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China to build Mecca monorail

Kindly read Islamic history before blaming anyone.

[9:28] O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Masjid after this year. If you fear loss of income, GOD will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

Let me tell you most people belonging to the sect you refer to as wahabi's feel offended by that name.They call themselves Ahel-e-hadis.

Please, do not tell me to read my Islamic history, and I posted the verse before you did.

This verse only signifies pagans not people of the book (Ah-Le-Kitab), when the Prophet (SAW) allowed it, who are these people to differ.

As for Wahabis, I can't respect those who do not respect others. This sect had caused much harm to Islam.

Jbond, this verse is referring to pagans and is common among abrahamic religions. Also Islam also says you will be judged on your actions.
As for Wahabis, I can't respect those who do not respect others. This sect had caused much harm to Islam.

I can say the same about other sects.But let us not indulge into a futile debate.

Its better to protect our holy places from disrespect rather than to allow non-muslims and cry later.

Anyways why non-muslims want to visit our holy places anyway.Those are not a sight seeing places,they are places for worship and i won't be bothered a little bit if Christians or followers of any other religion don't allow me to go to their sacred places.
You people never give me any reason to admire religion do ya? Thank you!

Dont pretend to be Pakistani behind the computer screen. Even the Christian/Hindu/Sikh Pakistanis have respect for Islam.

Islam is a major part of Pakistan whether you like it or not, Indian_Athiest.
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hey one Offtopic question-: I have heard rumors that water is not allowed inside that mosque where ppl go round and round and throw stone on the wall, it is said if Ganga water is spilled on that Mosque than that would be the day of Quayammat? Is it true ? any thoughts?
hey one Offtopic question-: I have heard rumors that water is not allowed inside that mosque where ppl go round and round and throw stone on the wall, it is said if Ganga water is spilled on that Mosque than that would be the day of Quayammat? Is it true ? any thoughts?

Thats all false and i heard first time from you.

You are talking about Ka'ba (Haram) where peoples go round and round (Tawaf) and for your kind information there is a WELL inside Haram (Mosque) called "Zam Zam". There is a long story about Zam Zam and its the only well that is flowing since thousands of years undisrupted and will continue flowing until the end of this world (InshaAllah).

and the place you are saying where Muslims go and throw stones on the wall (pelting Shaitan) that is about 4-5 kilometers away from this place and that is called Jamarat and you can get water from any place its just a open place you can bring water with you or if you want buy from outside

Simple - Thats all rumour
Nothing new non-Muslims love to interfere in Muslims religious matters.

So what if we do not allow Non-Muslims in 2 cities.What non-Muslims want to see in MAKKAH and MADINA anyway.Christians can also ban the entry of Muslims in Vatican City and i guarantee you that it won't bother Muslims a bit.Non-Muslims should learn to respect Islam.

Personally i wouldn't like seeing non-Muslims in MAKKAH and MADINA.Both cities are after all Center of Islam and only Muslims should be allowed to enter.
“O you who believe! The Mushrikeen are unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then God will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely God is Knowing Wise.”[Qur'an 9:28]

# 1. Bill Gates and Melinda Gates $3.35 billion

# 2. Susan Buffett, the wife of Warren Buffett with the almost as mind-boggling sum of $2.25 billion.

# 3. John M Templeton - $550 million

# 4. Caroline Wiess Law - $450 million

# 5. George D Cornell - $196 million

# 6. Leo A and Kay K Drey - $180 million

# 7. Pierre and Pam Omidyar - $173 million

# 8. Bernard Marcus - $161 million

# 9. Sidney E Frank - $142 million

# 10. Michael Bloomberg - $138 million

1) This is the list of top 10 donors from 2005. How many of them are Muslims?

2) Having lived in the US and in Pakistan, I can tell for sure that if anything the westerners are cleanliness freaks.

All that aside, if my mom does not permit any of my friends to the house because they are unclean, she would also expect that I don't take anything from them or be indebted to them in anyway. So how is that the Saudis can use Chinese Technology, but when it comes to letting Chinese enter their cities, they are 'unclean'.
Nothing new non-Muslims love to interfere in Muslims religious matters.

So what if we do not allow Non-Muslims in 2 cities.What non-Muslims want to see in MAKKAH and MADINA anyway.Christians can also ban the entry of Muslims in Vatican City and i guarantee you that it won't bother Muslims a bit.Non-Muslims should learn to respect Islam.

Personally i wouldn't like seeing non-Muslims in MAKKAH and MADINA.Both cities are after all Center of Islam and only Muslims should be allowed to enter.

How is then that Muslims have issues with hijabs being banned in French Schools? Why all that hue and cry?
Dont pretend to be Pakistani behind the computer screen. Even the Christian/Hindu/Sikh Pakistanis have respect for Islam.

Islam is a major part of Pakistan whether you like it or not, Indian_Athiest.

I am neither a Christian nor a Hindu nor a Sikh, that's why I don't have respect for ANY religion [Islam included]. I can go on and on about how the caste system is pathetic, disgusting and inhumane. I can also talk about how moronic it is to apply mercury based chemicals on your forehead. I can also talk about how ridiculous it is to burn someone at stake, the foolishness of crusades. I can talk about how horrible evangelism is and how stupid the "intelligent design" theory is. About Sikhism, I don't know much, I am afraid.

Like George Carlin[I bet you even don't know who he is], the only God I worship is Sun. Because, at the end of the day, i can at least see it.

And stop asking me to respect your religion. You never demand respect, you earn it. Using Chinese technology, but calling them too unclean to enter a city, that's not something that will earn my respect. K?
# 1. Bill Gates and Melinda Gates $3.35 billion

# 2. Susan Buffett, the wife of Warren Buffett with the almost as mind-boggling sum of $2.25 billion.

# 3. John M Templeton - $550 million

# 4. Caroline Wiess Law - $450 million

# 5. George D Cornell - $196 million

# 6. Leo A and Kay K Drey - $180 million

# 7. Pierre and Pam Omidyar - $173 million

# 8. Bernard Marcus - $161 million

# 9. Sidney E Frank - $142 million

# 10. Michael Bloomberg - $138 million

1) This is the list of top 10 donors from 2005. How many of them are Muslims?

#1 Carlos Slim Helu

#2 Bill Gates

#3 Warren Buffett

#4 Mukesh Ambani

#5 Lakshmi Mittal

#6 Lawrence Ellison

#7 Bernard Arnault

#8 Eike Batista

#9 Amancio Ortega

#10 Karl Albrecht

This is the list of Top 10 richest peoples of the world and let me know how many of them are Muslims?...... Continue the list to Top 50 and then let me know how many were Muslims

In Pictures: The Richest People In The World - #11 Ingvar Kamprad & family - Forbes.com

2) Having lived in the US and in Pakistan, I can tell for sure that if anything the westerners are cleanliness freaks.

There are good and bad apples everywhere............. Some of the westerners are the most beautiful peoples on earth (by heart) and some of them are the direct followers of Satan.

All that aside, if my mom does not permit any of my friends to the house because they are unclean, she would also expect that I don't take anything from them or be indebted to them in anyway. So how is that the Saudis can use Chinese Technology, but when it comes to letting Chinese enter their cities, they are 'unclean'.

Your are interperating the verse of the Holy Qur'an incorrectly............ and if i go and start teaching you its meaning you will come up with another stupid post so just refrain bringing religion in to your discussion and stop criticizing Islam in each and every single post of yours
#1 Carlos Slim Helu

#2 Bill Gates

#3 Warren Buffett

#4 Mukesh Ambani

#5 Lakshmi Mittal

#6 Lawrence Ellison

#7 Bernard Arnault

#8 Eike Batista

#9 Amancio Ortega

#10 Karl Albrecht

This is the list of Top 10 richest peoples of the world and let me know how many of them are Muslims?...... Continue the list to Top 50 and then let me know how many were Muslims

In Pictures: The Richest People In The World - #11 Ingvar Kamprad & family - Forbes.com

There are good and bad apples everywhere............. Some of the westerners are the most beautiful peoples on earth (by heart) and some of them are even worse than Satan.

Your are interperating the verse of the Holy Qur'an incorrectly............ and if i go and start teaching you its meaning you will come up with another stupid post so just refrain bringing religion in to your discussion and stop criticizing Islam in each and every single post of yours

You know what? You are right bro. You say part of the reason is that there aren't any extremely rich muslims? But how does the king of Saudi own? How much does he donate?

Anyway, that aside. I am not going to bash your religion on this thread from this post forward. Just tell me, how that verse makes sense though. How can you generalize and say all idolaters are unclean?
In Makkah, I have seen with my own eyes, few caucasian men & a lady dressed in office-skirt getting out of a car in front of hotel,,,

How can we explain this?!?!?
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Why cannot non Muslims go there?
It is Saudi Law which prohibits not Islamic Law.
End of the story.
I guess Just top engineers and supervisors would be Chinese where as most of the Technical staff would be South Asians.
Your are interperating the verse of the Holy Qur'an incorrectly............ and if i go and start teaching you its meaning you will come up with another stupid post so just refrain bringing religion in to your discussion and stop criticizing Islam in each and every single post of yours

That guy is an Indian. Theres not much athiests among Pakistanis and the ones who are dont bad mouth Islam like athiests from other countries do.

That guy is most likely an Indian athiest, he should remove the word Pakistani from his name if he hates Islam. If Islam never reached the region of Pakistan there would be no Pakistan and no Pakistanis today.
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