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Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid

Legend at it again writing long essays without any substance. He’s very clever in mixing up actual conspriacy theories with actual events that occurred.

#1. US does not want CPEC to succeed and this is why it toppled Khan setup.
FALSE: The pressure to topple Imran Khan had nothing to do with CPEC. I have no clue where you pull these weird theories from.

#2. BLA was created and funded by RAW
FALSE: Your own military touts like @Signalian and Zaid Hamid continue to propagate and say that. After arresting Kulbashan Yadav you all claimed BLA was RAW funded. I was stupid enough to believe it….now bobody believes that at all - Balochistan Liberation Army was a response to the crimes the Pakistan military has been doing in that province for decades now. Political engineering What we’ve seen with our own eyes in the past year has been happening in Balochistan for decades.

#3. TTP was created and funded by RAW
FALSE: TTP was actually created in 2006 after the US released members of the Afghan Taliban from Guantanamo. After arriving back to Pakistan and Afghanistan, they began attacking Chinese workers building a dam in Waziristan. TTP was the CIA’s asset to counter the ISI’s support for the Afghan Taliban. Operation Zarb-e-Azb destroyed the TTP and the remaining elements were brought under the ISI’s fold. This is why Ehsanullah Ehsan was allowed to escape an ISI safe house.
#4. ISIS was created by US
TRUE: ISIS wouldn’t exist had the United States not invaded and destroyed Iraq or destabilized Syria. Not very had to understand.
#5. 9/11 was inside job
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. An independent investigation should probably take place since the official story makes zero sense. For example, how does a jet fuel melt all the core columns and how do all the core columns fail at exactly the same time to cause a free fall symmetrical collapse of not one but TWO buildings + cause explosions in the basement of the WTC?

Luogo Commune’s documentary “9/11 The New Pearl Harbor” asks 12 questions in regards to the official story. No debunker has bothered to even reply to a single one of the arguments raised since this was released in 2014.

#6. US is weak and destroyed, China is poised to rule the world
It is…deal with it.

#7. Dollar has collapsed
Once the Petrodollar is not longer in existence then it will.

#8. Moon landings are fake
IRRELEVANT: This is your weird way of trying to mix in known facts with weird theories. Won’t work here. Sorry.

#9. Abbottabad raid was topi drama
TRUE: It was as Seymour Hersch has stated and the Pakistan Military was complicit in it.

#10. Good Taliban and Bad Taliban
IRRELEVANT: This is your own army position. Go cry to them.
9/11 could have been an inside job. Osama Bin Laden died of Kidney disease.

This is ambitious claim. There was a time when US welcomed immigrants from all over the world and its security environment was relaxed. I know this much from people who have lived in the US. Al-Qaeda Network found it easy to send its agents to the US under these circumstances. These people planted a bomb in World Trade Center in 1993 and got away with it.

You will find significant details in following link:

US created its Department of Homeland Security in 2003:

Eleven days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was appointed as the first Director of the Office of Homeland Security in the White House. The office oversaw and coordinated a comprehensive national strategy to safeguard the country against terrorism and respond to any future attacks.

With the passage of the Homeland Security Act by Congress in November 2002, the Department of Homeland Security formally came into being as a stand-alone, Cabinet-level department to further coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts, opening its doors on March 1, 2003.

US should have created this department after 1993.

Al-Qaeda Network was founded by a group of Mujahideen who went rogue after Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1988. Al-Qaeda Network attempted to establish its base of operations in several countries including Sudan and Saudi Arabia but these two countries banned it. Al-Qaeda Network was able to establish itself in Afghanistan by courting Afghan Taliban and influence some in Pakistan.

It is unfortunate that Pakistan did no come up with a counter to Al-Qaeda Network before 9/11.

Al-Qaeda Network assassinated Ahmad Shah Massoud when he discovered its plot to carry out attacks in other countries:

Is this not fishy?

Al-Qaeda Network is also suspected to have a hand in assassinating Benazir Bhutto in collusion with TTP:

There might be more to this incident because a Pakistani journalist who was investigating Al-Qaeda Network and the extent of its influence in the region was picked up and killed in 2011.

So much is wrong in this country.

Rumors of Osama Bin Laden dying due to kidney failure spread in 2002 but there is a difference between rumors and what is confirmed.

USA is not Weak, but China will eclipse USA economically in maybe a couple of years.

China might become the largest economy but it cannot eclipse US economy and its significance.

China is facing economic troubles in current times. This is in part due to internal factors including mistakes of the Chinese central government and in part due to tensions with the US because American companies are revisiting their global supply chains.

American economy has defied recession projections on the other hand.

Economic projections are not written in stone for any country.

I agree with some of your points, but not with all your points.

Iraq war was illegal according to United Nations and Kofi Annan.

So USA is not completely honest when dealing with other peoples and nations.

Iraq war proved this.


Unfortunately, Saddam Hussein was too harsh on his people. Iraqi defectors including politicians in exile were involved in building a case against Saddam regime and convincing Bush administration to act. This was in the backdrop of the post-9/11 security environment and impetus to pump an American administration to act with a member of Bush family at the helm. A perfect storm.

Legend at it again writing long essays without any substance. He’s very clever in mixing up actual conspriacy theories with actual events that occurred.

#1. US does not want CPEC to succeed and this is why it toppled Khan setup.
FALSE: The pressure to topple Imran Khan had nothing to do with CPEC. I have no clue where you pull these weird theories from.

#2. BLA was created and funded by RAW
FALSE: Your own military touts like @Signalian and Zaid Hamid continue to propagate and say that. After arresting Kulbashan Yadav you all claimed BLA was RAW funded. I was stupid enough to believe it….now bobody believes that at all - Balochistan Liberation Army was a response to the crimes the Pakistan military has been doing in that province for decades now. Political engineering What we’ve seen with our own eyes in the past year has been happening in Balochistan for decades.

#3. TTP was created and funded by RAW
FALSE: TTP was actually created in 2006 after the US released members of the Afghan Taliban from Guantanamo. After arriving back to Pakistan and Afghanistan, they began attacking Chinese workers building a dam in Waziristan. TTP was the CIA’s asset to counter the ISI’s support for the Afghan Taliban. Operation Zarb-e-Azb destroyed the TTP and the remaining elements were brought under the ISI’s fold. This is why Ehsanullah Ehsan was allowed to escape an ISI safe house.
#4. ISIS was created by US
TRUE: ISIS wouldn’t exist had the United States not invaded and destroyed Iraq or destabilized Syria. Not very had to understand.
#5. 9/11 was inside job
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. An independent investigation should probably take place since the official story makes zero sense. For example, how does a jet fuel melt all the core columns and how do all the core columns fail at exactly the same time to cause a free fall symmetrical collapse of not one but TWO buildings + cause explosions in the basement of the WTC?

Luogo Commune’s documentary “9/11 The New Pearl Harbor” asks 12 questions in regards to the official story. No debunker has bothered to even reply to a single one of the arguments raised since this was released in 2014.

#6. US is weak and destroyed, China is poised to rule the world
It is…deal with it.

#7. Dollar has collapsed
Once the Petrodollar is not longer in existence then it will.

#8. Moon landings are fake
IRRELEVANT: This is your weird way of trying to mix in known facts with weird theories. Won’t work here. Sorry.

#9. Abbottabad raid was topi drama
TRUE: It was as Seymour Hersch has stated and the Pakistan Military was complicit in it.

#10. Good Taliban and Bad Taliban
IRRELEVANT: This is your own army position. Go cry to them.
amrika sada yaar ehh :woot:
amrika sada yaar ehh :woot:

کنا یاری غدّاری عشقِ نامے گار ادہ
Did you see her visit to PCB? They welcomed her like a Viceroy. So embarrassing.
Did you see her visit to PCB? They welcomed her like a Viceroy. So embarrassing.
Pakistan is NOT free. its a colony of america.
Pakistan is NOT free. its a colony of america.
Correction: its a colony of China.
Pakistan is NOT free. its a colony of america.

And they are proud about it too.
And they are proud about it too.
Why are you worried? Khooni Nooni are proud of turning Pakistan into a Chinese colony.

Khan attempted to review CPEC only to face a backlash from Khooni Nooni and guess who. Khan's intent was misjudged and civilian supremacy was undermined.

This is the reality that you do not have the guts to face.
And they are proud about it too.
did you see China meeting the ECP? which cuntry's ambassador met ECP? and the latest addition from our old masters is something too!
did you see China meeting the ECP? which cuntry's ambassador met ECP? and the latest addition from our old masters is something too!

Make a mountain out of a mouse, this is what you do best.

Who called American ambassador? A good question to ask.
Who raised human rights violation claims in American centers of power? A good question to ask.

PTIians - naa idhar kay naa udhar kay

I feel sorry for the likes of you.
did you see China meeting the ECP? which cuntry's ambassador met ECP? and the latest addition from our old masters is something too!

US Ambassador asks to meet ECP - YAS SAAAR

President Alvi calls upon ECP to meet for election date - Keep quiet bloody native civilian

Glad the people see it too
US Ambassador asks to meet ECP - YAS SAAAR

President Alvi calls upon ECP to meet for election date - Keep quiet bloody native civilian

Glad the people see it too
View attachment 949169

This might the reason why the Ambassador asked to meet ECP.

Look yourself in the mirror for a change.

You are not impressing anybody with your Anti-American tirade in Pakistan. Nobody cares deep down.
US Ambassador asks to meet ECP - YAS SAAAR

President Alvi calls upon ECP to meet for election date - Keep quiet bloody native civilian

Glad the people see it too
View attachment 949169
I mean can any other ambassador meet the american election people?
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