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China warship dock Karachi port first time for supply

Absolutely. I wonder whats going on with the Diaoyu islands. I heard intense things are going on.

It will die down if the Japanese stops its provocation against China on the Diaoyu Island.

Japan will likely de-escalate on the issue as America is already having talks with them due to recent increase of tensions with South Korea, Taiwan and China.
After Bush's crusades, and when China gets Taiwan and the Diaoyu islands back from Japan.

The Islamic world, China, and Russia have a great future ahead of it, a great future.

The west is in decline now.

Wow. That sounds great. So could you be kind enough to reveal whats the stuff youre taking and where you get it from.
Both official statements and media sources. Don't act surprised. India has a long tradition when it comes to delays as well as inflation in procurement costs.

As I said thats at the cost of producing the best in the class.. something which is not happening with China.

Do you really think you can find anything "perfect" and at a "lower price" when you have to go do your shopping abroad? You will not only not be offered the best, it will come with a relatively high price tag. Unfortunately, India just isn't quite there yet. It is neither Russia or China when it comes to making and selling arms.

Price is not the primary concern since the military is going for quality... against quantity... about the high price... there's TOT and allocation of funds towards domestic production from those deals.

You cannot compare Russia and China on the same scale Russian weapon systems for export is 10-15 years ahead of China.

There will be no limited scale conflict if you attack our navy that is for sure. Do you think India will get off lightly for that? Worse if attacked when it is in Pakistan's docks. India have learned its lesson since 1962 and knows China is not just any small country to be messed with.

Even today your Navy isn't even capable enough to participate in a Limited scale conflict against IN... forget about a long duration war.. it will only block China from all sides and it would be more of a massacre of its fleet in IOR... something which your Navy and CCP knows very well.

Where was your reaction while in 1967(Clashes when hundreds of PLA troops perished) or 1986 when the Indian troops landed right on your territory to find no challenge at all.

Then lets talk about now. India just saw it's carrier and submarine delayed again. Now isn't that news for everyone? I'm experiencing deja vu already.

India already has its carrier fleet well equipped and the submarine is on long range strategic patrol trails.

Is that why they either got spanked in a war by us or others and ended up poorer than the Chinese today?

The Americans never conquered mainland Japan it had to use the Nuclear bomb to get it surrendered... unlike China who was under Japanese control even after the surrender.

You mean like how the British ruled India? Are you sure about that? :lol:

Where does that come out from..eh.
Not like the way Japanese ruled China...:lol:

Hey look, it's another one of your strawmans!

You don't have to have nukes or nuclear strike capability in order to have Americans build bases around you. They are called "World Police" for reasons. I guess you are not very good at stomaching the fact that China is decades ahead of India in nuclear submarine technology and our ship building industry is better than yours. It's a well known fact that China is ahead of India on both, so deal with it.

I didn't say India is ahead I said its not as backward either.
And we do have quiet decent Nuke strike capability and are building 1st world Nuclear arsenal at a very rapid pace... its just that we don't have anything to do with US or vice versa as it was 40 years ago when India detonated its 1st bomb.

How do you know they are mostly at dock? and how do you know radiation issues kept them at docks for decades? from boxun.com again?

To think that the Jin leaped from Xia and Han seemed even more amazing now. Just imagine the sheer levels of experience gained from working and operating them Xia and Han's giving birth to the Jin, which we have several running since two years ago. All this time India was still trying hard to secure the money needed for the Russian lease and are yet to induct their own.

You mean PLAN was sending its sailors on long range patrols in sub.. whose radiation was killing even fishes in the sea of Japan.
India didm't have to rush the things with a poor design and endanger the life of its sailors.

Even when handling nuclear submarines, India is behind.

As said earlier isn't as backward either.. they have been learning and they have been trained by Russians in Russian waters... which is the best place to learn how to operate a Nuclear sub.

Even our Xia and Han is better than India's 'non existent' nuclear submarine let alone our Jin.

Sheer ignorance.. nothing else.

You took a hell of a U-Turn there. From "You should patrol with warships" to "You shouldn't patrol with warships". Glad you are learning something from me. Yes diplomacy matters so don't over do it.

Such diplomacy works with weaker navies... I am sure you are not as stupid.

Spoken asif India is rich in "modern" naval warfare experience. When was India's last naval battle and how does Indian's navy modernization and size compare to that of today's China? You have ZILCH idea how powerful China's navy and India never dared to confront China militarily since the 60's.

Naval wars naval experience.. how to shape strategies how to align fleet.. many more thing only a navy with wartime experience can do.. 1970 isn't primitive experience.. while IN has been continuously putting effective naval blockades as and when required.

What can Indian navy do... If Chinese navy isn't capable to meet its presence in open waters.. 1st make your navy as capable.. them make it capable enough to enter IOR with a CBG.. then talk of the strength of Indian Navy being able to engage it or not.

And whys that? go ahead and do so because I'm sure readers would be intrigued on how India's navy fares with the Chinese navy.

I don't have as much time.
Somethings are better saved out for better place... serves no purpose here.

Care to explain how superpower India managed to fall behind China by so much despite being the largest democracy and having a lower population to manage?

Fall behind China.. in AF and Navy are you alright ?
Agreed that the size of PLAN and PLAAF is big but thats because you have much bigger land and sea boundaries and many more threats.

And like five years later China managed to take down the same plane, thoroughly studied before dismantling it? I 'm skeptical of that dubious claim to say the least. Don't think think Nanjing experienced anything quite like the power grid issue India had a month or two ago which affected half its population and made it to the the news worldwide.

:rofl:... you made me crack on this.. Prowler is an electronic attack aircraft which PLAAF dreams to have even now.. and would not have atleast 10 years from now... EP-3 is a spy plane.. to which your so well trained pilot collided with in order to shoot it down.. and died in the process.. all the USN crew were safe and sound... that is what we call experience.. which sadly PLAAF lacks.

Care to bring up the source?

I posted it before.. there's a thread in the forum.

So his speech become news for self consumption?

There was no speech made.. it was an account of Incident given to media reporter.... what do you think you know more than the ones who are at the front.. why don't you quote the speech of PLAN officer to contradict it.

Common sense proved India's lack of experience led to its lack of due diligence in the sea. Thankfully PLAN was calm enough not to open fire at your planes and sub and they made it back safely. Something India did not repeat again. I'm glad they learned.

No point replying here.. naval warfare is not your dolls game... china boy.
Such chase is being done every time the Chinese warship crosses the strait of Malacca and now they don't even panic as they know its a routine.

So you think India will risk war with China and Pakistan for a simple fact that they do not like seeing Chinese destroyers in the region but Pakistan granted us permission to operate on their docks? If aunty had any balls she would be uncle already. You wouldn't be here defending India and your media wouldn't be so Pakistan-China centric. They would either careless or would be p*ssing on us laughing already!

Talking of Aunty... send my regards.
I cannot go beyond further.. on the crap you wrote.

Are you sure? Are you sure it is not because we are one of the big five in the world war? If your case is true (That's a BIG IF) then it's a shame India played no major role in the world war hence failed to secure a seat amongst the farmer and the big four. :lol:

are you alright big five in WW2.. what are you smoking these days ?... Opium ?..:lol:
Would like to what difference could China make to world in spite of having the permanent seat at UN.. count them to me... and I count more what Indian did without having any permanent seat.

Of course, they were just farmers growig crops in the field at the time. Meanwhile India was sleeping not knowing where in the world everyone was :rolleyes:

India troops were busy fighting the war... and they didn't have any intention to shape the world when their own country was out of shape.

Not trying to chip away IN's AC experience. China is indeed new in this field. I was merely saying INs doesn't have overall more experience than the PLAN. The fact that our ship building industry, navy is a lot larger, have been operating nuclear submarines and have been producing them over the decades as well as having more men training and operating speaks volumes of our experience in the field. Something India is still working hard to achieve.

As said before and again.. no wartime experience... manufacturing doesn't equate to fighting experience.... manufacturing experience is something which can be learnt from some one.. fighting experience can be only self learnt.. no one can teach you.

If China symbolizes 2nd and 3rd class, then what does that make India? 4th to 10th? Feel free to take your pick!

Jingoism has no place in sensible discussion.. you can take this somewhere else or end it right now... will not change the fact that most of the Chinese warships are using 2nd class weapons.

If China is as backward as you think we are, the West would be all over us by now, let alone India who is blessed with the most "perfect", "cheapest" and most sophisticated of military technologies :lol:

West isn't as stupid.

Don't worry they do and I'm sure the wiser heads of India does as well.

CCP.. Brain-frat... should I post the poster aswell....:lol:
First one is not true as yet. Time will come when foreign warships (even on
a non-combat deployment) will have to take permission from patrol warships
at Malacca Strait before entering IOR.
Pak Navy won't even be in a state to question it. Neither USA.

Second point could be true...I suppose so.

Do you have ANY knowledge of the law(s) of the sea? Permission is only needed to pass through TERROTIRIAL SEA (12nm). Coastal states have some authority over CONTIGUOUS ZONE (24 nm) but other than that there is the right of innocent passage.
thank God someone had the sense to state the obvious! Thanks Penguin
Again another example of good thread derailed... why are so many indian members behaving so rude and trolling on this thread hysterically? Stay on topic!

China's ship docks at Karachi port, and what's that got to do india? and blah blah talking gibberish like blocking Malacca Strait, then quoting wiki links and links from some indian media sites which are clearly biased sources... get a life.

Back on topic, here are some stock pics showing the 12th naval escort flotilla, FFG 548 "Yiyang", FFG 549 "Changzhou" and comprehensive supply ship 886 "Qiandaohu", departed from Zhoushan in China.






Also according to this: http://world.people.com.cn/n/2012/0913/c57507-19003379.html

Briefly translate:

At noon on 12 Sept 2012, Chinese navy's "Yiyang" frigate had a joint exercise with Pakistan navy's "Shamsheer" frigate, which is a F-22P class frigate.

After "Yiyang" finished the re-supplying task, it left the port of Karachi. And on open water nearby, it held a joint exercise with the "Shamsheer" frigate. Starting from 11:30am, the exercise consisted flag signal communications, ships formation movement, underway replenishment simulation, rescue drills, and helicopter landings on each other's ship.

At 4pm, the exercise is completed, and both ships put on the flag signals showing "Long live the Pakistan China friendship" and "Good Journey", and set sail for the new destinations.

The full Chinese text as follow:


人民网卡拉奇9月12日电 (程必杰、侯瑞)当地时间9月12日中午,中国海军第十二批护航编队“益阳”舰完成第二轮补给休整,并驶离巴基斯坦卡拉奇港。离港不久,“益阳”舰与巴海军“沙姆希尔”舰,在巴基斯坦附近某海域进行了灯光通信、编队运动、航行补给、直升机救生及互降等科目的联合演练。



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