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'Bin Laden dead long before US raid'. Osama Died of Disease

One more consipiracy theorist here. may be planted by ISI
He lives in front of that compound, he is saying what he saw there. If he is conspiracy theorist then everybody eyewitness is so.
by Michael C. Ruppert
I am a molecular biologist and I’ve built a lucrative career in human genetics. I have run one of the world’s largest and most productive DNA genotyping facilities and now I am helping to build the global market for clinical whole human genome sequencing for the world’s largest human genome sequencing facility. I have worked with the absolute best genome scientists from the military, academia, medicine, and industry from around the world. I know DNA. And, one thing I know about DNA is that you cannot, repeat CANNOT: take a tissue sample from a shot-in-the-noggin-dead-guy in a north central Pakistan special forces op, extract the DNA, prepare the DNA for assay, test the DNA, curate the raw DNA sequence data, assemble the reads or QC the genotype, compare the tested DNA to a reference, and make a positive identity determination… all in 12 hours- let alone transport the tissue samples all the places they’d need to have gone in order to get this done.

I have personally interrogated underage criminal suspects who could lie better than White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. It has been four days since the P.T. Barnum proclamation of the death of Osama bin Laden (OBL). President Obama’s account of the firefight has had zero credibility from the outset and it continues to fray and wear thin as each day passes.

First, bin Laden was shooting. Then he wasn’t. Now, no pictures are going to be released. Ridiculous arguments on CNN, by House members stating that releasing photos would inflame and invite retaliation, flatly contradict what I suspect every grunt who ever earned a Combat Infantry Badge would say:

“Release the damn pictures. Give us some to hand out to the “indigs”. We got our man and that’s a message to anyone who would mess with us…Hoo Ah!”

However, as with 9-11, in order to fully appreciate the stupidity of the Obama Administration’s ploy it is only necessary to focus on one glaring inconsistency. With our focus on this inconsistency, demand an answer to it and bring down a house of cards that is already falling. This approach is essentially the same path I have taken with the War Game exercises that were being conducted on September 11th. The issue that follows is to focus on what to do with this inconsistency.


This also raises a fair question: Is 9-11 back on the table for me?

The answer is yes and no. Especially when “no” applies to any expectation that a competent, trustworthy court with jurisdiction would act with a budget and full approval of the U.S. Congress and the American people to actually reveal the truth and take action.

It is yes when, as you will hear below, responsible and credible academics and journalists see the direct connection between September 11,2001 and where we are today… and where we are headed as a planet.

This is because it is not possible to accurately understand or respond to Collapse without “seeing” all the criminality that led to it. Moreover, it is not possible to effectively deal with Collapse until the criminal behavior has been identified, addressed, and effectively terminated. Otherwise, the human race is left to confront Collapse as it is now; on an ad hoc basis, without any participation of sincere, honest and focused governmental bodies.

There is a massive awakening-taking place globally. However, the difference between this and what could be accomplished if governments were actively and helpfully involved is… maybe three billion human lives.

Now, back to Osama bin Laden.

Let’s start with what I consider the most-obvious proof that the Obama administration is lying. It comes from a world-class microbiologist who allowed me to use this quote on condition of anonymity. The simple proof of his accuracy is to just ask any microbiologist experienced in DNA sequencing about his statement. There are tens of thousands of them around the world.

Here is what he wrote me:

I am a molecular biologist and I’ve built a lucrative career in human genetics. I have run one of the world’s largest and most productive DNA genotyping facilities and now I am helping to build the global market for clinical whole human genome sequencing for the world’s largest human genome sequencing facility. I have worked with the absolute best genome scientists from the military, academia, medicine, and industry from around the world. I know DNA. And, one thing I know about DNA is that you cannot, repeat CANNOT: take a tissue sample from a shot-in-the-noggin-dead-guy in a north central Pakistan special forces op, extract the DNA, prepare the DNA for assay, test the DNA, curate the raw DNA sequence data, assemble the reads or QC the genotype, compare the tested DNA to a reference, and make a positive identity determination… all in 12 hours- let alone transport the tissue samples all the places they’d need to have gone in order to get this done.

Some might try to argue that ruggedized, field ready kits could test a DNA sample- which is true if one is attempting to determine the CLASS of a bacteria. It is not true if one is trying to determine the specific identity of an individual. Any way you slice it, the real work would require days, and I find it unlikely (although not impossible) that an aircraft carrier would have a laboratory outfitted for this kind of work… it is not the Starship Enterprise out there.

So, maybe they did get Osama. But there is no way they had any genetic proof of it by the time they dumped the body over the side. What is it that we are not supposed to see with all this distraction? I think the French call it “legerdemain”.

The only things necessary to prove or disprove this statement is to question anyone who is an expert on DNA identification.

Two more examples illustrate the lack of credibility enjoyed by the U.S. government. The first is from Tuesday’s (5-3-2011) World News Desk. The second is from today’s (5-5-2011).


White House backtracks on how Osama bin Laden died in US raid – Telegraph

“Claims that the al-Qaeda leader had died while firing an automatic weapon at commandos were withdrawn, with President Barack Obama’s spokesman admitting “he was unarmed”. A dramatic description of bin Laden using his wife as a “human shield” and forcing her to sacrifice her life also proved to be false. The woman was still alive and was taken into custody with several of the terrorist’s children.

In an embarrassing climb-down, Barack Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, admitted that the previous version of events — which came mostly from the chief US counter-terrorism adviser, John Brennan — had been put out “with great haste”.

The about-turn left the US open to accusations of a cover-up and led to calls for video footage of the raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and images of bin Laden’s body to be released to end conspiracy theories.”


Even the Pentagon is staying away from the White House circus. Here’s a quote from a DoD publication. The story’s title? “The Bin Laden Information Drought”.

No one is complaining that bin Laden is dead. But every time Washington has to change details about what happened, it damages its credibility on the whole story. And instead of continuing to feed the ravenous reporters clamoring for information, officials are starving them: The Pentagon today cancelled its regular briefing for the second day in a row, even as the White House refers some questions about the bin Laden story to the Defense Department.

Now I am not going to do what we found necessary to do after 9-11, by making a huge (ever-growing) list of the galaxy of inconsistencies available. I am not going to repeat the work of myself and others, like Michel Chossudovsky and Paul Thompson, on the mythological intelligence construct that was the legend of OBL. That is all meticulously documented in “Crossing the Rubicon”.

But as the world continues to ask the obvious questions and the story continues to fray, I note that the indignant refusal by Barack Obama to produce a photo is really setting off alarms. In the past, it was an essential foreign requirement to produce death photos of Josef Goebbels, Herman Goering and Saddam Hussein. No one thought that unseemly. Granted their bodies were all intact, but I should probably note that the credibility of the United States Government was – like the dollar – more intact then.

I saw a “crawl” on CNN stating that George W. Bush declined to appear at Ground Zero with President Obama for a planned extravaganza today. Even W has got enough sense to avoid that black hole. And today we see that apparently the plans for a PR extravaganza were quashed by someone telling the President to “Shut the f*** up” and keep it simple. Obama laid a wreath, shut his mouth and got the Hell out of Dodge.

The more Barack Obama beats the 9-11 drum, the more he is going to invite a slap from people and even governments around the world who understand that the 9-11 story has been a lie since before the attacks occurred.

The following interview, which I gave to a German radio station catering to intellectuals and academics, about a week before the announcement of OBL’s death, is real evidence that much of the world is waiting to pounce on 9-11 anyway, especially as the rubble threatens to bury us.

You see people will accept lies if their lives get better. As their lives get worse, they will inevitably ask questions. And as their lives disintegrate, they will start looking for both answers and suspects. That was and is the swimming pool full of gasoline that Barack Obama is lighting matches in.

If the United States of America does not immediately announce a massive drawdown in Afghanistan, the world will keep asking questions about OBL because our lives will be getting worse, not better, by the day. And every time Mr. Obama opens his mouth about 9-11, he pours more gasoline into the pool and asks for another box of matches.

It was not my choice. Barack Obama has placed 9-11 back on the table again. Mainstream media, of course, can’t say Jack Diddly about this theater of the absurd, even though they’ve been cornered into asking a few pseudo-hardball questions. They are, after all, criminally culpable for the endorsement and concealment of something they damn well knew was a lie, murder, and high treason ten years ago.
Exclusive reports and photographs acquired by the Pakistan Observer in the United States establish that the body of Osama bin Laden was transported in a coffin as seen in the accompanying night vision picture during mid-night operation.

".. and we don't need to release the photos, you'll just need to believe us, because evidence is irrelevant" ;)
As someone said is right, if you cannot believe OBL's wife, statement by your government, how do you think other evidence will change anything?
I understand if people sometime question their government, but if they do every time no proof will help change their mind. They have already decided what they think is true.
The faked passport photo wife that gave away bin ladens watermelon cure?

After reading books by both B.B. and her dad I am thinking, "A Bhutto is a Bhutto; you have to sift their words." B.B.'s formed her notions of politics at her father's knee, and these included the importance of deception, an acceptance of the primacy of the military (as long as they were successful and did not attack the Bhutto political base), and facilitating corruption for financial or prestige gains. Both Bhuttos accepted that part of their job was to provide cover for the failures and deceits of Pakistan's military and security establishment.
It is called taqqiya and it comes from the bhuttos religional base..you dont have to read thousand of books to figure that out..its not rocket science.
Same reply as post 83. You are habitual in denying everything you government accepts.
Oh No.. i got the proof! The real video! At least i have interest in what is on tele.. :P

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I understand if people sometime question their government, but if they do every time no proof will help change their mind. They have already decided what they think is true.

Yup!.. had you questioned the US govt thoroughly when 9/11 happened.. had you asked for Solid Proofs at that time.. world woudn't have been in shatters right now.. economy would not be at its all time low.. millions of people would not have suffered.. Ignorance?? At least you can correct it now..
Oh No.. i got the proof! The real video! At least i have interest in what is on tele.. :P

Good find. It looks like the watermelons have changed his ears a bit, but that's him.
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All indians should also watch this video and open their eyes. Do not choose to remain blind and brainwashed.. ......Choose the TRUTH.

here is the youtube video below with overwhelming amount of evidences: Click the link to play and turn your computer speakers all the way up..thanks

YouTube - 911 Loose Change (full-length)

The same way the USA carefully Planned the Fake Drama Of Bin Laden and successfully executed it in Abottabad, Pakistan on 2nd May 2011.

@Stingroy: Its time to wake up, this above video is not an iranian report or muslim made Documentry..
People are running after the Iranian reports as if they are the gospel truth, just because it satisfies their egos. The same media which claimed that Holocaust was all a lie and 9/11 was staged by the Americans and Jewish Zionists. :tdown:

No matter what evidence is provided some people will never belive it, they happily belive nut jobs and presstv, yet they are allowed to vote, no wonder democracy suxs.
Dear readers, is it not reality that Usama Bin Laden (UBL) recent death is a great stride forward in defeating terrorism? Dear readers, is it not fantasy to claim that UBL was not in Pakistan and that he died long ago. Dear readers, while we will never side with Al Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist organizations, we agree with their confirmation that UBL was recently killed in Pakistan. Those who favor conspiracy theory promoted by a the Iranian government over reality remain unconvinced despite the fact that his family, now in Pakistani custody, confirmed his death and identified his remains, and that DNA tests matched his post mortem remains to those of his family who shared his residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan. His presence there was confirmed by his wife, and Al Qaeda later confirmed his death and threatened revenge. To say that there is no independent confirmation of what our president announced last week is simply not supported by the facts.
In the following link the doctor who conducted postmortem DNA test confirms it was UBL remains:


Dear readers, how much credit should we give to President Mahmoud Ahmedinajad, a leader who has attempted on numerous occasions to mislead with his statements?

In the following link Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that UBL is in Washington:

The fact is that UBL, conspiracy theories aside, is dead, but our fight against Al Qaeda and violent extremists continues.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

he is being sarcastic here Einstein lmao
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A senseless discussion. Those who don't want to believe that Osama was killed in Abbottabad will never believe it no matter how many evidences are given to them. The main point is that Osama has ''officially" died in Abbottabad, now move on.
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