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China to build Mecca monorail

I guess the explanation below should help.

In every country there are certain areas where a common citizen of that country cannot enter. Only a citizen who is enrolled in the military or those who are connected with the defense of the country are allowed in the cantonment area. Similarly Islam is a Universal Religion for the entire world and for all human beings. The cantonment areas of Islam are the two holy cites of Makkah and Madinah. Here only those who believe in Islam and are involved in the defense of Islam i.e. the Muslims are allowed.

See, the problem is that even in a cantonment area, construction workers/contractors are allowed under supervision. I hope the same applies to Mecca/Medina as well.

Read it again. Please. Just read it once more.

The connotation is not religious in any sense. The song is supposed to rouse the Indian mind to take control of their own destiny.

You are the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India's destiny.

A statement praising X. Where X can be God or George V. It can also refer to the citizen of India. But the following statement

Your name rouses the hearts of ---- and it echoes in ---,
mingles in the music of -- and is chanted by the waves of --.

More praise for X. Where X can be God or George V. Obviously a citizen's name does not do all that. It sounds too vain in that context. So, it must be a) a praise to God or b) George V.

They [waves, hearts etc.] pray for your blessings and sing your praise.

More Praise for X. Where X can be God or George V. OBVIOUSLY the waves won't pray for the Indian citizen's blessing, so it can only be God or George V.

The saving of all people waits in thy hand, Thou dispenser of India's destiny.

More praise for X.....
I didn't know that it was your national anthem.

No problem bro... but if i were you a self proclaimed free spirit.. I would atleast try to know about the things(in this case our National Anthem) that I'm cursing

But do you disagree with my statement that nationality isn't a choice, its a chance? You didn't choose to be an Indian now, did ya?
look..I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything that you have said..because I too believe in the freedom of expression and speech..but with a small caveat ..I dont go overboard with my feelings and in the process offend others.. just like some fools here are doing.... talking crap like idol worshippers.. pagans..

I dont understand why some people are calling you an "Indian guy".."Indian_Atheist" just because you dont subscribe to their idealogy... tells more about their "clean" hearts i guess...
A statement praising X. Where X can be God or George V. It can also refer to the citizen of India. But the following statement

More praise for X. Where X can be God or George V. Obviously a citizen's name does not do all that. It sounds too vain in that context. So, it must be a) a praise to God or b) George V.

More Praise for X. Where X can be God or George V. OBVIOUSLY the waves won't pray for the Indian citizen's blessing, so it can only be God or George V.

More praise for X.....

Now try replacing X with INDIA.

Isn't that what patriotism is all about?
That's the real purpose of a national anthem. To arouse Patriotism.
How is then that Muslims have issues with hijabs being banned in French Schools? Why all that hue and cry?

Ya right.You ban someone's religion and you expect that they don't make any hue and cry.How about if Pakistan would force all non-Muslim women to wear Hijab.How would that Sound?

What's the difference between these European governments and Taliban.Both wanna force their ideology on women.I mean these Euro people who see themselves as champions of human Rights

But in this case they are treating women like objects who have to follow the directions of state.How are then these European states different from a Police state.Controlling the lifestyle of Citizens.Aren't there any human rights of the women who wanna wear HIJAB.Hypocrites.
Following Islam or being Muslim is not purely coincidental. I don't know about others but I am not Muslim merely because my parents were. I have studied it and accepted it whole heartedly. Although, it was easy for me because I was born in Muslim Family.

Being Pakistani, well that can be classified as co-incidental. But remember the people who migrated from India to Pakistan? They weren't co-incidental Pakistani's, they decided to be Pakistanis.

btw, are you Atheist? your name is Pakistani_Athiest not Pakistani_Atheist.
well as per this news around 500,000 peoples will be able to travel every six to eight hours.


and Makkah is sorrounded with moutains so it is not easy to build Metro infrastructure there. They have one of the best network for roads in Makkah and Madina. They have high speed rail project from Makkah to Madina and it would be very helpful for the pilgrims when this project forms reality.

I believe 500,000 in 6-8 hours is good for now and not to forget their wide carpet roads that will also play a key role to shift pilgrams from one place to another

Even the large Monorail can't take 500,000 passenger in 6-8 hours.

Monorail coach has a passenger capacity of maximum of 150 passengers. And large train can have 8 coaches maximum. i.e.

150 X 8 = 1200 passenger per train, the train runs after 3 minutes of gap.

Then 1 hour (60 mins.) / 3 minutes = 20 trains per hour

1200 passengers X 20 trains per hour = 24,000 passenger in a hour

24,000 X 8 hours = 24000 = 1,92,000 passengers that too the maximum capacity.

Hence, 500,000 passenger in 6-8 hours is not possible by any means. Also what about the future requirements. As Saudis are developing and building more and more buildings in that areas the traffic will be more and more.

So, the best option is Metro not Monorail.
Following Islam or being Muslim is not purely coincidental. I don't know about others but I am not Muslim merely because my parents were. I have studied it and accepted it whole heartedly. Although, it was easy for me because I was born in Muslim Family.

Being Pakistani, well that can be classified as co-incidental. But remember the people who migrated from India to Pakistan? They weren't co-incidental Pakistani's, they decided to be Pakistanis.

btw, are you Atheist? your name is Pakistani_Athiest not Pakistani_Atheist.

Best reply ever ;)
Even the large Monorail can't take 500,000 passenger in 6-8 hours.

Monorail coach has a passenger capacity of maximum of 150 passengers. And large train can have 8 coaches maximum. i.e.

150 X 8 = 1200 passenger per train, the train runs after 3 minutes of gap.

Then 1 hour (60 mins.) / 3 minutes = 20 trains per hour

1200 passengers X 20 trains per hour = 24,000 passenger in a hour

24,000 X 8 hours = 24000 = 1,92,000 passengers that too the maximum capacity.

Hence, 500,000 passenger in 6-8 hours is not possible by any means. Also what about the future requirements. As Saudis are developing and building more and more buildings in that areas the traffic will be more and more.

So, the best option is Metro not Monorail.

well Saudis have the money and the plan. If they have planned to carry 500,000 peoples in 6-8 hours what is wrong in it? We are not aware of the details of this project and it is possible it is a unique project of its kind and you are not aware of the area of Makkah. It is sorrounded by the mountains and it is not easy to dig in mountains to make infrastructure for the metro. They have lots of roads from the mountains but keeping the traffic in mind their first requirement is roads. Trust me the roads system in Makkah is not less than a WONDERS of the world and building infrastructure for metro will sure have more problems. They have this monorail project for now and if they felt necassary they might start another project for metro in future :D

Just imagine around 4 million peoples travel from Haram, Makkah to Mina, Makkah within couple of hours time so how good their transport system will be? (i know some of them travel by walk that is around 5-8 kilometers but large number of peoples use transport) and i am sure this project will help improve take off burden from the roads and if the Saudi Government felt necassary they may start metro in the future and also bear in mind if they ever go for metro project that will be extremely costly......... at least 4-5 times more expensive than an average metro project (my opinion only)
Monorail coach has a passenger capacity of maximum of 150 passengers. And large train can have 8 coaches maximum.

Which train manufacturer are you talking about? Different Monorails have different capacities. Although yes, I have never encountered a monorail system with as much capacity as you have assumed.

I agree, I don't think Monorail is the best option from the information given by Zaki bhai.

1. Monorails are best suited for short distances

2. Monorails are suitable for high density areas, usually in crowded trade centres of cities (eg. Kuala Lumpur) as they are elevated train systems.

3. Monorail systems do not have so much capacity to carry that many passengers.

4. With uneven the nature of terrain described, a surface train network seems to be best suited rather than Monorail.

5. A surface train network could also be integrated with existing (upcoming) rail networks in Saudi Arabia. This cannot be done for Monorail/Metro.

6. For Monorail, completely new support systems (Signalling / IT etc.) will have to be built. Surface train network have existing support systems which can be used here.

7. In terms of costs, Monorails require a greater capital cost but less Operation & Maintenance costs.

Therefore, IMHO, high speed, high capacity surface trains are more suited for this project rather than monorails.
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Which train manufacturer are you talking about? Different Monorails have different capacities. Although yes, I have never encountered a monorail system with as much capacity as you have assumed.

I agree, I don't think Monorail is the best option from the information given by Zaki bhai.

1. Monorails are best suited for short distances

2. Monorails are suitable for high density areas, usually in crowded trade centres of cities (eg. Kuala Lumpur) as they are elevated train systems.

3. Monorail systems do not have so much capacity to carry that many passengers.

4. With uneven the nature of terrain described, a surface train network seems to be best suited rather than Monorail.

5. A surface train network could also be integrated with existing (upcoming) rail networks in Saudi Arabia. This cannot be done for Monorail/Metro.

6. For Monorail, completely new support systems (Signalling / IT etc.) will have to be built. Surface train network have existing support systems which can be used here.

7. In terms of costs, Monorails require a greater capital cost but less Operation & Maintenance costs.

Therefore, IMHO, high speed, high capacity surface trains are more suited for this project rather than monorails.

well you are right if the train had to go for a longer distance. During Hajj you have to visit Haram, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa, Jamarat and back to Haram that all together is around 8-10 kilometers of journey. For only 8-10 kilometers you do not require high speed rails. You have to have other forms of rails. I guess this monorail will have 4-5 stops only and then back to Makkah Meaning from one end to another you can reach within 10 minutes time. This is my guess only but the real aim of this rail is to off load from burden from the roads and this area where we perform Hajj is just 8-10 kilometer thus does not require longer router.
well Saudis have the money and the plan. If they have planned to carry 500,000 peoples in 6-8 hours what is wrong in it? We are not aware of the details of this project and it is possible it is a unique project of its kind and you are not aware of the area of Makkah. It is sorrounded by the mountains and it is not easy to dig in mountains to make infrastructure for the metro. They have lots of roads from the mountains but keeping the traffic in mind their first requirement is roads. Trust me the roads system in Makkah is not less than a WONDERS of the world and building infrastructure for metro will sure have more problems. They have this monorail project for now and if they felt necassary they might start another project for metro in future :D

Just imagine around 4 million peoples travel from Haram, Makkah to Mina, Makkah within couple of hours time so how good their transport system will be? (i know some of them travel by walk that is around 5-8 kilometers but large number of peoples use transport) and i am sure this project will help improve take off burden from the roads and if the Saudi Government felt necassary they may start metro in the future and also bear in mind if they ever go for metro project that will be extremely costly......... at least 4-5 times more expensive than an average metro project (my opinion only)

I'm not talking about money, as no one doubt that about Saudis.

Also i will be moire than happy with their development as they are our friend.

We are debating technology "Monorail" not money etc.

1. We are discussing about the 500,000 people carrying capacity. And that's not possible by Monorail.

2. Monorail is also slow.

3. In first line of your post u said that Saudis got money in second last line of your post you says "metro project that will be extremely costly".

So, first make your mind, first decide then argue.

4. Metro is not that costly than Monorail i can say it with all the confidence as we in India have both the "Metro" and "Monorail". so, i know both the systems.

5. Metro can be build on the terrine you are talking about and i very well know about the Makkah and Madina. In today's time there is no need to go and see from your eyes to get these basic facts. The videos, pic, info are all available on internet.

6. My point stands that Metro will be more suitable than Monorail.
Which train manufacturer are you talking about? Different Monorails have different capacities. Although yes, I have never encountered a monorail system with as much capacity as you have assumed.

I agree, I don't think Monorail is the best option from the information given by Zaki bhai.

1. Monorails are best suited for short distances

2. Monorails are suitable for high density areas, usually in crowded trade centres of cities (eg. Kuala Lumpur) as they are elevated train systems.

3. Monorail systems do not have so much capacity to carry that many passengers.

4. With uneven the nature of terrain described, a surface train network seems to be best suited rather than Monorail.

5. A surface train network could also be integrated with existing (upcoming) rail networks in Saudi Arabia. This cannot be done for Monorail/Metro.

6. For Monorail, completely new support systems (Signalling / IT etc.) will have to be built. Surface train network have existing support systems which can be used here.

7. In terms of costs, Monorails require a greater capital cost but less Operation & Maintenance costs.

Therefore, IMHO, high speed, high capacity surface trains are more suited for this project rather than monorails.

I'm talking about all the "Monorail" systems.

See the link, i don't speak without point

System Loading Capacity : Hitachi-Rail.com

The above link is from one of the best in the world.

Also in India we have both the Monorail as well as Metro so i know about them.
I'm not talking about money, as no one doubt that about Saudis.

Also i will be moire than happy with their development as they are our friend.

We are debating technology "Monorail" not money etc.

1. We are discussing about the 500,000 people carrying capacity. And that's not possible by Monorail.

2. Monorail is also slow.

3. In first line of your post u said that Saudis got money in second last line of your post you says "metro project that will be extremely costly".

So, first make your mind, first decide then argue.

4. Metro is not that costly than Monorail i can say it with all the confidence as we in India have both the "Metro" and "Monorail". so, i know both the systems.

5. Metro can be build on the terrine you are talking about and i very well know about the Makkah and Madina. In today's time there is no need to go and see from your eyes to get these basic facts. The videos, pic, info are all available on internet.

6. My point stands that Metro will be more suitable than Monorail.

My dear friend i did not say Saudi's can't afford to make Metro. They can but all i was saying is if one ordinary metro rail track is laid for say 1.2 billion dollars that will cost at least 4-5 billion dollars in Saudi Arabia because of the moutains in Makkah. Usually Metro is laid in flat areas and not moutainous ranges. It will require years to be completed and lots of money. Monorail can be built up in 2-3 years time also but if they go for Metro they will take a decade or so to be fully functional. There are lots of hurdles considering the area in mind if they go for Metro rail. They do not even have the railway tracks in these areas and you are talking about metro? Is it not easy to make railway tracks instead in such a mountanious area?

And also when Metro project is initiated the land is thoroughly inspected if it is suitable for the metro project or not and i am sure it will create lots of hurdles if they opt for metro. Let the monorail project go smoothly and we will see if Saudis ever opt to go for Metro in future?

And not to forget the sacred mountains in Makkah that are part of the Islamic history. They cannot dig those mountains to pave the way for Metro :D

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