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China’s Anti-Carrier Ballistic Missile Now Opposite Taiwan | Bloomberg

And the US military today is more advanced than the US military of 1991. But of course, you have to try to mislead the readers.

I used the word "relatively".

China has made more progress since 1991 than the US has and so the gap has closed and it is getting smaller as we speak.

One example should be the fact that China already has 2 5th generation fighters in testing whereas it was years away in 1991 from testing a 4th generation fighter and the US already had thousands of 4th generation F-14/F-15/F-16 and F-18 in service.

That example shows that at least in terms of the air-force the gap has closed since the US only has 187 F-22 that is a generation ahead of 500 or so 4th generation jets the Chinese have. Granted the US could have produced maybe 500 F-22 if they wanted to but so could China have produced hundreds more J-10's in response.
Why do we need to beat monks when we spanked that American arse in the Korean War. What was it....25 countries vs 1. Still got kicked out of North Korea. :lol:
And we stayed in South Korea, which became wealthier than North Korea.

The US thought it would be easy victory and got burnt. Once bitten, twice shy. No wonder the US is scared of going to combat with China.
The PLA's modernization is American based. That is a tacit concession that if the PLA had gone to war against the Americans, it would have gotten the smack down just as bad as Iraq received. So who is really scared of whom? :lol:

I used the word "relatively".

China has made more progress since 1991 than the US has and so the gap has closed and it is getting smaller as we speak.
Yeah...The US was once ten laps ahead, now it is 8 or may be even 7. :lol:
Yeah...The US was once ten laps ahead, now it is 8 or may be even 7. :lol:

Good that you have acknowledged that the gap has closed.

US is now in decline so your best days are well and truly behind you.
Good that you have acknowledged that the gap has closed.
Are you certain said gap will not widen again?

US is now in decline so your best days are well and truly behind you.
Please...This is not a zero sum game. China's rise does not mean an American decline. Fools like you said that when Japan was in ascendant. Look what happened since then.


Am still waiting on an explanation on how did the international community missed all those DF-21D open water testing in the Pacific. May be the DF-21D was launched and powered solely by compressed air, thereby generating no infrared signs? :lol:
I doubt the US even has the ability to detect such an advanced missile like the Df-21D. After all that's exactly why they are so petrified. We now have the capability to sink all 11 American aircraft carriers. They are just sitting ducks.

:). LOL, not sure what else to write here. This thread if funny. Btw, do you know the defensive weapons that exist in the JMSDF ships you showed above :). Do you know what the USN is equipped with? Do you also know for sure that others like Russia didn't come up with these interesting ideas like yours? Did you know the USN has smart people too?
Did you also know that a single F-35 can track missile launches from 800 miles away? And that's a small airplane. Do you really believe that the same system (or systems) haven't been put into ships that track, can lock on any missile whether it be supersonic or hypersonic? I think I've asked many questions. Now I'll just be silent.
I am not trying to put down your DF-21 but I also don't want you to think the world strongest blue water navy doesn't have brains or strategy to counter threats. I thought you may have forgotten about the 'little' naval experience that the USN has....just about a century almost :)
Are you certain said gap will not widen again?

Yes, the gap may widen or stay the same.

But in all probability it will likely keep getting smaller as the Chinese economy is expected to catch and overtake the US one. The more money you invest the better technology you can create.

Please...This is not a zero sum game. China's rise does not mean an American decline. Fools like you said that when Japan was in ascendant. Look what happened since then.

Japan is a bad analogy as it has 1/10th the population of China and dozens of times smaller land area and hence natural resources.

IMO, this Asia "pivot" is destined to fail as no matter how much military assets the US brings to the East Asian region will dwarf in comparison to what China would have in it's own back yard. Once Asian countries realise this they will naturally have little interest in allying with US against China. China has a plan to push the US back to Hawaii by 2030 which is quiet realistic.

US should realise that it's days as the lone superpower are running out and divert defence money on it's own economy like building up it''s infrastructure. With the abundant natural resources it has in it's own territory it should not have to try to influence other countries in terms of access to natural resources.
Not going to waste my time on economics with people who can barely balance a checkbook, assuming they make enough to worth having a checking account in the first place.

Now please answer the question:

- How did the international community with all the satellite monitoring capability missed all those DF-21D open water testing in the Pacific?

This is a reasonable question considering the weapon's intended target is a MOVING ship, not a concrete slab fixed in ground in the desert. It does not matter if the weapon is considered 'deployed' or not. There is no global standard on weapons development and testing. Any country can do whatever it want. If China want to enter a 3-wheeled vehicle into Formula One competition, the Chinese racing team can declare such a vehicle 'deployed' if they want.
This is a reasonable question considering the weapon's intended target is a MOVING ship, not a concrete slab fixed in ground in the desert.

Hitting the concrete slab in the desert is already more than what the US currently has.

Does the US have a conventional, hypersonic missile with a range of 2,700 km capable of hitting a stationary target with pinpoint accuracy?

Is is deployed?

And don't say it's a pointless capability.

The US wants to do this very thing.

It's called Prompt Global Strike.

Unfortunately for the US, China has beaten you to the punch.:lol:

Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon - Popular Mechanics
Hitting the concrete slab in the desert is already more than what the US currently has.

Does the US have a conventional, hypersonic missile with a range of 2,700 km capable of hitting a stationary target with pinpoint accuracy?

Is is deployed?

And don't say it's a pointless capability.

The US wants to do this very thing.

It's called Prompt Global Strike.

Unfortunately for the US, China has beaten you to the punch.:lol:

Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon - Popular Mechanics
You clearly are not a very smart person.



The US does have pinpoint accuracy guidance. Those are bombs. Six bombs for six ground targets in a very narrow area.

Second...The US is bounded by the Intermediate range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987 with the Soviet Union. China was not. So just because China can develop a ballistic missile within that range does not mean somehow China is technically ahead of the US. It is absurd 'reasoning' considering the US have ballistic missiles that are capable of even longer distance.

So when you put together that pinpoint accuracy that we demonstrated almost twenty years ago and our current ballistic missile technology, it is evident to objective observers that China is a late comer to this technology.

And do not think that just because you use the word 'hypersonic' it means you have any intellectual significance in this subject. It just means you know how to copy/paste things.

Finally, I did not say that hitting a fixed ground target is pointless. The DF-21D's mission is to hit a MOVING SHIP AT SEA, not a concrete slab fixed in desert soil. Now explain to objective observers that how did the international community with all the satellites watching could have missed multiple DF-21D open water tests in the Pacific.
I see that one my responses in this discussion have been deleted. Guess it is true that the Chinese members do have an ally in the admin staff.
People are overjoy with this DF-21 things, I do not understand why.

First of all, set aside all the "Kinetic Kill" things and can or cannot stop them or even set aside their accuracy.

Let's assume there are no way we can stop a DF-21 and there are no counter measure

But how exactly a threat to our carrier??

The reported (Chinese Reported) range of the missile put the range on 1900 mi. Which is about 1600 nmi

So, assume they can "kill" everything that run into a 1600 nmi range. But the question is, do our carrier need to get into this range??

the combat range of F/A-18E/F super hornet is 1200 nmi, ferry range is 1800nmi. So say we launch aerial refuelling midpoint, which increase the range of our Superhornet to 1800 nmi (refuel at 600nmi out with full tank), which is still outside the DF-21 range. Plus, superhornet carry HARM missile that have a range of another 50 nmi.....We can kill the DF-21 with 1 midpoint refuelling without the need to enter their range

Hence we don't really need to get into 1600nmi and launch our aircraft. So what are you going to kill with DF-21? if our carrier simply can sit at 1800 nmi? Which is beyond your reach lol.....

I really don't see a point why we need to worry about the DF-21. Don't forget you are targeting an "AIRCRAFT CARRIER" you don't need to get close to launch the Aircraft.... Not like Destroyer or a Cruiser
People are overjoy with this DF-21 things, I do not understand why.

First of all, set aside all the "Kinetic Kill" things and can or cannot stop them or even set aside their accuracy.

Let's assume there are no way we can stop a DF-21 and there are no counter measure

But how exactly a threat to our carrier??

The reported (Chinese Reported) range of the missile put the range on 1900 mi. Which is about 1600 nm

So, assume they can "kill" everything that run into a 1600 nmi range. But the question is, do our carrier need to get into this range??

the combat range of F/A-18E/F super hornet is 1200 nmi, ferry range is 1800nmi. So say we launch aerial refuelling midpoint, which increase the range of our Superhornet to 1800 nmi (refuel at 600nmi out with full tank), which is still outside the DF-21 range.

Hence we don't really need to get into 1600nmi and launch our aircraft. So what are you going to kill with DF-21? if our carrier simply can sit at 1800 nmi? Which is beyond your reach lol.....
The DF-21D can hit moving AIRBORNE targets as well. This is clearly 'proven' by its ability to hit a concrete slab fixed in desert soil.
The DF-21D can hit moving AIRBORNE targets as well. This is clearly 'proven' by its ability to hit a concrete slab fixed in desert soil.

oh then, probably I will shut up then....LOL

Plus I think the combat radius is WITHOUT external tank......I could be wrong.
There are actually more, most Chinese member think when they have a range of 1900 mile, then they can hit target within 1900 mile to it. Most of them (Actually, all of them) do not even know the "Push and Pull" effect.

While they have their DF-21, we have our destroyer and sub are capable firing Tomahawk from a range of 900-1000 nmi.

Unless they can hit our destroyer and sub with their DF-21 too, they will need to move their missile further inland. Anywhere form 500 nmi to 1000 nmi to avoid the threat of being destroyed by our destroyer and sub. Thus what you left is 500-700 nmi range with the DF-21.

This is what I read in the defence report stating why DF-21 are of no thread, but hey, that's only my word.

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