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China warship dock Karachi port first time for supply

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Keep em coming ! :lol:

No kid , it matters everywhere ... Of course you do not want to go into detail ... :azn: ... The PLAN outmatches IN any day ship by ship ... Even assuming that 50 % of the total mentioned ships are true warship , stll the IN stands no chance ...

Not worth replying... go for your school it must be time.
Ture however PLAN subs have hardly ventured off the coasts... thanks to the radiation related problems and safety issues... the newer subs might have better safety parameters and normal radiation levels.. but they are yet to Begin true strategic patrols threatening the enemy in neutral waters.

Let me assure you that they wont notify the Indian Navy before making any such move ... :azn: ... What are these radiation problems you are talking about ? :lol: Brain farting again , fan boy ?

Not worth replying... go for your school it must be time.

Why ? The reality is quite different , huh ? Kid , I finished school before you were even born :P

The Chinese CCP govt. accepted Sikkim as a part of India 40 years after the war.... before that it considered it as captured territory as GOP considers Kashmir

Just like you accepted Tibet , huh ? Sikkim was an Indian protectorate long before , the Chinese didn't think twice before taking Aksai Chin , did they ?
Funny some even go as far as to call PLAN an "inexperienced" force when they themselves are several decades behind PLAN in terms of nuclear submarine experience.

Some great Indian bravado here over what was a peaceful docking procedure in the Karachi Port.

Nuclear submarines are just one field where we lack .............

Similarly PLAN is decades behind IN in terms of AC operations ............
Relative strength only matters in land warfare...

Wrong to assume it is only relative strength and how it is applicable to land warfare only. The more people you have on duty on any given day and on training will enhance and prepare them to better cope with war time scenarios. Our production lines and maintenance depts are also benefiting great experiences as we speak, hence our high production rate in comparison to that of India.

while in navy its experience counts more... I don't want to go in detail as to how many ships out of those 972 are battle worthy and not for cost guard use... like wise same for those 172 ships of Indian Navy and compare the percentage of ships in each navy able to be counted as a naval warship... and not some coastal defense boat.

Experience definitely counts towards the overall shape of the navy, but it is not all. Same applies to both our land and air forces.

All this talk about experience on old technologies and against different foes doesn't fit modern day scenario where technologies have moved on and you are up against much larger, more modern forces that are better equipped and are blessed with a wide repertoire of skill sets, techniques and economical options.

One thing you can say though, is both India and China have a different defense policies and the nature which our navies operates are different. We have been traditionally more defensive minded and don't venture out very much, but it is evident that this is now changing.

Ture however PLAN subs have hardly ventured off the coasts...

That you cannot say, because no one other than PLAN will have the true answer.

thanks to the radiation related problems and safety issues...

It would be nice for you to provide sources to your claims. What radiation problems and safety issues and what are the severity levels if it is indeed true? Just don't bring up the old story originating from boxun.com.

the newer subs might have better safety parameters and normal radiation levels.. but they are yet to Begin true strategic patrols threatening the enemy in neutral waters.

Chinese submarines and warships, for the time being, are something you will only see in training or in war time. We have our patrol boats for general patrols during peace time.

Active duty for coastal defenses doesn't equate to real wartime experience gained through generations of officers.

Unless you are like the US Navy, who not only possess the best technologies, also engages in conflicts in every turn of the decade, you are not going to be talking and comparing experience the way you are and on a relative level.

The in experiences show when the destroyer was forced to use its radars and ECM giving away the valuable data to the Indian Jet during peace time in neutral waters.. this doesn't happen even with Pakistan Navy.. they would rather make a radio contact and shoo the jet off or let it make a ceremonial fly past... and reporting it as an irresponsible act... saving the precious electronic data records which would matter during real time conflicts.

It depends on how you look at it. Same can be applied to IN Navy for switching on its radars and sonars to locate Chinese vessels giving away "valuable" data to the Chinese navy.

Read about the encounters between Soviet and NATO navies and airforces.. you'd understand whats the real time experience here...

Read what I said above. Unless you are the US Navy or NATO, you cannot compare your level of experience in the same manner and apply it to yours for use as comparison against others. They have more frequent modern encounters with modern equipments than the Indian navy. I would agree with you if you was talking about the US Navy. They are currently still the best in the world. Same cannot be said about the Indian or the Chinese navy.

PLAN would too gain it.. but it would take some time to absorb it in its system to be a true blue water navy and not some coastal defense force.

Same applies to the Indian navy. Both do not possess what is needed to be a true blue water navy. Neither have the luxury NATO nations have which allows them to project power anywhere they want around the world. One example of this is their available access to various docks around the world to replenish their fleets during war time.

Nuclear submarines are just one field where we lack .............

Similarly PLAN is decades behind IN in terms of AC operations ............

A mountain will have its highs and lows. You have to look at the entire military repertoire. Similar comparisons can be made on nuclear, space, rocket technologies as well as infrastructures and production rates during war time etc.
A mountain will have its highs and lows. You have to look at the entire military repertoire. Similar comparisons can be made on nuclear, space, rocket technologies as well as infrastructures and production rates during war time etc.

Ofcourse similar comparisons can be made everywhere .............But advancements in other areas willnot translate to AC field.....
Ofcourse similar comparisons can be made everywhere .............But advancements in other areas willnot translate to AC field.....

It depends what you translate. Experience and advancements gained from other fields in general can be in fact be integrated. Examples includes: projectiles, electronics and sensors, planes, helicopters and ship advancements etc will greatly affect the way we shape our fleets (AC included).
Ofcourse similar comparisons can be made everywhere .............But advancements in other areas willnot translate to AC field.....

With all due respect, China has no intention to build a Navy with similar AC 'advancements' as India does.
Wrong to assume it is only relative strength and how it is applicable to land warfare only. The more people you have on duty on any given day and on training will enhance and prepare them to better cope with war time scenarios. Our production lines and maintenance depts are also benefiting great experiences as we speak, hence our high production rate in comparison to that of India.

Numerical Strength still has more importance here... as compared with Navy... I never said training discipline are nothing.

Experience definitely counts towards the overall shape of the navy, but it is not all. Same applies to both our land and air forces.

All this talk about experience on old technologies and against different foes doesn't fit modern day scenario where technologies have moved on and you are up against much larger, more modern forces that are better equipped and are blessed with a wide repertoire of skill sets, techniques and economical options.

Technologically Indian Navy is right there and at places better than PLAN... hence the experience matters in the end game.... while at Pacific the Japs and the Americans have even better experience and tactics.

One thing you can say though, is both India and China have a different defense policies and the nature which our navies operates are different. We have been traditionally more defensive minded and don't venture out very much, but it is evident that this is now changing.

That was due to lack of equipment and exposure... Chinese under CCP has never been defensive... in the sense you are talking.

That you cannot say, because no one other than PLAN will have the true answer.

Sure PLAN must know that... but it has been only recently that PLAN ships were seen as far as Gulf of Aden... I don't know how far they have been in Pacific yet.. but that would've made a lot of news.

It would be nice for you to provide sources to your claims. What radiation problems and safety issues and what are the severity levels if it is indeed true? Just don't bring up the old story originating from boxun.com.

I am talking of the Xias and the Hans... I don't think the thread requires an elaboration on this.

Chinese submarines and warships, for the time being, are something you will only see in training or in war time. We have our patrol boats for general patrols during peace time.

If you didn't understand the term strategic patrols are long range sea patrols close to enemy territory in neutral waters... as a show of strength... or to gather information... and making the crew familiar with the enemy.

Unless you are like the US Navy, who not only possess the best technologies, also engages in conflicts in every turn of the decade, you are not going to be talking and comparing experience the way you are and on a relative level.

True USN have best of technologies but that doesn't mean other can't have them.
As I said even 50 year old experiences of WWII are as valuable today for surface combatants.

It depends on how you look at it. Same can be applied to IN Navy for switching on its radars and sonars to locate Chinese vessels giving away "valuable" data to the Chinese navy.

While in recce. mission the aircraft keeps on Passive mode and collects as much data as possible using its electronic sensors.
Its makes the vulnerable against the enemy but thats at the cost of being stealth for longer period of time without giving away any data of yours.

Read what I said above. Unless you are the US Navy or NATO, you cannot compare your level of experience in the same manner and apply it to yours for use as comparison against others. They have more frequent modern encounters with modern equipments than the Indian navy. I would agree with you if you was talking about the US Navy. They are currently still the best in the world. Same cannot be said about the Indian or the Chinese navy.

On its own scale IN has as much experience... as the scale rises so would the experience... as of now the scale of IN being higher than that of PLAN.... 10 years later If the IN stagnates and PLAN starts operating CBG.. its scale would also rise above IN.

Same applies to the Indian navy. Both do not possess what is needed to be a true blue water navy. Neither have the luxury NATO nations have which allows them to project power anywhere they want around the world. One example of this is their available access to various docks around the world to replenish their fleets during war time.

We cannot call the IN a true blue water navy however It has used boat diplomacy many times and quiet successfully... over and over again.. something which china has started doing in south China sea.

A mountain will have its highs and lows. You have to look at the entire military repertoire. Similar comparisons can be made on nuclear, space, rocket technologies as well as infrastructures and production rates during war time etc.

I never made similar comparisons... there.. I know PLA is better land force, Its rocket and artillery force along with air-deference is much ahead of Indian ones.. however when we come to Air-force the PLAAF has strength on its side while IAF has better equipment... and experience... In Nuclear technology there are fields where India is ahead of China... space China is ahead.. etc..etc.. and both are trying to get ahead in those department in which they have fallen back...as compared to others.
With all due respect, China has no intention to build a Navy with similar AC 'advancements' as India does.

Similarily we donot have intention to build a Navy with similar nuke sub 'advancements' as China does also .........
Numerical Strength still has more importance here... as compared with Navy... I never said training discipline are nothing.

Which China already has on top of the training.

Technologically Indian Navy is right there and at places better than PLAN... hence the experience matters in the end game.... while at Pacific the Japs and the Americans have even better experience and tactics.

Same applies to China. Problem is with India is their lack of infrastructure and slow production rate. It will have adverse effect if at war with a foe larger and technologically more advanced than you. Having experience (I mean any experience) is a good thing, but it is not everything.

That was due to lack of equipment and exposure... Chinese under CCP has never been defensive... in the sense you are talking.

We throughout history have always been passive if not defensive. Even during the Ming dynasties, we were more concerned about trade and exploration than conquer and destroy. CCP are doing a fine job when compared to the West, Nehru of India and the Japanese.

Sure PLAN must know that... but it has been only recently that PLAN ships were seen as far as Gulf of Aden... I don't know how far they have been in Pacific yet.. but that would've made a lot of news.

PLAN have always exercised around the South China Sea, which is already beyond the "coast" that you claimed. PLAN have also ventured beyond that with its nuclear submarines. Just do a keyword search on Google: "Chinese Submarine" and "Los Angeles Coast". ;)

I am talking of the Xias and the Hans... I don't think the thread requires an elaboration on this.

Xias and Hans are decades old now and were used to aid training and further our understanding of nuclear submarines. You should be looking at more modern nuclear submarines in our inventory such as the Jin Type 094 that is in service.

If you didn't understand the term strategic patrols are long range sea patrols close to enemy territory in neutral waters... as a show of strength... or to gather information... and making the crew familiar with the enemy.

China is defensive in nature. We all have disputes with several neighbours, but it does not make neighbours our enemies. You don't want to escalate war or antagonize unnecessarily during peace time by patrolling with warships near someone's coast. The term "strategic patrol" involves both short and long range patrols. The later is something only the Americans would do, hence they are labeled as the "world police".

True USN have best of technologies but that doesn't mean other can't have them.
As I said even 50 year old experiences of WWII are as valuable today for surface combatants.

I didn't say others can't have them. More specifically others don't have them and 'realistically speaking', it will take quite some time to even match them at their current level. When it comes to experience, any thing goes. Be it fifty or a thousand years old. What is more important is the ability to improve and adapt to ones situation, which China is doing very well.

While in recce. mission the aircraft keeps on Passive mode and collects as much data as possible using its electronic sensors.
Its makes the vulnerable against the enemy but thats at the cost of being stealth for longer period of time without giving away any data of yours.

Neither side was trying to be stealthy. You knew we were there and so did we. I don't buy sensationalism from medias.

On its own scale IN has as much experience... as the scale rises so would the experience... as of now the scale of IN being higher than that of PLAN.... 10 years later If the IN stagnates and PLAN starts operating CBG.. its scale would also rise above IN.

A very questionable yet debatable statement. You have more AC experience and we have more Nuclear Sub experience, but we are out producing India and are having more crews and technical staffs working and training in their respected fields on any given day. Unless India can match China in terms of numbers and have more men in the sea, at the docks or in the labs then your scale of experience is questionable. Similar applies if we compare our experiences in land, air and space. We have more funds, exposure and overall battle experience. Hence we are amongst the five victors of WWII holding permanent UN seats and veto rights.

We cannot call the IN a true blue water navy however It has used boat diplomacy many times and quiet successfully... over and over again.. something which china has started doing in south China sea.

Only in your region and against lesser navies. It is not a blue navy by a long shot.

I never made similar comparisons... there.. I know PLA is better land force, Its rocket and artillery force along with air-deference is much ahead of Indian ones.. however when we come to Air-force the PLAAF has strength on its side while IAF has better equipment... and experience... In Nuclear technology there are fields where India is ahead of China... space China is ahead.. etc..etc.. and both are trying to get ahead in those department in which they have fallen back...as compared to others.

Saying China is behind India in the airforce department and lacking experience are debatable. We have been operating planes since the world war and it never stopped there. We are also working on our own Fifth gen, which India cannot do alone.

Having a healthy competition is fine, but we shouldn't view each other as enemies. War between India and China will not bring desired results for our people. This and the coming century is Asia's and no one will pity us if we let this golden opportunity go by stabbing each other in the back whenever possible.
Which China already has on top of the training.

Which I said as earlier.. thanks to the large size of its territory and heavy dependence on Land forces.

Same applies to China. Problem is with India is their lack of infrastructure and slow production rate. It will have adverse effect if at war with a foe larger and technologically more advanced than you. Having experience (I mean any experience) is a good thing, but it is not everything.

True... slow production rate is a Problem... but it is being worked upon... Today the navy targets as many as 40 warships to be Inducted in 6-7 years... from domestic shipyards... which is much faster than what we have been doing till now... this is only going to improve in coming years.

Some people here argue that IN still buys equipment and ships from abroad is due to the fact that domestic shipyards are unable to meet the requirements... hence now the Private shipbuilding players are brought in the scene to speed up production rates.

We throughout history have always been passive if not defensive. Even during the Ming dynasties, we were more concerned about trade and exploration than conquer and destroy. CCP are doing a fine job when compared to the West, Nehru of India and the Japanese.

Thats how you think about it... Japanese rebuilding to a Modern nation after the WW2 is an example for all Eastern countries... even China.

PLAN have always exercised around the South China Sea, which is already beyond the "coast" that you claimed. PLAN have also ventured beyond that with its nuclear submarines. Just do a keyword search on Google: "Chinese Submarine" and "Los Angeles Coast". ;)

South China sea is its back yard with weak navies or no navy powerful enough to challenge China.
Thats a good start.... for PLAN SSBN fleet... but it remains to seen weather they were infact allowed to do that... not taking away the credit from PLAN.

Xias and Hans are decades old now and were used to aid training and further our understanding of nuclear submarines. You should be looking at more modern nuclear submarines in our inventory such as the Jin that is in service.

Thats a recent development in service since 2010 I guess... comparing that with IN their 1st SSBN in service by 2013 is not as bad.

China is defensive in nature. We all have disputes with several neighbours, but it does not make neighbours our enemies. You don't want to escalate war or antagonize unnecessarily during peace time by patrolling with warships near someone's coast. The term "strategic patrol" involves both short and long range patrols. The later is something only the Americans would do, hence they are labeled as the "world police".

Thats what is called diplomacy... there are no Permanent friends or enemies in World politics.

I didn't say others can't have them. More specifically others don't have them and 'realistically speaking', it will take quite some time to even match them at their current level. When it comes to experience, any thing goes. Be it fifty or a thousand years old. What is more important is the ability to improve and adapt to ones situation, which China is doing very well.

Certainly it is important to adapt to situation... which even the Somalian are doing very well... but can it be compared experience of Naval battles... Today If we arm say a Vietnam with as many Ships as the PLAN has can it be on par with PLAN in terms of experience.

Neither side was trying to be stealthy. You knew we were there and so did we. I don't buy sensationalism from medias.

Oh yes the the IN SSK was stealth until it got too near the PLAN Destroyer to check its response.... If the Destroyer new a SSK is following it it would've certainly raised alarms... same with the Su30 incident... PLAN didn't know until it came too near... and forced PLAN Destroyer to open its FCR... had it used the radars in active mode and followed the sensors on the Destroyer would've know it from a long way and would've more time to think about a better option of making the radio contact and asking the fighter to move away... it was the lack of time which made the sailors and officers panic and open its FCR... again If it were as experience they wouldn't have done this.

A very questionable yet debatable statement. You have more AC experience and we have more Nuclear Sub experience, but we are out producing India and are having more crews and technical staffs working and training in their respected fields on any given day. Unless India can match China in terms of numbers and have more men in the sea, at the docks or in the labs then your scale of experience is questionable. Similar applies if we compare our experiences in land, air and space. We have more funds, exposure and overall battle experience. Hence we are amongst the five victors of WWII holding permanent UN seats and veto rights.

IN has overall good experience as compared to PLAN when it comes to naval warfare... and thats a deciding factor when its come to limited scale conflict.
The permanent seat was given to China when your PLA was mostly made of farmers and peasants.

Only in your region and against lesser navies. It is not a blue navy by a long shot.

Yes our region is as Big as Indian Ocean.. and the IN has done operations as far as Maldives and near American bases aswell as African Islands in the southern hemisphere.

Saying China is behind India in the airforce department and lacking experience are debatable. We have been operating planes since the world war and it never stopped there. We are also working on our own Fifth gen, which India cannot do alone.

Having a healthy competition is fine, but we shouldn't view each other as enemies. War between India and China will not bring desired results for our people. This and the coming century is Asia's and no one will pity us if we let this golden opportunity go by stabbing each other in the back whenever possible.

Manufacturing is one thing and using it is another... a sports car manufacturer can have a very good car ready in no time with best of test drivers but can those test driver compete with a real time racer.

PLAN and PLAAF still are PLA.... means a branch of its land forces... they are yet to become a True air superiority air force and a true Blue water navy.
First one is not true as yet. Time will come when foreign warships (even on
a non-combat deployment) will have to take permission from patrol warships
at Malacca Strait before entering IOR.

Pak Navy won't even be in a state to question it. Neither USA.

Second point could be true...I suppose so.

Wow!!!! You live in this great world of delusion and utopia. Come back to your senses, it will never happen.
I wonder what would have been the reaction if Chinese ships had docked at Gawadar.
Two of such Battle groups tried to do the same in 1971.
Pity they couldn't even come near us weak, coward pant pissers and we got a country out on the world map against their will and may others.

Rest assured we have moved much ahead 40 years since the incident and incidently USAF would be buying parts for their planes made in the factories of India.

Tail of all C-130Js to be made in Hyderabad - The New Indian Express

please dont insult you intelligenceby making such amateur responses. Sorry but your post is so pathetic it does not merit an answer. Two battle groups of the US Navy if they had any aggressive intent towards you would have produced a much different result. You carved a country out of us not due to heroics on your part but due to rank bad stupidity on the part of our army and leadership.
If you are half as intelligent as I think you are thentell your compatriots what happened when you last blocked the strait of Malacca.
I don't know in which weapons we are so proud and we are talking about taking on PLAN, PLAN Manufacture their own weapon and war ship,we import from Russia and add israel weapon on it .We talk too much and don't have balls to do any thing like we did 2001 india pakistan standoff ,lost 789 soldier just in process cost us around $4 Billion.
Stop these bull**** .

Please carry on with the thread.....

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