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China’s Anti-Carrier Ballistic Missile Now Opposite Taiwan | Bloomberg

See these two JMSDF ships moored side by side?

These ships aren't going anywhere.

I propose launching a single DF-21D at each of these ships.


Now imagine doing that to the entire JMSDF in a Pearl Harbor style attack.

There will be absolutely no warning before the attack.

The attack will be over in minutes since the DF-21D travels at hypersonic speeds.

They won't know what hit them.:yay:
The Df-21D has been fully tested on moving targets but the PLA don't like to give out info on anything. The US already knows that it's fully operational and can hit moving targets. I doubt the US can detect this missile, which is why they are so scared of it.
Why would russia and china give out info to the US, this is between them.

Try harder kid, much much harder.
We have always been sooooo far behind China, perhaps we will catch up some day.... Plus we are a land based power, with little naval experience like China has, but we are working on it.
We have always been sooooo far behind China, perhaps we will catch up some day.... Plus we are a land based power, with little naval experience like China has, but we are working on it.

Not always, you guys been doing pretty good the last 200 years or so, give yourself some credit.
See these two JMSDF ships moored side by side?

These ships aren't going anywhere.

I propose launching a single DF-21D at each of these ships.


Now imagine doing that to the entire JMSDF in a Pearl Harbor style attack.

There will be absolutely no warning before the attack.

The attack will be over in minutes since the DF-21D travels at hypersonic speeds.

They won't know what hit them.:yay:
Then you admit that the -21D so far is good against stationary targets.

Then when the US retaliate, the PLA will make the same prediction as they did about Desert Storm, they know exactly what is coming, but that still will not save the PLA because they have fools like the Chinese members here in their leadership ranks.
Then you admit that the -21D so far is good against stationary targets.

Then when the US retaliate, the PLA will make the same prediction as they did about Desert Storm, they know exactly what is coming, but that still will not save the PLA because they have fools like the Chinese members here in their leadership ranks.

he give a simple and naive example as it is how to reasoning with a simpleton (especially someone has strong agenda)

can you handle it?
Then you admit that the -21D so far is good against stationary targets.

Then when the US retaliate, the PLA will make the same prediction as they did about Desert Storm, they know exactly what is coming, but that still will not save the PLA because they have fools like the Chinese members here in their leadership ranks.

Df-21D has no counter. Deal with it son.
Then you admit that the -21D so far is good against stationary targets.

I admit nothing. However, stationary targets are the easiest targets and sometimes the most important targets.

Then when the US retaliate,

But can the US Navy retaliate without fuel?

Perhaps a brief history lesson is in order.

Pearl Harbor is the headquarters of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet and the site of one of the most famous events in modern American history. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a devastating attack on the Naval ships in Pearl Harbor, which forced the United States to enter World War II. Despite the loss of several battleships, much of the Naval Base's infrastructure remained intact, including the fuel storage facilities.

Many historians and military experts have noted that the failure of the Japanese to destroy the Pearl Harbor Tank Farm was a major failure on their part. The fuel tank farms held the entire fuel supply for the Pacific Fleet (140 million gallons), and could have been destroyed with a single bomb, which in turn would have severely hampered the US recovery and fighting capability. As it turns out these fuels reserves were vital to the initial phase of the War.

Abhe & Svoboda, Inc. - General Contractor :: Pear Harbor Tank Farm, Hawaii



I'm not saying the DF-21D is going to hit Hawaii. But the US Navy does have fuel storage facilities in East Asia. What happens when they are destroyed? Can you still drive your car when all the gas stations several hundred miles around you have been blown up? :lol:

See the fuel storage area to the left of this diagram of Kadena Air Base?

Why not hit that with the DF-21D too?

Good luck flying the F-22 with no JP-8 fuel.

There are many different ways to use a highly-accurate, conventional ballistic missile. The possibilities are endless.

he give a simple and naive example as it is how to reasoning with a simpleton (especially someone has strong agenda)

can you handle it?
I am handling all you simpletons just fine. In fact, what I know, people know I cannot dumb it down any further.
Df-21D has no counter. Deal with it son.
Wrong, child.

Over-the-horizon radar systems are large in antenna array sizes, such as tens of meters or even hundreds of meters across, making them easy to target and damaged. No need to destroy, just a few bombs across the array face and the entire system is done for.

As for the warhead itself, not one of you can coherently explain what is 'terminal guidance' despite your casual use of the phrase. So until you conscript rejects can show us a credible source on what is that 'terminal guidance' and steerage mechanism, all you have is a wet dream that the DF-21D is a 'carrier killer'.
Wrong, child.

Over-the-horizon radar systems are large in antenna array sizes, such as tens of meters or even hundreds of meters across, making them easy to target and damaged. No need to destroy, just a few bombs across the array face and the entire system is done for.

As for the warhead itself, not one of you can coherently explain what is 'terminal guidance' despite your casual use of the phrase. So until you conscript rejects can show us a credible source on what is that 'terminal guidance' and steerage mechanism, all you have is a wet dream that the DF-21D is a 'carrier killer'.

Your military leaders are running around like headless chooks because they have no counter to the DF-21D and I doubt you ever will.
and maybe you should expain first why it wont be missed?
No. You guys claimed the DF-21D completed all tests, which for its intended targets would require open water testings, so the burden is upon you to explain how is it possible that the international community just happened to miss all those tests in the Pacific. Of course, we know that China does not border the Atlantic, correct? :lol:
No. You guys claimed the DF-21D completed all tests, which for its intended targets would require open water testings, so the burden is upon you to explain how is it possible that the international community just happened to miss all those tests in the Pacific. Of course, we know that China does not border the Atlantic, correct? :lol:

I doubt the US even has the ability to detect such an advanced missile like the Df-21D. After all that's exactly why they are so petrified. We now have the capability to sink all 11 American aircraft carriers. They are just sitting ducks.

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