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China urges India not to complicate border issue


Dec 14, 2008
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China urges India not to complicate border issue

Xinhua) 10:11, December 01, 2013

BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- China urged India on Saturday to refrain from moves that complicates boundary issues and work with China to create conditions for talks.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang made the comment when asked about Indian President Pranab Mukherjee's visit to the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh" from Nov. 29 to 30.

China's stance on the disputed area on the eastern part of the China-India border is consistent and clear, Qin said.

Bilateral ties have maintained a sound momentum for growth and both sides are trying to settle the border issue through the special representative mechanism and friendly consultations, Qin said.

"We hope India can work with China to protect the overall relationship, preserve peace and tranquility on the border," the spokesman said.

The so-called "Arunachal Pradesh" was established largely on the three areas of China's Tibet -- Monyul, Loyul and Lower Tsayul currently under Indian illegal occupation. These three areas, located between the illegal "Mcmahon Line" and the traditional customary boundary between China and India, have always been Chinese territory.

In 1914, the colonialists secretly contrived the illegal "Mcmahon Line" in an attempt to incorporate into India the above-mentioned three areas of Chinese territory. None of the successive Chinese governments have ever recognized this line.

In February 1987, Indian authorities declared the founding of the so-called "Arunachal Pradesh."

China and India established a special representative mechanism in 2003 as an important platform for solving border disputes. They held their 16th round of talks in June.

A border defense cooperation agreement was signed during Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's official visit to China in October, reflecting the will and resolution of both sides for a friendly and cooperative relationship.

The agreement is built on previous agreements signed in 1993, 1996 and 2005 that recognize the principle of mutual and equal security.

China urges India not to complicate border issue - People's Daily Online
Well the easy way to solve this is by having a referendum there. Let the people decide.
At some point Chinese will just just take what is their. Polite warning does not register in indian establishment, they need forceful reminder of 1962.
At some point Chinese will just just take what is their. Polite warning does not register in indian establishment, they need forceful reminder of 1962.

What is preventing Chinese from doing so?
You mean Tibet? I don't think your daddy china will agree.

Actually, contrary to what you think, Tibet will vote to stay in China.

India have separatists, and Maoists, does this mean the majority of the Indians in that area wants independence?

Do you know how many Tibetans burned themselves? How many Tibetans are there in Tibet? How many Han and other race of Chinese are in Tibet?

The West wants to paint this Tibetans hate China, but in fact, many Tibetan welcomes the economic opportunities that China offers and being Chinese for generations now, what does being Tibetan even mean to them?
The West wants to paint this Tibetans hate China, but in fact, many Tibetan welcomes the economic opportunities that China offers and being Chinese for generations now, what does being Tibetan even mean to them?

I have an Uyghur friend from China who looks at the situation objectively. She told me that the western media is exaggerating in some cases, but that doesn't mean she approves China for forcing her and other Uyghurs to become like Chinese (especially the lack of freedom of religion in Xinjiang is an issue according to her). Instead she prefers to be seen as a citizen of China with a respected and protected Uyghur background, and i am sure most of them Uyghurs and Tibetans think like this way as well. "what does being Tibetan even mean to them?" is belittling their culture and identity, so i can understand if Tibetans and Uyghurs are getting increasingly pissed off if you threat them that way.
Arunachal slams China for reacting to President visit

ITANAGAR: A day after China's guarded reservations against President Pranab Mukherjee's visit, the Arunachal Pradesh government on Saturday snubbed Beijing and said the state is an integral part of India.

Chief minister Nabam Tuki said China should refrain from making provocative statements that are detrimental to bilateral relations and efforts to address the border dispute between the two Asian nations. "How can China react when the President is visiting a state of his own country?" Tuki asked.

In a statement on Friday Beijing had said: " We hope that the Indian side could meet China halfway to safeguard the overall interests of bilateral relations, refrain from taking actions that complicate the boundary question, work together with us to maintain peace and tranquility along the border and create conditions for boundary negotiations."

Union minister of state for minority affairs Ninong Ering asked China not to interefere in India's internal affairs and said such statements send a wrong signal when both the countries are in the process of resolving border issues.

"Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India and the people here are patriotic and committed to protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the country," said Ering, an MP from Arunachal East constituency.

Lok Sabha MP from the state Takam Sanjoy said, "Beijing has no reason to react whatsoever when the head of the President is on a visit to the state, which is an indivisible part of the country."

The President delivered a convocation address at Rajiv Gandhi University on Saturday before leaving for Nagaland.

"the head of the President is on a visit to the state",hehe
"which is an indivisible part of the country",here 'country' means China for my understanding
Arunachal slams China for reacting to President visit

Indian installed stooges making stage managed drama, that is epic. Even more hilarious that indians are posting it to hide the fact india is illegal the occupier of Monyul, Loyul and Lower Tsayul .
"the head of the President is on a visit to the state",hehe
"which is an indivisible part of the country",here 'country' means China for my understanding

Use better translator next time.

Indian installed stooges making stage managed drama, that is epic. Even more hilarious that indians are posting it to hide the fact india is illegal the occupier of Monyul, Loyul and Lower Tsayul .

You know i thought this would make some sense,But i was wrong.
Well the easy way to solve this is by having a referendum there. Let the people decide.

Good advise. Let's Start with Kashmir and we will help you convince the Chinese for the peace and stability in the region.
Indian installed stooges making stage managed drama, that is epic. Even more hilarious that indians are posting it to hide the fact india is illegal the occupier of Monyul, Loyul and Lower Tsayul .
It may be hard to digest, but it's the hurting reality for you that not even a single movement/organization exists in Arunachal which supports to join with China...:pleasantry:
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