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'Bin Laden dead long before US raid'. Osama Died of Disease

Dear readers, is it not reality that Usama Bin Laden (UBL) recent death is a great stride forward in defeating terrorism? Dear readers, is it not fantasy to claim that UBL was not in Pakistan and that he died long ago. Dear readers, while we will never side with Al Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist organizations, we agree with their confirmation that UBL was recently killed in Pakistan. Those who favor conspiracy theory promoted by a the Iranian government over reality remain unconvinced despite the fact that his family, now in Pakistani custody, confirmed his death and identified his remains, and that DNA tests matched his post mortem remains to those of his family who shared his residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan. His presence there was confirmed by his wife, and Al Qaeda later confirmed his death and threatened revenge. To say that there is no independent confirmation of what our president announced last week is simply not supported by the facts.
In the following link the doctor who conducted postmortem DNA test confirms it was UBL remains:


Dear readers, how much credit should we give to President Mahmoud Ahmedinajad, a leader who has attempted on numerous occasions to mislead with his statements?

In the following link Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that UBL is in Washington:

The fact is that UBL, conspiracy theories aside, is dead, but our fight against Al Qaeda and violent extremists continues.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command


I am really impressed with this interview, very smart answers. All answers were really smart.
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Yup!.. had you questioned the US govt thoroughly when 9/11 happened.. had you asked for Solid Proofs at that time.. world woudn't have been in shatters right now.. economy would not be at its all time low.. millions of people would not have suffered.. Ignorance?? At least you can correct it now..

I do not think you understood my argument.
1) Pakistanis deny almost everything that their government accepts. (It is ok if they say there is conspiracy once in a while, but it is funny that everything, I mean everything under this sun is a conspiracy).
examples. This is great one.

Kasab is Amar singh, given the fact that GOP, PA, ISI, USA, UK, India etc has accepted that he is from Pakistan, given the fact that Geo Tv did a live coverage, given the fact Nawaz Sharif Accepted it on Tv, Given the fact that your own NSA accepted it on TV.

And then you have permium members posting here, saying he is Amar Singh.

2) OBL Death.
3) 9/11.
4) SL Attack.
the list is endless.

It's like you cry wolf every time and trust me, you have lost a lot of credibility. I heard on both CNN and BBC that Pakistan is a place where conspiracy theory is created for everything.

The problem I see with you people is that every-time someone tries to show you mirror, you start questioning the messenger, even worse if he is an Indian.

As a Indian I have no problem if your reputation goes down, but dude I do not see any learning. There are some good things that I saw recently in this forum, very positive sign about Pakistan, it was few people like Muse who started questioning the PA/ISI and GOP.

A true democracy means people should ask for accountability from government institutions. It is not just elections, which some people think, it is how accountable the system is and on that count USA is way ahead of anyone, India has started to get better, still long way to go.

OH, Man, Great video!!!!!!

thnx 4 posting!!!!!!
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I do not think you understood my argument.
1) Pakistanis deny almost everything that their government accepts. (It is ok if they say there is conspiracy once in a while, but it is funny that everything, I mean everything under this sun is a conspiracy).
examples. This is great one.

Kasab is Amar singh, given the fact that GOP, PA, ISI, USA, UK, India etc has accepted that he is from Pakistan, given the fact that Geo Tv did a live coverage, given the fact Nawaz Sharif Accepted it on Tv, Given the fact that your own NSA accepted it on TV.

And then you have permium members posting here, saying he is Amar Singh.

2) OBL Death.
3) 9/11.
4) SL Attack.
the list is endless.

It's like you cry wolf every time and trust me, you have lost a lot of credibility. I heard on both CNN and BBC that Pakistan is a place where conspiracy theory is created for everything.

The problem I see with you people is that every-time someone tries to show you mirror, you start questioning the messenger, even worse if he is an Indian.

As a Indian I have no problem if your reputation goes down, but dude I do not see any learning. There are some good things that I saw recently in this forum, very positive sign about Pakistan, it was few people like Muse who started questioning the PA/ISI and GOP.

A true democracy means people should ask for accountability from government institutions. It is not just elections, which some people think, it is how accountable the system is and on that count USA is way ahead of anyone, India has started to get better, still long way to go.

Amazingly, Indians have a tendency to bring their own "cry" within everything.. Have i ever said anything about Kasab?? so what if Kasab was from Pakistan?.. India and Pakistan have a history of such things.. and Why are you bringing the SL cricket team in the discussion?.. Is this discussion related to it?

The point I raised were about 9/11, WoT, and OBL's death.. now if you take your head out from the place where sun doesn't shines, you'll know that its not only Pakistanis who are questioning these events.. There are hundreds of channels, and thousands of people every channel questioning the authenticity of these events.. Forget about Pakistanis, even Americans are questioning the authenticity of OBL's drama now, the early effect has worn off and now they are looking at these events logically..

Asking questions, exploring possibilities and thinking about probable scenarios are signs of "intelligent and alive nation".. we do not act as herd of sheep, we question the authorities, you call it conspiracy theory, we call it freedom of speech and thought.. That is the reason we have developed at more speed than other nations.. including India.. don't trust me?? go read the initial assets and resources of India as compared to Pakistan in 1947..

BTW, who said that there shouldn't be accountability of government institutions?? Have you followed my posts? can you show me even ONE of my post where i have said that PA and ISI should not be questioned about it?.. yeah MY questions are different than what you want.. thats true.. and IF we are asking out own institutions about clarifications, we also have the right to ask US about SOLID EVIDENCE regarding OBL's cold-blooded murder in that "mansion" in ABBOTTABAD.. until they come up with SOLID PROOF, the whole event is a sham, without credibility.. word of mouth and THAT also from the mouth of LIARS.. sorry, ain't gonna cut for me..

So, until you have any SOLID, IRREFUTABLE PROOF.. don't try to act as everything has been decided.. Even if nobody else questions anymore, i will keep on asking!!

History has to be SET STRAIGHT!! and i won't let MY country suffer on the basis of a LIE!!! and THAT is the reason YOUR WET DREAMS of BREAKING PAKISTAN will NEVER succeed!!! YOU might succeed in humiliating us for a few days, but we will come out of it triumphant, always have, always will..

Enough said!!!!!
The LAST WARNING to Indians and Americans Zionists By Pakistani Patriots:


Click the youtube link below to start, turn your speakers volume full up

YouTube - ISI Exposed Obama Lies About "Osama" Death Drama In Abbottabad

Americans and Indians are now weaving a web of deception around Pakistan to prepare for a physical invasion of Pakistan! The war has been declared by them after their attack inside Pakistan on the fake pretext of OBL. This is our stern warning and a declaration of war against their Zionist controlled media and politics! Pakistan is awake, alive and waiting for you -- guns loaded! Allahu Akbar!!!
CIA has said that Osama Bin Ladin's last words before he was shot by the SEAL team were, 'O PAKISTANIO TUHADI PHAAAAAYYNNNN DI............!!!'

CIA is trying to find out if this was some secret message to his ISI benefactors or local support network group in Pakistan?

Stay Tuned!!:woot:
CIA has said that Osama Bin Ladin's last words before he was shot by the SEAL team were, 'O PAKISTANIO TUHADI PHAAAAAYYNNNN DI............!!!'

CIA is trying to find out if this was some secret message to his ISI benefactors or local support network group in Pakistan?

Stay Tuned!!:woot:

Nah, you are wrong, it was,,,,, WAPDA Tuadi Phen nu (due to sudden load sheeding at that time ofcourse)...... and americans are trying to find out whether WAPDA is the new branch of AL-Qaeda.
CIA has said that Osama Bin Ladin's last words before he was shot by the SEAL team were, 'O PAKISTANIO TUHADI PHAAAAAYYNNNN DI............!!!'

CIA is trying to find out if this was some secret message to his ISI benefactors or local support network group in Pakistan?

Stay Tuned!!:woot:

Nah.. his last words were "Infidels! You cannot kill me, I've died 9 times already!" :azn:

Source: The Daily Jang news 20th May 2011​

US Forces Killed Laden's Clone In Abbottabad, Claims American Editor

New York, May 20: A fresh report says the US operation that allegedly killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan has actually led to the death of a clone of the al-Qaeda leader, working under CIA operative Raymond Davis, an American editor has claimed.

"The real bin Laden died years ago after receiving treatment in American hospitals for his various illnesses," said Gordon Duff, senior editor of Ohio-based Veterans Today, in an interview with Press TV's US Desk.He went on to claim that the real Laden died years ago and that he died after being treated in US hospitals.

In an article titled 'Was Raymond Davis CIA's Bin Laden Handler?', Duff wrote that after Osama’s death, his body was kept in cold storage and the US was waiting for the right time to get maximum advantage out of his death.

Duff said that according to US intelligence community, Osama’s body was found by the US Special Forces in Afghanistan in 2001.Duff told the Press TV that CIA made a house at Abbottabad and kept armed bodyguards protect Osama’s clone.

Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US navy SEALs in Abbottabad on May 2."The CIA maintained a safe house at Abbottabad [where it] kept agents right next to the compound that 'bin Laden' was allegedly at," Duff said in a phone interview with Press TV's U.S. Desk on Tuesday.

"They watched bin Laden from their safe house but bin Laden, or whoever they say he was, had no security of any kind, there were no guns, no weapons, nothing," he continued

"All they had there was a CIA facility next door filled with armed people… the house next door was either a door watching a horribly unarmed and helpless Osama bin Laden or they were the security officers protecting the compound with a phony bin Laden," he said.

Duff further added that the real bin Laden died years go after having spent years in American hospitals receiving treatments for various ailments.He also dismissed as false the claims that bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. department of justice has never been able to come up with a single shred of evidence that Osama bin Laden had any involvement in 9/11," he noted.

"Osama bin Laden had been dead for a decade. Confirmations received from the highest sources in the U.S. intelligence community confirm that Osama bin Laden's body was recovered by Special Forces operating in Afghanistan in December 2001," Duff has written in his article entitled 'Was Raymond Davis CIA's Bin Laden Handler?' published on veteranstoday.com May 9.

"His body was frozen and kept in storage for a date when it would be of advantage to the United States to use it for maximum advantage," he wrote

Press TV USA Desk Reports:

Washington: World’s most deadliest terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in his Abbottabad compound in Pakistan, was not the real Osama but a clone of the al-Qaeda leader, an American editor has claimed.

Laden’s clone was working under CIA operative – Raymond Davis, Gordon Duff, Senior editor of Ohio’s magazine Veterans Today, told Press TV’s US Desk in an interview.

He went on to claim that the real Laden died years ago and that he died after being treated in US hospitals.

In an article titled 'Was Raymond Davis CIA's Bin Laden Handler?', Duff wrote that after Osama’s death, his body was kept in cold storage and the US was waiting for the right time to get maximum advantage out of his death.

Duff said that according to US intelligence community, Osama’s body was found by the US Special Forces in Afghanistan in 2001.

Duff told the Press TV that CIA made a house at Abbottabad and kept armed bodyguards protect Osama’s clone.

Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US navy SEALs in Abbottabad on May 2.

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