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China to build Mecca monorail

If i am not wrong this project is already under construction............ i have seen the bridges being constructed for monorail near Jamarat, Makkah
No non-muslim will be allowed in Mecca. China has enough Muslims to work on the monorail.

You people never give me any reason to admire religion do ya? Thank you!

So you want their technology, you want their managerial efforts, planning and implementation. You just don't want them stepping inside your cities.
You people never give me any reason to admire religion do ya? Thank you!

So you want their technology, you want their managerial efforts, planning and implementation. You just don't want them stepping inside your cities.

Does you passport say muslim or atheist. Also you cant classify all into one group, I said in my post before that other people should be allowed to enter the holy sites.

And its the Saudis, not Pakistani's. So you cannot say 'you' as we are not Saudis.
You people never give me any reason to admire religion do ya? Thank you!

So you want their technology, you want their managerial efforts, planning and implementation. You just don't want them stepping inside your cities.

Makkah and Madina are the only two cities in the world where non-muslims are not allowed to travel. That is probably because of Security reasons and nothing else. There is a valid reason behind barring Non-Muslims entering Madina and it is possible same reason applies in Makkah also. There is a long story behind this - a conspiracy to steal the body of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that took place couple of centuries ago. Those peoples were not successful but i guess it could be one of the reasons why Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter these Holy cities of Islam.

I would however not mind if they lift this ban and allow all peoples to visit Makkah and Madina too
Does you passport say muslim or atheist. Also you cant classify all into one group, I said in my post before that other people should be allowed to enter the holy sites.

And its the Saudis, not Pakistani's. So you cannot say 'you' as we are not Saudis.

My passport neither says Muslim or Atheist. It says American!

When I said 'you' I wasn't refering to you bro. I read your post, it was indeed admirable. I was refering to the guy I quoted: Omar1984.
Makkah and Madina are the only two cities in the world where non-muslims are not allowed to travel. That is probably because of Security reasons and nothing else. There is a valid reason behind barring Non-Muslims entering Madina and it is possible same reason applies in Makkah also. There is a long story behind this - a conspiracy to steal the body of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that took place couple of centuries ago. Those peoples were not successful but i guess it could be one of the reasons why Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter these Holy cities of Islam.

1) A person who is really intent on sabotaging Mecca/Madina can convert to Islam, do what he wants to do, then revert back.

2) If the Saudis trust the Chinese to build a mono-rail for them, why can't they trust them into their cities?

Can someone give me the full story or legitimate reason for not letting people in there?

When people with Arabic sounding names, people of Indian/Pakistani origin etc. are subject to profiling and extra checks at the airport, we raise such hue and cry. And there are some others [not refering to Zaki or T-Faz] that justify and approve denial of entry to people who don't belong to a religion!
Will they allow the chinese to enter Mecca, in my opinion people from other religions should be allowed to enter Mecca and Medina. If our Holy Prophet (SAW) allowed jews and christians to stay there, who are these wahabis to stop anyone from visiting the holy cites.

chinese don't believe in any religion or god/almighty. So they don't have any religion, they are unbeliever in any god.
China to build Mecca monorail
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
RIYADH: A Chinese company has won a contract to build a 1.8 billion dollar monorail to carry pilgrims around the Islamic holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia announced during a visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.

China Railway Co won the deal to construct the rail link between Mecca and the holy sites of Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah, which are visited by massive tides of pilgrims during the annual hajj, the state news agency SPA said. More than two million Muslims descend on Mecca each year for the pilgrimage.

The project was announced at a state dinner on Tuesday hosted by Saudi King Abdullah for Hu, who is on a three-day visit to shore up economic relations with the OPEC powerhouse and discuss energy supplies.

Why they are opting for monorail????

Monorail are used where the passenger traffic is very low.

Monorail is not suitable in heavy rush areas as their passenger carrying capacity is very low.

The Saudi Arabia should opt for Metro.

Like Mumbai we are having both Metro for the areas where there is heavy rush and Monorail for low rush areas.
1) A person who is really intent on sabotaging Mecca/Madina can convert to Islam, do what he wants to do, then revert back.

yes true and there are many/few Non-Muslims disguised in Muslims and visit these holy cities i am sure about that.

2) If the Saudis trust the Chinese to build a mono-rail for them, why can't they trust them into their cities?
Well they are using chinese technology and they are not allowed to visit Makkah so expect no soft corner for them. I am sure all the peoples involved in this project must be Muslims only. Chinese might be helping them from Sattelites and residing in other cities of Saudi Arabia (my opinion only).

Can someone give me the full story or legitimate reason for not letting people in there?

When people with Arabic sounding names, people of Indian/Pakistani origin etc. are subject to profiling and extra checks at the airport, we raise such hue and cry. And there are some others [not refering to Zaki or T-Faz] that justify and approve denial of entry to people who don't belong to a religion!

Its a long story i hope someone else can share a useful link with you. I read it many years ago and if you read that story it might be helpful for you to understand the reasons of barring Non-Muslims to visit these sacred places.

And i am not justifying Saudis for this reason......... i wouldn't mind if they allow Non-Muslims to visit these holy places of Islam.
Its a Saudi law which bars non muslims from entering. Not an Islamic one, they quote this verse from the Quran

The Saudi government supports their position using Sura 9:28 from the Qur'an:

“O you who believe! The Mushrikeen (idolaters) are (spiritually) unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year; and if you fear poverty then God will enrich you out of His grace if He please; surely God is Knowing Wise.”[Qur'an 9:28]

But Jews and Christians (people of the book) are not Mushrikeen. Well its thier home, so I guess their rules. I dont agree with it however.
Why they are opting for monorail????

Monorail are used where the passenger traffic is very low.

Monorail is not suitable in heavy rush areas as their passenger carrying capacity is very low.

The Saudi Arabia should opt for Metro.

Like Mumbai we are having both Metro for the areas where there is heavy rush and Monorail for low rush areas.
well as per this news around 500,000 peoples will be able to travel every six to eight hours.


and Makkah is sorrounded with moutains so it is not easy to build Metro infrastructure there. They have one of the best network for roads in Makkah and Madina. They have high speed rail project from Makkah to Madina and it would be very helpful for the pilgrims when this project forms reality.

I believe 500,000 in 6-8 hours is good for now and not to forget their wide carpet roads that will also play a key role to shift pilgrams from one place to another
Its a long story i hope someone else can share a useful link with you. I read it many years ago and if you read that story it might be helpful for you to understand the reasons of barring Non-Muslims to visit these sacred places.

And i am not justifying Saudis for this reason......... i wouldn't mind if they allow Non-Muslims to visit these holy places of Islam.

Cant find a link, but wasnt it during the time of Nur-ud-din Zangi? when some Kafirs tried to dig to the Prophets (S.A.W) Grave, after which the grave was sealed off. Can remember reading this in Islamiat or something but dont have a link or anything
Restricting non Muslims to enter Mecca.

Yes, as if the leadership of KSA is very clean.
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