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China to build Mecca monorail

Will they allow the chinese to enter Mecca, in my opinion people from other religions should be allowed to enter Mecca and Medina. If our Holy Prophet (SAW) allowed jews and christians to stay there, who are these wahabis to stop anyone from visiting the holy cites.

Kindly read Islamic history before blaming anyone.

[9:28] O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Masjid after this year. If you fear loss of income, GOD will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

Let me tell you most people belonging to the sect you refer to as wahabi's feel offended by that name.They call themselves Ahel-e-hadis.
Kindly read Islamic history before blaming anyone.

[9:28] O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Masjid after this year. If you fear loss of income, GOD will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

Let me tell you most people belonging to the sect you refer to as wahabi's feel offended by that name.They call themselves Ahel-e-hadis.

It is BETTER to worship a false idol from your heart than to do everything which your religion prohibits.

I, for one, consider kafirs/Jews etc who follow their religion superior over many Arab leaders.
And then you say yours is a religion of peace and respect other religions.

Read again


Every religion considers other religion as unclean (spiritually) because of the variations.
Cant find a link, but wasnt it during the time of Nur-ud-din Zangi? when some Kafirs tried to dig to the Prophets (S.A.W) Grave, after which the grave was sealed off. Can remember reading this in Islamiat or something but dont have a link or anything
read this please:

It was a peaceful night in Damascus in the year 1162 A.D. He had just gone to bed after completing his mid-night prayers. As he descended into deep snooze, a noble saint with face shining came to him and pointing towards two men with blue eyes, said, “Protect me from these two”. He just could not absorb it anymore and woke up trembling in distress. He performed ablution and offeredprayers and again went to sleep. The same saint interrupted him again asking to protect against the evil of the two men. He woke up again and offered prayers and went to bed. The dream repeated for the third time and he just jumped out of this bed asserting, “It’s too much of slumber!!” He immediately called for his noble vizier Jamal Ad Din and shared his dream with him.

The vizier advised him to keep the matter undisclosed and immediately head off to Madina. The man was Sultan Nur Ad Din Zangi, who ruled the Muslim lands bordering Crusader States in Palestine during tenth century. The noble saint who came in the dream was Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) himself. The Sultan departed for Madina with a few men and loads of luggage on speedy camels. After sixteen days of journey the royal caravan entered Madina. The Sultan went straight to the Prophet’s Mosque and offered two rakas of prayers. After a while he gathered Medinaites and began distributing valuable gifts. Then began the royal feast for all the inhabitants under strict orders from the Sultan that no one was allowed to miss. Meanwhile the Sultan kept careful eye on all the attendees to recognize the faces of thetwo men whom Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) had pointed to.

The feast passed on but all in vain. The Sultan asked curiously if anyone was left out from the feast; the crowd denied it. It was after repeated insistence by the Sultan that he came to know about the two westerners staying near the mausoleum of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). They had a public reputation of being celibates purely devoted to prayers all the time. They were brought before Sultan who took no time recognizing them; they were the same blue-eyed men shown in his dream. The Sultan inquired about their identities and motives. They cunningly produced the story that they were pilgrims from the West, had come to attend annual Hajj but the strong desire to stay nearer to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) held them in Medina. The Sultan went into their room where all he could find were some scattered books.

This situation left the Sultan in serious puzzle amid frequent requests of pardon by the Madinaites defending thetwo men being very pious who would regularly visit Jannat al Baqee Graveyard and would generously spend in charity during drought years. The embarrassing situation remained until an idea struck Sultan’s mind and he quickly removed the prayer mat where there was a rock. He removed the rock and in his extreme shock and anger found a tunnel dug deep leading to Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) grave. The Sultan immediately arrested the two men and forced them to disclose the reality. The two men revealed that they were Christian spies dispatched and funded for a special mission by Christian Kings to enter prophet’s grave and take his body away. The Sultan, infuriated by the plot, had those evil spies executed. Moreover under his orders, a channel was dug around the Prophet’s grave and filled with molten copper to protect his grave from any further mischievous attempts forever.

Earlier Indian engineers (Non Muslims) have worked in Mecca projects.

You often say things that are unbelievable............ please prove your claim or refrain spreading rumours
Why does anybody think so? Care to tell me. Don't try to support what only you believe in. Respect what others believe too. Nobody is asking you to believe what others believes in but you need to respect others to get repect yourself.

So, according to your religion what will be my fate?

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

What do you mean by false idols? Spritiuality is not the ownership of Islam only as there are different spritual ways to reach to supreme god. Let me tell you idols are not the gods they are just the instruments to focus on the real Supreme God.

You don't like to respect other's belief and then don't like it when others returns the favour.

Let me tell you idols are not the gods they are just the instruments to focus on the real Supreme God.

Now take this convo to Private messages..
We should not derail the thread.
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It's really a good move to develop such infrastucture as that will help the people visiting the Holy Shrine.

Good Wishes from my side for the project.
Your Fate is decided by your deeds(Karma) not what you believe in. You should do good for the society and for the mankind and that defines you and your fate.

Take this conversation to private messages please (if you want to)

You have posted something credible but unfortunately I don't believe in Karma.

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

I think it is a good move because it will ease the burden of commuting.
The news was good. I am happy for both China and KSA. When I shall visit Makkah, I will surely use this facility.

But, I am unable to understand the problem with people here. What is your problem with Islam?
Did any one asked you or forced you to join Islam?
If not, then why are you so concerned with it?
BTW, what business do you have in Makkah and Madina?
I think it is a good move because it will ease the burden of commuting.

Check your PM, Mate. I was just replying to some of the posts that I felt offensive about and shared my POV.

I am off this thread now..
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