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Boycotting American products

Farah Sohail

Mar 2, 2012
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I and my family have decided tht a more appropriate way of protest against the blasphemous movie, rather than violence or attacking American embassies, would be to boycott American products, to affect their economy... as they say.."Qatra Qatra darya banta hai" ...Or if we say tht their economy cant be affected by our small effort..atleast we would have our conscience clear tht we atleast tried..and .if .nothing else, atleast Allah ek saamnay hum jawab denay ke qabil honge...ke when our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was being insulted or ridiculed, we atleast made an effort to boycott their products which we like otherwise.....Atleast we have to do something..not violence but to show our protest.... If everyone atleast on this forum starts it, and asks his/her family to do it and then spread the word..kuch na kuch tu humara contribution hoga..... Have we thought ..if we dont do even this.. how would we be able to answer Allah at the day of judgment? Theres a famous Hadith..I am not quoting exact words..but its meaning is...You cant be a Momin..if I am not more dear to you than your parents, your children and your family...Remember Holy Prophet's companions , Sahaba(R.A) used to take bullets on themselves during wars,to protect Prophet(P.B.U.H) but would not let any harm to occur to beloved Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)..We are not of the calibre of those companions ofcourse, but we can do our bit..

Love of Prophet Muhammad is the basic pillar/foundation of our Imaan..West has been shamlessly provoking us by insulting our Prophet time and again, to make us beghairat and bayhis...they want to take out love of Prophet from us..tht lets insult him frequently..how many times will they protest? So do we really want to become beghairat? Do we make them achieve their target..tht we become behiss truly tht we arent affected by it? Not by violence..but this is a peaceful way of protesting..tht is to boycott... Allama Iqbal has very nicely explained it in this poem why West provokes us and why Muslims are in this sorry state:

Iblis ka farman apnay siasi farzandon ke naam

La kar barahmanon ko Siyasat ke bich mein
Zun-naariyon ko dair-e-kohan se nikaal do

Woh faaqah-kash keh maut se darta nahi zara
Ruh-e-Muhammad os ke badan se nikaal do

Fikr-e-Arab ko de ke farangi takhai-u-laat
Islam ko Hijaaz-o-Yaman se nikaal do

Afghaniyon ki ghairate deen ka hay yeh elaaj
Mulla ko oon ke koh-o-dman se nikaal do

Ehle haram se oon ki rawayaat chhin lo
Aahu ko marghuzare khutan se nikaal do

Iqbal ke nafas se hay lale ki aag tez
Aise ghazal-sara ko chaman se nikaal do

Translation :
Orders of Satan to his political progeny (English translation: taken from a website)

Embroil the Brahmans in statesmanship’s maze,
Make them discard their girdle, creed and ways.
The mendicant whom death can’t affright, Take
Mohammad’s soul from his mould and expedite.

Dye Arab thought in Frankish fancy’s hue,
From Hejaz and Yaman expel the Muslims true.
The Afghan’s zeal for Faith You can assail
By exiling Muslim priests from hill and dale.
Snatch customs of those, who own Muslim creed,
Banish musk-yielding deer from Cathay’s mead.
My songs in Muslim hearts ignite a flame,
Turn out such singer from park for this blame.

So..can we do atleast this...boycott KFC, Mc. Donalds, &other American brands, like, Nike, etc etc..Can we atleast do this much for the love of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)? Who is going to join me..in this?

P.S.....Plzz I request, non Muslims...if u have nothing to contribute positively to this thread, PLEASE do not participate or troll in this thread, NOR disrespect Islam or Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) in this thread... Plzz it would be better if u ppl stay out
* Stop using your computer because its American made or software is
* Stop driving your car because something in there is American made
* Stop flying on planes because Americans invented it
* Stop watching TV because that is probably American made
* Stop using your lights because Americans invented it
* Stop your kids from taking polio vaccine because it was invented by an evil Jewish American
* Stop using petrol and petrochemicals because Americans invented it
* Stop using, your mobile phone because that is probably American made
* Stop using your ovens/fridges/refrigerators/washing machines because Americans invented them
* Stop using internet because it also was invented by the Americans
* Stop wearing cloths because they probably were made on a machine made in America
* Stop using gas because that gas comes from a plant that was created by the American technology.
* Stop using handwash, shampoo, conditioner,hair dryer and deodorant because its made my American companies ie P&G.
* Stop drinking Coca Cloa, Sprite, Pepsi, because they are American products
* Stop jumping on electric lifts and escalators when you go to the shopping center because they are probably American

once you stop all of the above congratulations, you have become a proud Pakistani living in a stone age. I thought the criminal ******** who made the film was an idiot, i didn't realize that those who play in his hands are even more bigger idiots !

We need to make ourselves worthy or respect before we can ask for it, we Muslims are the most ignorant,arrogant and irrational breed of humans alive today and we are getting ****** for a reason. And it has nothing to do with some retards trying to say stupid things about Islam but more with our lack of rational response and our pathetic literacy rate and our junk economies!
In this world, you cannot boycott a country like America just like that.

All the things you use have something to do with US. Your PC for example, the detergents, the Internet service (google), etc etc etc. Add a hundred more things to Aeronaut's post.

Although the thought is kind of noble, but you simply can't do it.
That is a Great Idea!
Of course the implementation is the important part. So to each his/her own.
How can I reach Aeronaut?

Besides accumulating 19000 posts necessary to make a PM.
How can I reach Aeronaut?

Besides accumulating 19000 posts necessary to make a PM.

Keep posting. You'll get there some day buddy. :lol:

But you can Pm mods. There is no quota required.
No RazPak, I tried.

It says I need 19000 posts and I still have only 2132.
* Stop using your computer because its American made or software is
* Stop driving your car because something in there is American made
* Stop flying on planes because Americans invented it
* Stop watching TV because that is probably American made
* Stop using your lights because Americans invented it
* Stop your kids from taking polio vaccine because it was invented by an evil Jewish American
* Stop using petrol and petrochemicals because Americans invented it
* Stop using, your mobile phone because that is probably American made
* Stop using your ovens/fridges/refrigerators/washing machines because Americans invented them
* Stop using internet because it also was invented by the Americans
* Stop wearing cloths because they probably were made on a machine made in America
* Stop using gas because that gas comes from a plant that was created by the American technology.
* Stop using handwash, shampoo, conditioner,hair dryer and deodorant because its made my American companies ie P&G.
* Stop drinking Coca Cloa, Sprite, Pepsi, because they are American products
* Stop jumping on electric lifts and escalators when you go to the shopping center because they are probably American

once you stop all of the above congratulations, you have become a proud Pakistani living in a stone age. I thought the criminal ******** who made the film was an idiot, i didn't realize that those who play in his hands are even more bigger idiots !

Doing something for love of Prophet is being an idiot..thanks for enlightening me...
I just gave an alternative peaceful way of protest rather than violence..and now this is what I am called..being an idiot..thanks
Infact..its not ppl like me...who are playing in the hands of those blashphemers..rather its ppl like you..bcoz this is exactly the purpose..they wanted to achieve..i-e make ppl bayghairat and take out Prophet's love from Muslims..tht no matter how much ppl, insult their Prophet in front of them, they are unmoved...and hence West is doing such things frequently...tht we become completely beghairat...........So rather than reacting violently, by physically attacking them I gave an alternative way to try to harm their economy..

Allama Iqbal also symblosed this in this poem tht the main aim of Satan is to take out our love for Prophet(P.B.U.H) and this is why they want us to become bayghairat, and hence provoke Muslims so frequently tht a time comes, tht we are least bothered about insult of our Prophet, just as u have become, and hence,I think, the makers of the movie have achieved their target successfully

Woh faaqah-kash keh maut se darta nahi zara
Ruh-e-Muhammad os ke badan se nikaal do

But then..u might also say Allama Iqbal was also an idiot for writing these lines

P.S: To everyone.I know, we cant boycott each and evry thing from our lives, but atleast we can try and atleast boycott luxuries ..Atleast we should make an effort
Actually all he is asking is using alternatives.

Don't buy Motorola, rather buy Samsung.

Don't by BMW, rather buy Hyundai.

Don't buy IBM, Apple products like Macbook, Ipad, rather buy Lenovo, Sony Vaio, Samsung.

Don't buy Levis, rather buy local brand.

Don't drink Pepsi or Coca Cola, one of the biggest conglomerates.

Don't buy French Wines, Jack Daniels, Scotch, you can easily avoid them just the way use avoid them in Ramadan month.

Try to find alternatives, each small change by millions of people can make an impact in longer run. Its easier to find excuse rather than trying to do something.
KRAIT has been more sensible in understanding the purpose of my post...than some of my fellow Muslims..who without understanding, just tried to ridicule it or painted me as an idiot tht why did I even think of a protest.on this blasphemous film....no matter how peaceful the protest is..:disagree:.......Atleast I cant become a full bayghairat.. I will try, in my small capacity, to make an effort, no matter how small an effort is...
I and my family have decided tht a more appropriate way of protest against the blasphemous movie, rather than violence or attacking American embassies, would be to boycott American products, to affect their economy... as they say.."Qatra Qatra darya banta hai" ...Or if we say tht their economy cant be affected by our small effort..atleast we would have our conscience clear tht we atleast tried..and .if .nothing else, atleast Allah ek saamnay hum jawab denay ke qabil honge...ke when our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was being insulted or ridiculed, we atleast made an effort to boycott their products which we like otherwise.....Atleast we have to do something..not violence but to show our protest.... If everyone atleast on this forum starts it, and asks his/her family to do it and then spread the word..kuch na kuch tu humara contribution hoga..... Have we thought ..if we dont do even this.. how would we be able to answer Allah at the day of judgment? Theres a famous Hadith..I am not quoting exact words..but its meaning is...You cant be a Momin..if I am not more dear to you than your parents, your children and your family...Remember Holy Prophet's companions , Sahaba(R.A) used to take bullets on themselves during wars,to protect Prophet(P.B.U.H) but would not let any harm to occur to beloved Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)..We are not of the calibre of those companions ofcourse, but we can do our bit..

Love of Prophet Muhammad is the basic pillar/foundation of our Imaan..West has been shamlessly provoking us by insulting our Prophet time and again, to make us beghairat and bayhis...they want to take out love of Prophet from us..tht lets insult him frequently..how many times will they protest? So do we really want to become beghairat? Do we make them achieve their target..tht we become behiss truly tht we arent affected by it? Not by violence..but this is a peaceful way of protesting..tht is to boycott... Allama Iqbal has very nicely explained it in this poem why West provokes us and why Muslims are in this sorry state:

Iblis ka farman apnay siasi farzandon ke naam

La kar barahmanon ko Siyasat ke bich mein
Zun-naariyon ko dair-e-kohan se nikaal do

Woh faaqah-kash keh maut se darta nahi zara
Ruh-e-Muhammad os ke badan se nikaal do

Fikr-e-Arab ko de ke farangi takhai-u-laat
Islam ko Hijaaz-o-Yaman se nikaal do

Afghaniyon ki ghairate deen ka hay yeh elaaj
Mulla ko oon ke koh-o-dman se nikaal do

Ehle haram se oon ki rawayaat chhin lo
Aahu ko marghuzare khutan se nikaal do

Iqbal ke nafas se hay lale ki aag tez
Aise ghazal-sara ko chaman se nikaal do

Translation :
Orders of Satan to his political progeny (English translation: taken from a website)

Embroil the Brahmans in statesmanship’s maze,
Make them discard their girdle, creed and ways.
The mendicant whom death can’t affright, Take
Mohammad’s soul from his mould and expedite.

Dye Arab thought in Frankish fancy’s hue,
From Hejaz and Yaman expel the Muslims true.
The Afghan’s zeal for Faith You can assail
By exiling Muslim priests from hill and dale.
Snatch customs of those, who own Muslim creed,
Banish musk-yielding deer from Cathay’s mead.
My songs in Muslim hearts ignite a flame,
Turn out such singer from park for this blame.

So..can we do atleast this...boycott KFC, Mc. Donalds, &other American brands, like, Nike, etc etc..Can we atleast do this much for the love of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H)? Who is going to join me..in this?

P.S.....Plzz I request, non Muslims...if u have nothing to contribute positively to this thread, PLEASE do not participate or troll in this thread, NOR disrespect Islam or Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) in this thread... Plzz it would be better if u ppl stay out

A Noble effort but you are targetting the wrong people.

You should boycott that movie and thats it.

Same thing happened during the Danish Cartoons thing. People started boycotting Danish goods but ordinary Danes were not responsible for those Cartoons, just a right wing newspaper.

So the correct response would have been not to read or buy that newspaper instead of boycotting all of Denmark.

Its like a Terrorist Attack occurs against the West that originated from Pakistan and as a response all of the West start boycotting Pakistani products.

Is that fair to Pakistan and Pakistanis?
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