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Breaking News: China dispatched jets to counter Indian jets

1. IAF jets were airborne, they had better 'Vision', If the Radars were suddenly jammed, jamming source direction could be determined instantly, Still it took 25 minutes to detect jets...... too bad. or some info is not provided.(thats the key).
2. blitzkreg with just two jets? whom do IAF and RAW is fooling?
3. its not for guessing its for deduction logical deduction.

Story is either badly concocted or delibrately made a misleading one.

I too think so
1. IAF jets were airborne, they had better 'Vision', If the Radars were suddenly jammed, jamming source direction could be determined instantly, Still it took 25 minutes to detect jets...... too bad. or some info is not provided.(thats the key).
2. blitzkreg with just two jets? whom do IAF and RAW is fooling?
3. its not for guessing its for deduction logical deduction.

Story is either badly concocted or delibrately made a misleading one.

Of course, you can't expect the IAF and RAW to reveal everything. If Chinese jets were indeed nuclear tipped, then it was not for a mere scramble and I don't think it was just the business between the air forces of both sides. In fact, I wondered in my previous post why the sudden leak of this information and why now? It is not that media gets access to every filing of report as top secret remains top secret until they are disclosed voluntarily.

The report also says:

While no actual scramble took place, what is scary about the affair is that the radars lost track of the Chinese aircraft twice while the Indian aircraft disappeared from the radar once. In a hostile situation, these incidents can lead to accidental triggers.

Was it because of the terrain or was it because of some high end tech? Because lets forget the 25 minutes delay in detection as you are saying, the sudden disappearance of any flying object from radar is also something that makes me curious.

2. Was it China's attempt to foil a blitzkrieg by sending nuclear tipped jets? If not then how could RAW know they had nukes ready to deliver? But then again the question comes, why sending nukes to a periphery while the capital remains in another direction?

3. The guessing leads to the possibility of what is said in point no. 2.

Finally, if the story is concocted, then why in such way as it belittles the might of the IAF and can have demoralizing effect on the civilian citizens of India? However, the story doesn't tell truth in its entirety.
Jana whose country is irrelevant in the world stage, except for the times in is minutes from anarchy, feels an obligation to have to comment on things beyond her. We will work out our problems with China in due time but we will never work out our problems with you. Why waste our time and effort with when you have nothing to offer us?

If we're irrelevant, why do the likes of you even bother to visit this forum?
Scantlanders media like this kind of story and also the instilling of the so called chinese threat. They have not stopped talking about 1962 while this was a taboo in the 70's to the 90's. Better for them to advertise on corruption, drug dealing, open defeacation, money laundering that are plaguing the Indian society.
dont get too excited.. you guys are all just losers.. indian jets fly, china takes precautions and scrambles then everyone turns back and go home.. and you dogs are barking here...
Noone brings nukes on air patrol......
Interceptor mission carrying nuclear arms?
Way to go to gain international recognition and credibility.
1. Tezpur base has MKIs, so if MKIs were on patrol, it very poor performance of the MKI to detect so late Chinese jets. bunking myths.
2. Carrying nukes on interception scramble or what ever make no sense at all, this reports just an effort to tarnish china as a bad guy.
3. there could be question how come RAW or IAF new there were nukes oj jets, did they get close to see marking on bombs etc, or ground intelligence?
4 who will draw benefit from this episode. Ofcourse its India --IAF to get more funds. and RAW too. Or Uncle SAM.
1. Tezpur base has MKIs, so if MKIs were on patrol, it very poor performance of the MKI to detect so late Chinese jets. bunking myths.
2. Carrying nukes on interception scramble or what ever make no sense at all, this reports just an effort to tarnish china as a bad guy.
3. there could be question how come RAW or IAF new there were nukes oj jets, did they get close to see marking on bombs etc, or ground intelligence?
4 who will draw benefit from this episode. Ofcourse its India --IAF to get more funds. and RAW too. Or Uncle SAM.

don't be serious.it is just a bollywood film---a good excuse to buy better radars.nuke is to make it impressive.
This is a useful trick to put the money from taxpayers to the pockets of officers.
Raw must have seen the ext fuel tank and said ooh it's a nuke inform the media.. errggh who gives F to raw
Chinese media report.

中国苏-27震慑印军机 双方上演“紧张时刻”


印度媒体报道称,10月30日,印度军机正在藏南达旺地区飞行,期间遇上中国两架苏-27战机,中方战斗机随即紧急升空。中方战机其后意 识到印方军机并无发起攻击行动的意图后,在距离中印国际边界尚有30公里处便折返飞回。消息人士称,印度空军已经将这宗意外事件上报印度国防部。

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