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Boycotting American products

Muslims (including many on this very forum) go around mocking other people religious beliefs..idol worship by Hindus etc and then turn around and expect the whole world to respect their religious beliefs, isn't that hypocrisy? Give respect - take respect
No, all Christian, Buddhist, Muslim nations should register their strong protest and ask Indian government to take action against something that may cause violence, hurt religious sentiments and is danger to our social fabric. If government don't take action, people get frustrated and that can be used by anti-social elements to entice violence. There are numerous examples in our country where oppressed people and government failure to safeguard people's interest has resulted in many insurgencies.

If we allow one person to do it and remain indifferent, more people will follow it. That's how **** industry developed. People thought it won't grow as it was against the society and disrespecting but they did watch in hiding. The demand was there but it was hidden. Now its the fastest growing industry.

The analogy is right because in both cases, it was offensive, people even if opposed it socially, watch it personally. I think almost all of the members have seen that footage. The demand of Non-Muslims for such videos will increase, may be to show opposition against any Islamic terrorist attack. There reason will be if you don't care about our safety, why should we care of your religion. ? Its a slippery slope.

Making government reactive to take action rather than taking law in our hands is the right way to follow.

The freedom of speech practiced by western countries is a very hard earned right having overcome religious persecution in the 14th,15th and 16th centuries. The religious persecution from the catholic church which defined what is right and wrong and defined what are censored books or what is called Index Expurgatorius. The books written by Galileo and Voltaire were some of the books prohibited by the Catholic church. The people in western countries had gone through some hardships to get that right about freedom of expression(or speech). U.S goes one step further in that it was founded on this very tenet of freedom of speech as many colonists came to U.S to escape persecution in Europe.

U.S and western countries are not going to compromise on this for some fools creating trouble.

As for India and other countries want to try boycott of goods, this is 21st century where the economies are intertwined and it willl affect the global economy in total. Specifically for India, first it need to say goodbye to the BPO and software industries and not to mention vital car exports which brings in crucial forex and which offsets the negative balance of payment to a certain extent.

What do you qualify as hurting religious sentiments? muslims/christians suggesting there is only one god(which goes against hinduism and some can claim hurting hindu sentiments) or Karunanidhi saying something foul about Ram or U.P desecration of Lord Buddha/Lord Mahavira statues, Prophet cartoons or what is that? But it is for sure it isn't going to stop.

Reacting to this fool who made the movie and thereby achieving what he wanted or these idiots who are protesting and have killed some innocent people is pandering to these extremists and compromising on hard earned values.

How many of the people have approached the courts in U.S? AFAIK it is nill. There are other legal routes available and you have to pursue those options.
Hitler Said: "IF u don't like a rule, follow it, approach the climax and change the rule,

Bro, no one is disgracing what ever u said, its a noble effort, but isn't it better to get ourselves educated and try to get such a position in the world which can influence west or simply rule the west??
isn't it the best way to protect the umma instead of boycotting??
Muslims (including many on this very forum) go around mocking other people religious beliefs..idol worship by Hindus etc and then turn around and expect the whole world to respect their religious beliefs, isn't that hypocrisy? Give respect - take respect

So u think, Quran burnt and dishonored in Afghanistan by Muslims? Danish Cartoons were made by Muslims? Movies against our religion was made by Muslims, yeah?

An individual's act can't be taken as a whole my dear, In Islam it is strongly forbidden to mock any other's religion and it is clearly written in the Holy Quran that Jesus (P.B.U.H.) and Moses (P.B.U.H.) are the Prophets of God along with Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), How can a Muslim disgust any of them? even then if one does so, he is not a good Muslim.
* Stop using your computer because its American made or software is
* Stop driving your car because something in there is American made
* Stop flying on planes because Americans invented it
* Stop watching TV because that is probably American made
* Stop using your lights because Americans invented it
* Stop your kids from taking polio vaccine because it was invented by an evil Jewish American
* Stop using petrol and petrochemicals because Americans invented it
* Stop using, your mobile phone because that is probably American made
* Stop using your ovens/fridges/refrigerators/washing machines because Americans invented them
* Stop using internet because it also was invented by the Americans
* Stop wearing cloths because they probably were made on a machine made in America
* Stop using gas because that gas comes from a plant that was created by the American technology.
* Stop using handwash, shampoo, conditioner,hair dryer and deodorant because its made my American companies ie P&G.
* Stop drinking Coca Cloa, Sprite, Pepsi, because they are American products
* Stop jumping on electric lifts and escalators when you go to the shopping center because they are probably American

once you stop all of the above congratulations, you have become a proud Pakistani living in a stone age. I thought the criminal ******** who made the film was an idiot, i didn't realize that those who play in his hands are even more bigger idiots !

We need to make ourselves worthy or respect before we can ask for it, we Muslims are the most ignorant,arrogant and irrational breed of humans alive today and we are getting ****** for a reason. And it has nothing to do with some retards trying to say stupid things about Islam but more with our lack of rational response and our pathetic literacy rate and our junk economies!

I think you are talking about extreme and impossibilities. But there are things Pakistanis can do to have their message heard. Let's face it, beyond this insult, Pakistanis has suffered at hand of US for generation and still suffering. Now in moderation for example, Pakistan can boycott US food chains and restaurants and take the opportunity to create more home grown chain.

Same can be done in more areas if you think of it.
Hitler Said: "IF u don't like a rule, follow it, approach the climax and change the rule,

Bro, no one is disgracing what ever u said, its a noble effort, but isn't it better to get ourselves educated and try to get such a position in the world which can influence west or simply rule the west??
isn't it the best way to protect the umma instead of boycotting??

Whatever u r saying is correct...but whatever u are saying will take...a lot of time...no one knows when such time can come? So till then...what?
Shouldnt we start now....at an individual level...try to make an effort as much as we can... from NOW...rather than waiting...tht may be a time comes...when we will rule the west and then we will rectify everything? All I am saying is a peaceful boycott..Ur point abt educating ourselves is good..but its nothing in conflict/contradiction with what I have said... We should educate ourselves, try to gain a better position to be able to influence, while at the same time,we should also try to make a peaceful boycott of their brands/products for which we have an alternative available.....Muslims all over the world are a huge consumer market.. If we today start boycotting the products...wouldn't it have an effect on their economy? I dont know how many Muslims will participate in this boycott, but atleast take the initiative, atleast contribute positively/peacefully to the protest to the best of our capacity/ability...Atleast we will have our conscience clear and will be able to answer to Allah tht we did contribute, we did put an effort in a peacefull manner...when our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) was being insulted in front of us..
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