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Can India's PAD and AAD ABM systems effective against pakistans missiles?

Greeting to all the viewers of this thread.I just want information that are our ballistic missiles effective against their PAD and AAD?Can they evade them?I would like everyone veiws.Please please please no nationalist verbal fighting.I welcome all comments,views and theories.

there is no way to intercept ballastic missile especially in terminal phase

the most advanced system for such mission is combination of PAC3 and THAAD

THAAD depend purely on HIT TO KILL TECHNOLOGY has NO WARHEAD but kill vehicle has very advanced seekers depend on kinetic energy to INTERCEPT the warheads exoatmosphere its effectiveness against BMs is not known so far but the disadvantages of such systems in exoatmosphere interception it can't differentiate between decoys and warheads due to absence of gravity

PAC3 depend partially on HIT TO KILL TECHNOLOGY due to it use small warhead not highly fragmentation warhead like THE FAILURE PAC2 BUT the negatives of such system is the limiting time and if the attacker use very advanced decoys and if the attacker increase the speed of missile in the terminal phase and add maneuver to warheads of the missile

there is no way to intercept ballastic missile especially in terminal phase

the most advanced system for such mission is combination of PAC3 and THAAD

THAAD depend purely on HIT TO KILL TECHNOLOGY has NO WARHEAD but kill vehicle has very advanced seekers depend on kinetic energy to INTERCEPT the warheads exoatmosphere its effectiveness against BMs is not known so far but the disadvantages of such systems in exoatmosphere interception it can't differentiate between decoys and warheads due to absence of gravity

PAC3 depend partially on HIT TO KILL TECHNOLOGY due to it use small warhead not highly fragmentation warhead like THE FAILURE PAC2 BUT the negatives of such system is the limiting time and if the attacker use very advanced decoys and if the attacker increase the speed of missile in the terminal phase and add maneuver to warheads of the missile


Indian current ballistic missile defence system is Terminal phase interceptor, more over such a concept is not new , the soviet in the past have installed nuclear warhead in their SAMs in case the have to counter a nuclear attack,assuming destruction of nuclear warhead above the atmosphere as a better bet then warheads hitting the target. Not much information is available in open source to decide how effective a ballistic missile technology can be, but one thing to note is scientists and defence organisations have more brains then you and me here, and if they have installed a system then they are not fool to install a million dollar junk.

Even if ballistic missile defence system is not immune to failure, it can make a psychological effect upon enemy, considering enemy have limited nuclear warheads, the enemy will have to dispatch multiple launch to expect a hit, which otherwise would have been done with a single missile,ultimately effecting enemies stockpile, and in case enemies missiles are intercepted things can be counter productive.

Enemy wont attack a city protected by ballistic missile defence system with a single or a few missiles which the enemy would have done otherwise.

verdict: The real boys have better brain and sense then us the armchair warriors. We cannot make a conclusion that a ballistic missile defence systems is credible or not, something which we general public have no excess to information.
The indians will probably spend $10 billion plus on abm DEFENSE.

i think its safe to assume that THEY WILL HAVE DONE THEIR HOME WORK and established that the system ACTUALLY WORKS.

it may only stop 50% BUT it gives india great deterrance nevertheless...
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