10-15 years ago... more so 15 years ago when the US CBVG came near its coast and a Single prowler jammed all the communication and early warning systems in the Nanjing Military region.

Purely media sensationalism coupled with your own personal assumptions.
One can also add a bit of twist to the story by saying that PLAN was calm and experienced not to open fire at IN's planes and ssk for their inexperience and lack of due diligence.

The Su30 incident was leaked by your media.
The submarine incident was clarified by a IN officer.
Besides that there is something called common sense while concluding the information given by media.
No destroyers wants to have planes or Subs near it... no matter which navy.

False assumption.

Should have said overall naval warfare experience with old technologies against smaller foes.
This will not decide anything against China, who possesses a much larger and more advance navy.
India will not have the balls to engage us in the open sea nor will it attack our vessels when docked or operating around the Karachi or Gwadar ports. Pakistan alone is enough to give India a run for its money, let alone handling both Pakistan and China. Indian cannot afford to upset both China and Pakistan fearing for its eastern and north western borders.

There it comes out... No point in continuing a sensible discussion with.
You want to what Indian navy is consult your Naval and specially Pakistan Naval officers.

Great, it means those "PLA peasants and farmers" were much more experienced than the Indian military and they won the war alongside America, Soviet Union, UK and France!

Permanent seat was given as a representation to the world's largest Population and since it was alien to rest of the world for long time... Military word is far-far away... except the USA and the USSR no country was a capable military power.. France and China had just came out of oppression by Axis powers... China more so.

Still doesn't make India anywhere nearer to becoming a true blue water navy.

Thats your thinking IN had the capability from years thanks to the ACs being operated for almost 50+years... however not against powerful navies... but there weren't any either in the IOR except Australia and USN.

Problem here is China are its own "manufacturers", "test drivers" and possesses its own "real time racers". We are good, both at making, and using so to speak. All thanks to the fact that we are a privileged embargoed arms dealer.

At the cost of 2nd or 3rd class weapon systems.. yes true... Have China had the freedom to access to the Latest developments they would've gone for it.

No one said anything about us being true to either. Fact of the matter that we are neither speaks volumes about India. It is neither the "manufacturer", nor the "real time racer".

I sincerely hope that your Navy thinks the same.

We've seen many broken promises over the years. Delay is a not uncommon for India. Something they cannot afford to let happen during time of conflict.

Promises by whom media ?... every weapon system is evaluated accordingly and selected only if they are found to perfect and comparable with the best at lower price.... unlike China where its Chinese or Russian if the project fails miserably.

I am talking of a limited scale conflict... no country is willing to sacrifice all has achieved in long wars.. specially not China.

Still doesn't mean they won't be plagued by delays. Regardless, India's ship building industry is already behind.

Thats a thing of future.. we don't know whats going to happen 5 years later when modular construction methods are adopted in Ship Building with Parts coming from Big Private players like L&T.

I was talking about them and their policies being more aggressive than that of the CCP - Not comparing our economic and military mights.

Their policy has been much better.. you'd not want me to open up the 60s policies followed by CCP in China.. or the one Party system.

Japan and South Korea's navies are comparable to that of India if not better. I wouldn't refer to them as being 'weak'. You cannot take any credit nor add anything to it. It was already reported by the media last year. This proves that the west have no doubts of our capabilities to venture out beyond our "coasts". Hence the need for them to meddle in the region and to used Japan as its bulwark.

They are in Japan ever since 1945... when most of China was already under Japanese rule.
I am sure the west also knows the capability of Iran since they are having bases around it.

One cannot take away the fact that China has decades more experience on operating and building nuclear submarines. India is several decades behind in terms of experience already.

As I said earlier the experience you are talking of are on the infamous Xias and Hans class who were mostly at the Dock thanks to the radiation related issues.
Building submarines yes.. but how good against the 1st Indian sub remains to be seen.
Hence it is not wise to send warships out to patrol around your neighbour's coasts.

Apples and oranges don't taste the same. With introduction of new technologies the way we operate and fight will be greatly modified. Your country's experience gained from the 70's will not have the same effect against today's China. We possess a much larger and modern navy. It will be a whole new experience for India.

You don't have much idea on how things work while in a Naval battle.
I don't want to bring out the capabilities of Modern China navy as to lengthen this more.

You shouldn't have used India's mass production capabilities and Vietnam's naval experience as example. Both lack the necessary infrastructures and experience to carry out their tasks adequately.

As was China 10-15 years ago... more so 15 years ago when the US CBVG came near its coast and a Single prowler jammed all the communication and early warning systems in the Nanjing Military region.

Purely media sensationalism coupled with your own personal assumptions.
One can also add a bit of twist to the story by saying that PLAN was calm and experienced not to open fire at IN's planes and ssk for their inexperience and lack of due diligence.

The Su30 incident was leaked by your media.
The submarine incident was clarified by a IN officer.
Besides that there is something called common sense while concluding the information given by media.
No destroyers wants to have planes or Subs near it... no matter which navy.

False assumption.

Should have said overall naval warfare experience with old technologies against smaller foes.
This will not decide anything against China, who possesses a much larger and more advance navy.
India will not have the balls to engage us in the open sea nor will it attack our vessels when docked or operating around the Karachi or Gwadar ports. Pakistan alone is enough to give India a run for its money, let alone handling both Pakistan and China. Indian cannot afford to upset both China and Pakistan fearing for its eastern and north western borders.

There it comes out... No point in continuing a sensible discussion with.
You want to what Indian navy is consult your Naval and specially Pakistan Naval officers.

Great, it means those "PLA peasants and farmers" were much more experienced than the Indian military and they won the war alongside America, Soviet Union, UK and France!

Permanent seat was given as a representation to the world's largest Population and since it was alien to rest of the world for long time... Military word is far-far away... except the USA and the USSR no country was a capable military power.. France and China had just came out of oppression by Axis powers... China more so.

Still doesn't make India anywhere nearer to becoming a true blue water navy.

Thats your thinking IN had the capability from years thanks to the ACs being operated for almost 50+years... however not against powerful navies... but there weren't any either in the IOR except Australia and USN.

Problem here is China are its own "manufacturers", "test drivers" and possesses its own "real time racers". We are good, both at making, and using so to speak. All thanks to the fact that we are a privileged embargoed arms dealer.

At the cost of 2nd or 3rd class weapon systems.. yes true... Have China had the freedom to access to the Latest developments they would've gone for it.

No one said anything about us being true to either. Fact of the matter that we are neither speaks volumes about India. It is neither the "manufacturer", nor the "real time racer".

I sincerely hope that your Navy thinks the same.
Pakistan to lease the port of Karachi to us is already a strong sign of trust and friendship, in return the favor, we should help them to develop the infrastructure.

We should act grateful to the nation which is helping us.
Promises by whom media ?...

Both official statements and media sources. Don't act surprised. India has a long tradition when it comes to delays as well as inflation in procurement costs.

every weapon system is evaluated accordingly and selected only if they are found to perfect and comparable with the best at lower price.... unlike China where its Chinese or Russian if the project fails miserably.

Do you really think you can find anything "perfect" and at a "lower price" when you have to go do your shopping abroad? You will not only not be offered the best, it will come with a relatively high price tag. Unfortunately, India just isn't quite there yet. It is neither Russia or China when it comes to making and selling arms.

I am talking of a limited scale conflict... no country is willing to sacrifice all has achieved in long wars.. specially not China.

There will be no limited scale conflict if you attack our navy that is for sure. Do you think India will get off lightly for that? Worse if attacked when it is in Pakistan's docks. India have learned its lesson since 1962 and knows China is not just any small country to be messed with.

Thats a thing of future.. we don't know whats going to happen 5 years later when modular construction methods are adopted in Ship Building with Parts coming from Big Private players like L&T.

Then lets talk about now. India just saw it's carrier and submarine delayed again. Now isn't that news for everyone? I'm experiencing deja vu already.

Their policy has been much better.. you'd not want me to open up the 60s policies followed by CCP in China.. or the one Party system.

Is that why they either got spanked in a war by us or others and ended up poorer than the Chinese today? :lol:

They are in Japan ever since 1945... when most of China was already under Japanese rule.

You mean like how the British ruled India? Are you sure about that? :lol:

I am sure the west also knows the capability of Iran since they are having bases around it.

Hey look, it's another one of your strawmans!

You don't have to have nukes or nuclear strike capability in order to have Americans build bases around you. They are called "World Police" for reasons. I guess you are not very good at stomaching the fact that China is decades ahead of India in nuclear submarine technology and our ship building industry is better than yours. It's a well known fact that China is ahead of India on both, so deal with it.

As I said earlier the experience you are talking of are on the infamous Xias and Hans class who were mostly at the Dock thanks to the radiation related issues.

How do you know they are mostly at dock? and how do you know radiation issues kept them at docks for decades? from boxun.com again? :lol:

To think that the Jin leaped from Xia and Han seemed even more amazing now. Just imagine the sheer levels of experience gained from working and operating them Xia and Han's giving birth to the Jin, which we have several running since two years ago. All this time India was still trying hard to secure the money needed for the Russian lease and are yet to induct their own.

Building submarines yes..

Even when handling nuclear submarines, India is behind.

but how good against the 1st Indian sub remains to be seen.

Even our Xia and Han is better than India's 'non existent' nuclear submarine let alone our Jin.

Hence it is not wise to send warships out to patrol around your neighbour's coasts.

You took a hell of a U-Turn there. From "You should patrol with warships" to "You shouldn't patrol with warships". Glad you are learning something from me. Yes diplomacy matters so don't over do it.

You don't have much idea on how things work while in a Naval battle.

Spoken asif India is rich in "modern" naval warfare experience. When was India's last naval battle and how does Indian's navy modernization and size compare to that of today's China? You have ZILCH idea how powerful China's navy and India never dared to confront China militarily since the 60's.

I don't want to bring out the capabilities of Modern China navy as to lengthen this more.

And whys that? go ahead and do so because I'm sure readers would be intrigued on how India's navy fares with the Chinese navy.

As was China 10-15 years ago...

Care to explain how superpower India managed to fall behind China by so much despite being the largest democracy and having a lower population to manage?

more so 15 years ago when the US CBVG came near its coast and a Single prowler jammed all the communication and early warning systems in the Nanjing Military region.

And like five years later China managed to take down the same plane, thoroughly studied before dismantling it? I 'm skeptical of that dubious claim to say the least. Don't think think Nanjing experienced anything quite like the power grid issue India had a month or two ago which affected half its population and made it to the the news worldwide.

The Su30 incident was leaked by your media.

Care to bring up the source?

The submarine incident was clarified by a IN officer

So his speech become news for self consumption?

Besides that there is something called common sense while concluding the information given by media.No destroyers wants to have planes or Subs near it... no matter which navy.

Common sense proved India's lack of experience led to its lack of due diligence in the sea. Thankfully PLAN was calm enough not to open fire at your planes and sub and they made it back safely. Something India did not repeat again. I'm glad they learned.

There it comes out... No point in continuing a sensible discussion with.
You want to what Indian navy is consult your Naval and specially Pakistan Naval officers.

So you think India will risk war with China and Pakistan for a simple fact that they do not like seeing Chinese destroyers in the region but Pakistan granted us permission to operate on their docks? If aunty had any balls she would be uncle already. You wouldn't be here defending India and your media wouldn't be so Pakistan-China centric. They would either careless or would be p*ssing on us laughing already!

Permanent seat was given as a representation to the world's largest Population and since it was alien to rest of the world for long time...

Are you sure? Are you sure it is not because we are one of the big five in the world war? If your case is true (That's a BIG IF) then it's a shame India played no major role in the world war hence failed to secure a seat amongst the farmer and the big four. :lol:

Military word is far-far away... except the USA and the USSR no country was a capable military power.. France and China had just came out of oppression by Axis powers... China more so.

Of course, they were just farmers growig crops in the field at the time. Meanwhile India was sleeping not knowing where in the world everyone was :rolleyes:

Thats your thinking IN had the capability from years thanks to the ACs being operated for almost 50+years... however not against powerful navies... but there weren't any either in the IOR except Australia and USN.

Not trying to chip away IN's AC experience. China is indeed new in this field. I was merely saying INs doesn't have overall more experience than the PLAN. The fact that our ship building industry, navy is a lot larger, have been operating nuclear submarines and have been producing them over the decades as well as having more men training and operating speaks volumes of our experience in the field. Something India is still working hard to achieve.

At the cost of 2nd or 3rd class weapon systems.. yes true... Have China had the freedom to access to the Latest developments they would've gone for it.

If China symbolizes 2nd and 3rd class, then what does that make India? 4th to 10th? Feel free to take your pick!

If China is as backward as you think we are, the West would be all over us by now, let alone India who is blessed with the most "perfect", "cheapest" and most sophisticated of military technologies :lol:

I sincerely hope that your Navy thinks the same.

Don't worry they do and I'm sure the wiser heads of India does as well.
Pakistan to lease the port of Karachi to us is already a strong sign of trust and friendship, in return the favor, we should help them to develop the infrastructure.

We should act grateful to the nation which is helping us.

I think it's the port at Gawadar that we are leasing to China....better & quicker route to China mainland from middle east :)
Pakistan to lease the port of Karachi to us is already a strong sign of trust and friendship, in return the favor, we should help them to develop the infrastructure.

We should act grateful to the nation which is helping us.

After Bush's crusades, and when China gets Taiwan and the Diaoyu islands back from Japan.

The Islamic world, China, and Russia have a great future ahead of it, a great future.

The west is in decline now.
Its good to see allies building up Gwadar.

Who knows, maybe Gwadar might become the Hong Kong or the Shanghai of Pakistan.

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